My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2856: Stone beauty


Under the full attack of the two star nirvana powerhouses, Su Jin was knocked into the air! But in a blink of an eye, the guillotine gradually turned into a state of vain quality, and Su Jin also seemed to be submerged in the black ghost, gradually disappearing.

True person Sanxu collected the dust and said with annoyance: "This ghost king is so cunning, and he escaped directly into the God's Cave of the King of the Fa! What did his body do? My blow could only hurt him seriously, and it was completely impossible. Destroy him!"

Annoyance, unwillingness, and various emotions are breeding in the heart of Sanxu Zhenren. Unless the ghost king is completely eliminated, it will still be the biggest threat to them!

Feng Shitian stood still, "Don't worry, the ghost king has been seriously injured, and his strength has been greatly weakened. He can't escape in the God's Cave of the King."

"Into the cave -" Death Whisperer Song Tianao said coldly, glanced at the two of them with two white eyes, and then turned into afterimages, chasing into the God Cave of the King of Fa.

"Dear friends, the ghost king has been severely injured by me. If you encounter it in the cave, cutting off the ghost king is a great achievement!" The voice of the real person Sanxu spread everywhere.

After the sound transmission, he and Feng Shitian blasted through a barrier and broke into the cave of the King of God——

The breeze was cool, the ghost image gradually dispersed, and the barefoot Kutuo's body on the ground was slowly surrounded by more than a dozen monks in monk robes, collecting the body for him.

God Cave

There are stone gates everywhere on the surface. I don’t know how many holes and passages there are in the entire **** cave. The city lord of Jiuyitian glanced at his daughter Feng Qiao, "Follow me, I’m afraid that the ghost king now has lost his mind and is no longer Yedi, I hope not to encounter it."

"Daddy, haven't you been injured?" Princess Feng Qiao couldn't help but said.

"The two Star Nirvana powerhouses made a full blow without killing him. There is so much mystery in the God Cave of the Fa King. If he finds a way to recover, whoever encounters it will have a headache." The Lord of Heaven shook his head.

"I hope he died in the divine cave--" Princess Feng Qiao hummed.


Hu Hu Hu-

Su Jin was panting and could clearly hear his breathing. He shook his head and tried to make his vision clearer. The surrounding passages seemed to be swaying. His injury was too serious.

"Why does this king run into this! There are many strong stars here, this king should have left the Great Desolate Gorge!" Su Jin's **** appearance, he didn't feel the pain at all, but the constant weakness that made him feel Quite dissatisfied.

I don't know how long I have been walking, I don't know how far I am in the cave. The passages extending in all directions seemed endless. Su Jin chose a more secret place to sit down——

A trace of black cyclone came out, he wants to recover!

Although it is difficult to heal for the time being, the blow of the real person Sanxu will not kill him!

Time gradually passed.

After a quarter of an hour, Su Jin opened his eyes. After stopping the worsening injury, he turned into a black red light and continued to rush toward the depths.

It looks like black iron tree vines, covering the walls of the passage. Some tree vines have spikes and very few leaves, but each leaf is like a steel knife, very sharp ~~

Soon, Su Jin saw a piece of white mist floating from several passages. Without thinking about it, Su Jin walked over.

The space here is countless times larger than those passages. I don’t even see the edge from a distance. In the black environment, I can see the thick white mist floating. When Su Jin walked in, he could step on the ground under his feet— —

The fog is higher than the waist!

Su Jin glanced back. On the black wall, there are faintly carved pieces of amazing reliefs. Each relief is majestic and has a feeling of vastness. He doesn't know where this is in the God's Cave of the Fa King——

At a loss, Su Jin saw the five-color light faintly in the distance, but the range was relatively small, so he had to choose to move forward!

A pill furnace was growing on the ground, and the white mist only passed the round belly of the pill furnace. The pill furnace had a cover and had several holes, and the five-color light escaped from the holes.

Su Jin returned to his senses and glanced around.

Two seats.

Five seats.

Fifteen seats.

Su Jin held the lid of the pill furnace with both hands fiercely, and the result was very shocking to him. The lid seemed to have incomparable suction power and couldn't be lifted at all!


The pill furnace was slapped fiercely by him, and the pill furnace was not shaken at all!

what's the situation! Su Jin rushed to the top of the pill furnace and looked into the hole under the body where the color escaped. He saw seven divine pill of different colors floating in the furnace.

It is a pity that the pill furnace cannot be opened. Otherwise, if all the **** pills nearby are taken, Su Jin's injury will be perfectly healed. He will no longer do useless work, and continue to walk north of the pill furnace——

After half a stick of incense, white mist lingers, as if it is the only life here...

Su Jin finally saw a huge phantom in the white mist in the distance. He stepped on the air at the same time, and he was submerged in the water. Gradually, he felt a stone path under his feet, and he was stepping up directly from the water. go.


Where is this stone road!

It is clearly the legs of a stone man!

A little pink fluorescence lit up in the mist, and the lotus lanterns blossomed, embellishing the surroundings as if they were a fairyland. Su Jin walked up from the stone man's leg and looked at the stone man in front of him, his face suddenly speechless.

It should be called Shimei, right!

This stone man presents the posture of a beauty in bathing. If he is not too big, as large as several hundred feet, he would mistakenly think that he is a real person. The stone beauty is in the state of bathing on her side, with her neck and shoulders exposed. On the water.

Shi Meiren is very beautiful, there is a stone hairpin in her sculpted hair, but the stone hairpin has broken a gap, which makes people feel a little regretful. Su Jin is soaked and standing on Shi Meiren's head——


More than a dozen arc-shaped pillars appeared, and there was a basin of flames that burned brightly on it, and a slight pungent smell came. Su Jin instantly understood that the burning in those basins was all corpse oil!

"Go back."

Above the two pillars in the center, three characters appeared, and one of the holes gradually lit up, and Su Jin looked speechless.

On the third pillar on Su Jin's right hand, vines entangled up, and an antique stone box floated up, emitting a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Regret medicine--"

Su Jin's mind was blank. He only knew that he was the King of Ghosts, and the so-called regret medicine and turning back, he knew that it was impossible to do it literally.

The world has no turning back! No regret medicine to sell! Who on earth designed such a brain-dead thing here?

Su Jin raised his hand, lightly grabbed the ‘regret medicine’, grabbed it directly, turned it over and put it in the bone ring. He was weak and he had never wanted to sleep like this--

Especially when he was injured, Su Jin was lying on Shi Meiren’s face, and from time to time he glanced at the ‘turning back’, thinking about it or not going in?

If you walk in, what will happen?

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