My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2845: Xiaolinglong


Su Jin roared in his heart, almost unable to control himself, took a fierce step, and disappeared directly in front of Gu Tangyan. Shengcai Peacock wanted to catch him, but fell empty and couldn't catch him at all!

Shengcai Peacock knows Su Jin's purpose!

What exquisite ancient pagoda, what God cave, these are not within Su Jin's consideration! What he cares most about is the stone snake, and there is a pagoda on the head of the stone snake, and his mother is probably in the pagoda!

"Master Shengcai! Why didn't you stop him?" Concubine Yu was shocked and asked quickly.

"Yeah, what's wrong with the boss? Why do you suddenly rush over like crazy?" Long Yuhao was also taken aback and exclaimed.

There was a trace of concern in Gu Tangyan's eyes, and this trace of worrying eyes, I am afraid that Su Jin knew it was a little weird, after all, the relationship between the two is not very good.

Sheng Cai Peacock sighed heavily, but did not explain the truth, and said: "Fate, this is fate—"

"What do you mean?" Concubine Yu didn't understand.

Gu Tang smoked faintly guessed something. Yesterday Su Jinluo was not in front of the ancient house. When she asked her father to investigate the stone snake stupa, she felt unusual. Now the stone snake shadow seems to be manifested. How can Su Is Kim crazy?

"I hope he can live. This exquisite ancient pagoda flew out of the God's Cave of the King. It must be the test of the first level, and the stone snake seems to be in the depths of the God's Cave of the King. It is very difficult," Sheng Cai Peacock said.

Concubine Yu was short of breath and asked: "Then what shall we do?"

"Let's take a look first, you won't be able to help. There are many Star Nirvana powerhouses here, and any of them can wave and kill you. Don't act rashly for the time being." Shengcai Peacock said.

Su Jin's impulse has surprised many secretly strong people!

"How did this Fanxiu get in? He is full of vulgar aura, and he hasn't been tested by the heavens at all, and he doesn't have a bath in the gods!" In the black leaf forest, there is a strong man who wants to profit from the fisherman, quietly communicating.

"I don't know, this can come in? And I read it right? It's just a god?"

"No need to pay too much attention, King Panaxe hasn't done anything yet. Such a person is enough to cause headaches. If Fanxiu wants to be the first to die, let him die."

"It's a miracle to be able to come in. The key is that he can walk into the Great Desolate Gorge as a Fan Xiu, it's weird!"

"Just now I was outside the Great Desolate Gorge and saw him walking on foot. Those devil vortexes did not affect him at all. This Fan Xiu is not easy!"

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"


Su Jin seemed to be like a divine rainbow, and he wanted to rush over, but after he touched it, a strange Dao scar wall began to manifest! He was directly blocked out!


Su Jin calmed down, looking at the little **** the Linglong ancient pagoda who was gnawing on the fairy fruit, his face became serious.

"Up--" The little girl raised her pink fist gently, and the eighteen ancient corpses raised their heads directly, their eyes were green, and they looked at Master Su!

Bang bang bang!

The flickering sounds of the eighteen ancient Taoist corpses all produced a sonic boom, and the thirty-six black bone arms swayed gently, and the black air chain locks rushed!

Su Jin squinted his eyes and squeezed his fists lightly. The breath of his body was soaring! Two black and red yin and yang fish gradually swirled together, surrounding him, and deeply blocking the circle of eighteen black air chain locks!


The little **** Linglong's ancient pagoda suddenly exclaimed, and shouted again and again: "Big brother, if you can knock them all down, little Linglong's test will be over!"

The scene was extremely mysterious, and even the barefoot Kutuo and Sanxu Zhenren looked over, and were frightened to death, especially when they saw that Su Jin was only in the realm of human and **** level, it felt weird.

Su Jin's eyes flashed, he felt that it would not be so easy——

Sure enough, Su Jin stomped lightly, the whole person jumped up, and when he slammed his fist fiercely at an ancient corpse, the scene that followed made him stunned.


Su Jin knew how tyrannical he was with this punch, but when he hit the corpse of the ancient Dao, he only shot it flying! Although the body is penetrated, it does not affect the opponent's combat power!

"Sen... Luo... Dao!" Su Jin's momentum soared, and when he roared, the Nine Palaces Bagua Dao Formation appeared at his feet, and the surrounding void was trembling and collapsing! The distortion is much faster than before!

The surroundings seem to have turned into a blue ink world! Strips of blue ink brilliance, reaching into the earth, as eye-catching as terrible thunder and lightning!

Su Jin's figure trembled slightly, and immediately around the eighteen ancient corpses, a void collapse formed, and the distortion confined all the ancient corpses in it!

"Sword! Body! Dao!" Su Jin burst out again.

A trace of swordsman's artistic conception fluttered from around him, and there were faint visions in the void, appearing!

Who buried the sword, who whimpered in the dark corner——

Who has thrown himself into the sword furnace, cast with blood and soul, the sword is crying, or the person is crying!

The vision displayed on the Avenue of the Sword God is simply obsessive to people. Some people dig their swords and cry bitterly, while others wipe them every day. Every moment of the vision seems to be deeply imprinted in their minds.

Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng -

In the black leaf forest, there is a hidden power, and he is firmly holding the Excalibur behind his back, the scabbard is shaking, and the Excalibur is showing its edge!


At that moment, at least five or six mighty cries of pain were heard. The divine sword that he had fed blood couldn't comfort him. He cut the palm of his hand on the sword in an instant, and the divine blood fell on the ground!

Whoosh whoosh——

The swords are like a school of fish, slowly rotating in the void above the exquisite ancient tower, more and more! more and more!

Gu Tangyan and Concubine Yu are already watching!

"Qihuang Jianwei!" Su Jin raised his hands high, and gently grabbed the sky above the sky, the dazzling golden light appeared with an incomparably noble aura, the golden light was too strong, so strong that it was difficult to open your eyes and couldn't look at it. !

In an instant, Su Jin held the hilt of the sword and turned fiercely in place, the sword turned into a golden arc, sweeping towards the eighteen ancient corpses!

Eighteen corpses were swept away by Qi Huang Jianwei!

Su Jin didn't notice many dull eyes at all. He dissipated the power of the Sword God Avenue, and the divine sword above returned to the Lord. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the little girl named'Xiao Linglong' He smiled and said, "Big brother, this is indestructible--"


Doesn't this work?

Su Jin looked intently, and the eighteen flying corpses were floating in the void. Although they did not return to the headless corpse, it was clear that the battle was not over!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Eighteen headless ancient Taoist corpses, the severed necks, began to spew stinking black blood, those splashed black blood beads, melted into the air, turned into black smoke, and the ground was covered. Corrosion quickly!

Su Jin's complexion changed, his Senluo Dao and Jian Ti Dao were hardly effective. No wonder that barefoot Kutuo and Sanxu Zhenren did not act rashly. He could not solve these 18 ancient Dao corpses alone!

"Trouble." Sheng Cai Peacock was a little heavy, "This level of Dao corpse is simply difficult to be cut to death. I guess even if it is blasted into ashes, it may be able to condense and form. It is not ordinary difficult to deal with."

"Then what to do?" Yu Fei asked.

"There is a way." Gu Tangyan said slowly.

"What way?" Long Yuhao became curious.

Shengcai Peacock glanced at Gu Tangyan, and said for her: "Taling who killed the exquisite ancient tower, that is, the little girl, should be able to pass this level—"

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