My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2851: Fall crisis

Su Jin is the king of ghosts?

City Lord Jiuyitian, his face was a little numb, the white tombstones were extremely terrifying, and the secret like the King of Ghosts, this famous Death Whisperer could not lie!

Song Tianao tilted his head and looked at his left and right arms. He remembered everything, even how Su Jin killed him just now—

When he raised his head~~~

"Ah!" Princess Feng Qiao screamed immediately!

Song Tianao's eyes turned out to be white, and dense blue veins appeared on his face. The strange power was fusing with him. Where he stood, the void was shattering on the edge of his body——

"He was killed by Death Whisperer, and now he is not your Senior Brother Tianao." Jiuyitian City Lord's face was chilled. Just now he thought Song Tianao had the best chance of winning. Now it seems that he still underestimated Su Jin, and the current situation The situation is extremely grim!

It is rumored that Death Whisperers will live, and nothing will happen! Especially bloodthirsty and extremely cruel!

"Junior Sister~~~" Song Tianao touched his face and could feel the veins bursting out of the skin. When he looked at Princess Feng Qiao and spoke, even he felt the voice. strange!

The voice is a bit thick and deep, like a seven-pointed man and three-pointed mother, which is simply unbearable!

"You are not my brother! You are not..." Princess Feng Qiao was terrified, her face was not ruddy, white.

"It's all him! It's all caused by him!" Song Tianao pointed at Su Jin, grinning, it turned out to be black teeth, "Senior brother cut him, and then he can return to normal, junior sister wait for me~~"

City Lord Jiuyitian looked solemn, and quietly lowered his voice: "Go!"

Rolling up his daughter Fengqiao, the city lord of Jiuyitian led people back to the temple, the whole temple floated slowly, and left the center of the battlefield——

Su Jin felt heavy.

Is even the Lord of Heaven so jealous?

When encountering in the Black Leaf Forest, the Death Whisperer said that he had killed the Ghost King. Although the true or false is unknown, the ghost king body may not be him at that time, but it is obvious that the Death Whisperer is extremely powerful!

With a loud rumble, every white tombstone began to rise, sealing this part of the void! It seems that Su Jin has been killed!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

On any white tombstone, the black writing in vertical lines floated out, and Song Tianao raised his hands with a grinning grin, his whole body's strength increased so many times! He swears that he has never been so strong!

"Xingniu, is this the power of Xingniu?" Song Tianao roared inwardly.

Scenes of terrible scenes, every one of the spectators is unpredictable, and there are some great abilities, including barefoot Kutuo, are observing in secret.

Shengcai Peacock and others looked in their eyes, anxious to their hearts——

This kind of thing still happened!

"What the **** is Death Whisperer?" Long Yuhao couldn't help asking, scratching his hair anxiously.

"Resurrected from the dead, it is not a human being, but a true grieving god. Didn't you see that even the city lord of Jiuyitian has gone? It is simply unlucky to encounter this kind of existence." Shengcai Peacock said lightly .

"What will Master Ye Di? If he is a ghost king, he should be able to contend, right?" Yu Fei hurriedly asked.

"How to contend? Yedi is the strongest in Fire God Dao. This Ghost King Dao is still weak. No one can help him now, even Ye Nantian can't stop him."

Sheng Cai Peacock sighed and said, "Actually, the person Dead Whisperer wants to kill most is me, but I will never be killed by him—"

Long Yuhao was quite helpless, and he was a character of the bull-breaking.

Concubine Yu and the others, not to mention the tens of millions of monks around them, the discussion was upset! Just those white tombstones that are comparable to sacred mountains can discourage them!

Su Jin has a good habit. The more critical he is, the calmer his heart will be...

"Should I call you Death Whisperer or Song Tianao?" Su Jin asked lightly.

Song Tianao was still immersed in his terrifying power. Hearing Su Jin's words, he was suddenly shocked, holding his headache and crying: "You come out of my head, come out--"

Don't want to die!

Don't want people or ghosts or ghosts!

"Stupid boy, I will only make you stronger, kill and sacrifice to the ghost king, you will be even stronger, Linglong ancient pagoda, Dharma King Temple, and Princess Fengqiao are all yours~~~" Death Whisperer Song Tianao's voice echoed in Song Tianao's mind.

"It's all mine, mine!" Song Tianao's white eyes were full of madness, and black inscriptions floated from the white tombstone. He was so strong that he couldn't help screaming, and finally fixed his eyes to look at Su Jin. Body!

Su Jin sneered, and stretched out his hand in a gesture of letting go of the horse——

Song Tian proudly roared, his hands living in the void all set off pieces of void fragments, the whole person disappeared in a flash, and he appeared in Su Jin's right hand with a smile!


When Su Jin didn't turn on the **** pupil, Song Tianao couldn't even see the afterimage, as if he wanted to appear in any position he wanted!

Prison Eye of Maha Town!

Fiery eyes!

Great wisdom Buddha pupil!

Su Jin’s double pupils and vertical eyes were each filled with one color, these three pupils made the audience exclaim in unison——

"Ye Di! You never want to take away my princess! I want to completely destroy! Destroy you!" Song Tianao rushed!

Su Jin bends his knees slightly, his right leg is hard, and the whole person rushes forward in a refreshing and capable manner, and the two rainbow lights collided in time!

Bang bang bang--

In just one breath, the two blasted ten punches! Su Jin's right fist was full of blood, and after Song Tianao became one with Death Whisperer, he was strong to another level!

"Ye Di is far from an opponent." Gu Tangyan couldn't help saying.

"There is no way, unless he can defeat Death Whisperer, it will be of no avail!" Shengcai Peacock said.

"Big brother must not die, I still want him to take me into the Fawang Divine Cave." Long Yuhao was extremely nervous while watching the battle.


Su Jin was stunned!

Opening his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted, and finally hit a white tombstone like a mountain, and fell to the ground——

"Ye Di! How fragile are you in front of me? Even if you still want to get involved with the princess, I will send you to the west now~~~" Song Tianao grinned, his black teeth looked very disgusting, neither was he Urgent, walked towards Su Jin step by step.

Su Jin severely wiped the blood from his lips. What he was facing now was actually two. After all, the Death Whisperer also leaned over Song Tianao. I have to say that the Death Whisperer's strength is really terrifying!

Can't die! I must not die!

Su Jin was thinking of countermeasures quickly in his mind. This is the most likely time he will meet his mother, and he must not fall away outside the cave!

Those who watched the battle were all looking sympathetically. After all, it was a great misfortune to be selected by Death Whisperers!

No one thinks this is a battle of equal power. Su Jin and Death Whisperer Song Tianao are no longer at the same level!

Song Tianao smiled grimly, walked in front of Su Jin and stretched out his right hand with half a nail...

Grasp it vigorously-

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