My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2839: Stone god?

It's exciting to think about--

Following Yu Fei through a few small roads, the field of vision in front of her immediately widened. The entire Tianji Pavilion was astonishingly large as a small space, and even the roadside pavilions were all sacred source stones marked with prices.

The black sky, the stars are dotted, and there is a faint fresh wind blowing...

A lake appeared in Su Jin's eyes. On the lake, stars were shining, and a stone platform appeared clearly in the center of the lake. There was a stone **** the stone platform, like a fairy from nine days, making an elegant posture!

"That is the treasure of our Tianji Pavilion, the fairy goes down--" Concubine Yu slowly turned around and said with a smile: "Is Lord Yedi interested?"

Su Jin touched his chin...

After looking at it for a long time, Su Jin can clearly see where they are standing, from the **** source stone "Fairy Down to the Earth".

The fairy who went down to the earth was definitely not artificially carved, but a real creation of heaven and earth. Su Jin sighed in his heart. No wonder the price is so expensive, let alone buy it and cut it out, even if it is placed at home as a decoration, it is very eye-catching. Ah, when I look at it from time to time, I feel like I feel much better.

"How to sell?" Su Jin looked at Concubine Yu and asked.

"The original price was 150 million. Since it is Lord Yedi, Concubine Yu will give you a good discount. A Master Yiyedi can buy it--" Yu Fei said with a smile.

"So cheap?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

The corner of Gu Tang's cigarette mouth twitched--

Even the sacred peacock is sweating. How much does the sacred peacock cost? Although she has the ability to get more Purple Soul Coins, the cost of walking around is also very high. In the end, she only supported Su Jin, only one million.

However, in this case, Su Jin even thought that Tianji Pavilion's "Fairy Going Down" was cheap!

Is there any reason?

Concubine Yu was also taken aback when she heard this, is it cheap? She felt that Su Jin didn’t know the value of Purple Soul Coins at all. One hundred million Purple Soul Coins, the entire family of the fairy capital, is not something that can be taken out, like Lin Yuefeng’s accumulated for several years, exhausted. I was thinking of buying the God Origin Stone and I was lucky to save 100 million Purple Soul Coins.

Long Yuhao gave his thumbs up again and again, and said: "The boss is the boss. I have been here many times before, so I can only watch, the boss said it's cheap!"

"Emperor Ye, it's naturally amazing. Don't look at Lin Yuefeng's grasp of 100 million Purple Soul Coins, but he didn't dare to have any thoughts about the fairy going down--" Yu Fei said with a smile.


If a divine source stone can be cut out, it will naturally make a profit without losing money, but if it cuts out a void, or cuts out some tens of thousands of things, it is also very possible, the probability of failure Not too big.

"I'm very surprised, why are you willing to sell your town store treasure?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"No matter how precious the treasure of the town shop is, it is no more than goods. The fairy goes down to sell. Our Tianji Pavilion will soon replace it with other town shop treasures. Its reputation will not be affected much." Yu Fei points Nodded.

"I'll go take a look first." Su Jin said.

"Well, let's go together."

Concubine Yu gently waved her hand, and a pale rainbow bridge condensed, and several people were quickly taken to the center of the lake on the rainbow bridge——

Falling on the edge of the stone platform.

Gu Tangyan was faintly surprised, and had to admire the supernatural craftsmanship between heaven and earth, this ‘fairy descended to earth’ **** source stone, three feet tall!

Not to mention three feet high, the surface is gray and yellow!

The stone-colored dress, the beautiful face, and even the beautiful feet are alive. If it weren’t for knowing the situation, no one in the room would believe that this was a **** stone made from heaven and earth! It looks like a statue, but in fact there is no trace of a knife!

"I originally planned to buy it back and don't cut it first. I would hug it to sleep at night--" Su Jin said regretfully.

"Master Yedi was joking. Tianjun, the mother of ancient household appliances, is here, sleeping at night, naturally holding sister Tangyan, who is so beautiful, why don't you hold a piece of God's Origin Stone——" Yu Fei said.

Gu Tangyan's face was reddened, but she had never shown a good face in front of Su Jin, so she turned her head and snorted softly.

Su Jin smiled lightly, shook his head, and stretched out his fingers to touch the stone of "Fairy Going Down to the Earth".

Long Yuhao took it very seriously. Su Jin was in his eyes, but he was a master of knowledge that no one could match. Any small move might benefit him infinitely.

The scene suddenly fell silent--

Everyone was staring at Su Jin, no one dared to underestimate this guy's source-knowledge!

Su Jin's expression became more and more serious.

what happened?

Su Jin frowned slightly, his fingers gushing out of his primordial spirit, but he couldn't penetrate the stone at all. Of course, this is normal. After all, if this is possible, others will not know it. What makes him strange is himself. Looking with divine eyes, it is still a stone!

How could it be so simple for a fairy with a price of 150 million and a discount of 100 million?

Su Jin didn't think that his eyes would deceive him. He had three pupils superimposed, and even the "Wang Nan Dao Zang Sutra" opened up the Dao Zang Zi Mansion on the **** pupil. With many blessings, the Fire Eye Jin Jing was blessed by a geometric multiple!

Some regrets-

Su Jin looked at it several times and studied it carefully. When she put away her pupils, when she looked at Concubine Yu again, she found a slight tension on her face.

"The fairy went down to the earth, it's a bit exaggerated." Su Jin touched the fairy stone skirt, said with gray on his four fingers.

"What does Master Ye Di mean by saying this——" Concubine Yu pretended to be calm, but she sighed in her heart. This Ye Di is really amazing.

"This fairy went down to the earth and was damaged. Under the index finger of the top right hand, what am I right?" Su Jin smiled lightly and looked back at Concubine Yu and asked.

Damaged? !

Long Yuhao and Gu Tangyan were all stunned. There was no news at all. A few people looked carefully. Although they were ten meters high, whoever had a bad eyesight! But despite this, I didn’t see any traces of restoration--

Concubine Yu fell into silence.

Seeing her look like this, Long Yuhao didn't know the result anymore, it was too stupid, and immediately yelled: "Tianji Pavilion does business like this? It spreads out, do you want to do business?"

"Young Shao Long, can't you just keep it quiet?" Yu Fei sighed.

"Why be quiet? My boss still wants to cut a fairy and go back to warm the bed. You, the famous treasure of the town shop is actually a broken product?" Long Yuhao is also a master who is not afraid of things, and said angrily.

"Ye Di make a price, you can sell it, and that finger has indeed broken--" Concubine Yu panicked.

"After the stone finger is broken, is there blood and bones in it?" Su Jin asked.

"No." Yu Fei shook her head, "It's not worth the price if there is--"

"Haha, this kind of human-shaped source stone is inherently alive, and the most precious is nothing more than the Tianhuashiren, who became a stone god, with broken fingers and no bones, not even blood. You are so bold in Tianji Pavilion, this one. Do you dare to sell the stone for 150 million?" Su Jin sneered.

"How much does Ye Di want to buy?" Yu Fei raised her head and asked Su Jin.

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