My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2842: Storm is coming again!

If it were to fight, Su Jin would probably be overwhelmed by himself, how could he still take care of this heavenly Jige Yufei?

But since Concubine Yu dared to come, she should have the power to protect herself?

Long Yuhao smiled bitterly, Su Jin's deterrent power to him was still quite large.

A long rainbow--

More and more people are staying outside the'Great Desolate Gorge'. Although the environment here is not bad, the initial threat is those void whirlpools. For example, if people walk on a desolate land and walk against the ground, some land will change. Form, turned into a dangerous place to devour people.

"The message from the ancestors is that outside the Fawang God's Cave, there is an exquisite ancient pagoda, but there are eighteen ancient corpses that are very troublesome, and no one dares to approach it yet!" Someone had red eyes and a greedy face.

"The God Cave of the Fawang is simply a treasure! It is rumored that in the ancient times, the gods such as the'metering ruler' were lost. Our sect, even if we win any of them, will be enough to revitalize the sect and the glory of the ancestor!"

"We are local-born monks. We are afraid that many mighty powers who have gone through the tests of the heavens will come during this trip. Divine treasures are hard to seize. We can only rely on luck!"

"In addition, the city lord of Yenantian in the fairy capital, the ten major city lords will gather here, what happened in the depths of the Great Desolate Gorge? It actually allowed the Faking God Cave to be born——"


There was a sound of discussion, and it came from time to time, but those weird void vortexes stopped everyone outside, and no one dared to step in for the time being!

Unprecedented excitement!

The Holy Color Peacock seems to be aware at this moment!

The golden light instantly attracted everyone's attention!

Someone finally stepped into the Great Desolate Gorge. On that ground, there was actually a Gu Tuo holding a Buddhist staff. Gu Tuo was not tall, had a bare head, a long white beard, and was very thin! Wearing a dazzling Buddha robes, he can even ignore those void whirlpools——

"The barefoot Kutuo of bliss!" Shengcai Peacock's face changed slightly.


Above everyone’s heads, dark clouds gathered, as if the wind and clouds from all directions were squeezing crazily. In an instant, gusts of wind and rain poured down, silver thunder and lightning, like silver snakes swallowing the sky, turning this area into a dark sky. .

There is a faintly beautiful singing voice, heard by everyone, including Su Jin! The voice is charming, although I don’t understand what’s singing, everyone seems to enjoy it--

"North Sea Whales!" Gu Tangyan also took a deep breath.

The torrential rain continued to beat down, and a faint sea vision appeared in the distance. Among them, there were beauties swimming along the waves, riding whales and dolphins, and a team of hundreds of people also rushed into the Great Wild Gorge!

Boom boom boom!

About ten miles away from Su Jin, a circular virtual disk appeared in the Great Desolate Gorge. The disk was shining blue, but when the rumbling sound appeared, there seemed to be a circular meteorite falling above the sky, smashing it hard. On that imaginary blue road plate!

The dust rises, the void trembles! It turned out to be a giant with a golden fire pattern on his body, carrying a giant axe, looking hideous, and walking directly to the depths of the Great Desolate Gorge!

"King Panaxe!" Some people didn't know whether it was sweat or raindrops on their faces. When they saw the king Panaxe appeared, some people were scared to face. This powerful combat force has once smashed through the heavens with three axes and stepped into it. The heavens, make a fierce name!

"How could this great power come--" Many people turned pale and secretly communicated with their companions.

From time to time, terrible power comes.

Su Jin's three pupils and three colors, trying to look deeper, he didn't see the trace of the snake shadow, but he saw something interesting.

A forty-five-story ancient pagoda is surrounded by 18 living corpses of ancient roads. On the top of the ancient pagoda, a little girl is sitting, looking at the appearance of about six or seven years old, shaking her legs and eating With... fruit?


The screams awakened the Su Jin people. At this moment, a few youths with swords back walked into the Great Desolate Gorge. They had just walked a dozen steps, and they were instantly swallowed by the distortions on the ground. The death of each youth was terrifying. It seemed to have been ground into mud, blood splashed around, and finally disappeared in everyone's eyes!

Su Jin closed his eyes vertically, and the color of his eyes returned to normal. He turned his head and glanced at the Holy Color Peacock.

"Why are you looking at me?" Sheng Cai Peacock said with a smile.

"Long Yuhao, the three of you are taken by Shengcai Peacock, everything is up to her orders, there is no resistance, have you heard?" Su Jin said to the three of Long Yuhao.

"The slave family relies on Sister Shengcai's orders--" Concubine Yu was the first to express her position.

Gu Tangyan and Long Yuhao also nodded, the sacred peacock had nothing to do, so they had to shake it slightly to reveal the demon body and turn on the tail screen! At that moment, the three of them were taken directly into Yu's eyes.

Concubine Yu is a little bit stunned, she is still a powerful sacred peacock. I heard that she has an eternal and invincible state. No one can kill her, and there is no one person or family in the world who will provoke an unkillable strong man——

"Boss, aren't you with us?" Long Yuhao's voice reached Su Jin's ears.

Su Jin did not respond. He did not choose to let Sheng Cai Peacock take him into Feather Eye, so naturally he had a plan--

No less than 50 million monks gathered in the entire periphery of the Great Huangxia Gorge in a short time! Moreover, the number of people has exploded at several times, and there are screams from time to time. This Great Desolate Gorge is simply a nightmare for ordinary monks!

"Let's go -" Su Jin said to Shengcai Peacock.

Shengcai Peacock turned gracefully, and flew into the Great Desolate Gorge with a sound of exclamation! Very dexterous and fluttering gestures, avoiding one after another whirlpool, even if it is stained with part, it did not cause any harm to her!

at this time!

A pair of eyes on the scene, sigh, focused on Su Jin!

Su Jin even dared to walk into the Great Desolate Gorge despite the sudden death of so many young monks. When many people looked at him, they all looked sympathetic.

Stepping firmly on the ground of the Great Desolate Gorge, Su Jin began to walk in. He was walking in an unobtrusive way, but now every step he takes will affect the hearts of most people!

"Did off! He avoided the third vortex that condensed on the ground! Those vortices can change the earth, and you will die if you are entangled!" someone said coldly.

"Why did the sacred peacock just get caught in the whirlpool and not be drawn into it?"

"Holy Color Peacock is different. Although she has average combat power, who can kill her in terms of survival? That invincible state can assimilate the void, go wherever you think, and all kinds of magic can not keep her!"

"This kid is really courageous, but he's almost done--"


There was another exclamation!

There seemed to be a faint suction coming from the ground, and Su Jin felt like he was out of control!

At that moment, Su Jin watched the vortex forming under his feet, and he was still in the center!

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