My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2859: One finger collapsed



Su Jin admits that there is a gap between himself and King Panaxe, the other party has arrogant capital! But he has been more than a ghost king for many generations, when he was the strongest, this axe king was like an ant!

"Ah!" Su Jin's three dark pupils suddenly swallowed black light, and the void behind it seemed to be exploded, a huge vertical wheel pierced through the clouds!

The huge wheel on his back is black--

There is only a little bit of blue, but those blues have a faint feeling of being transformed by the power of the ghost king! The black wheel of heaven!

"Tian Mi's breath!" King Panaxe's eyes lit up, "It's not bad, it looks like a strong man. You seem to have three kinds of Tian Mi! They are Wu Zi Mi, Dou Zi Mi, and Zhe Tian Mi!"

This, what, strong? !

It can be distinguished from the sky secret breath alone!

The faces of the Lord of the Sunset and the others are very ugly. The meaning of King Panaxe's words is clearly insinuating, saying that they are all rubbish. After all, in the eyes of King Panaxe, Su Jin's previous performance is not a strong one!

And the other eight people, just one, who can compete with the ghost king Su Jin? Doesn't that mean they are weak?

Faintly, Su Jin's three pupils began to show three colors. Under the blessing of Dou Zi Mi, the ghost king figure was expanding crazily. The Fuxi Dao pattern on it became more and more bright, and the black sky secret wheel behind him, rotating speed Speeded up three times!


Su Jin only felt that the power of his ghost king had reached its limit! But this Axe doesn't seem to be very satisfied! This is the most angry!

"Reluctantly, it seems to be able to withstand my axe!" The King Panax raised his left foot and stepped heavily on the void!

A ring of violent red-gold divine light spread into an arc shape, and a whirlpool seemed to be formed behind King Panaxe, madly drawing magical power for him!

Su Jin took a deep breath in his heart and suddenly roared, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze!

King Panaxe shook his body, as if turned into a light, jumped directly from the sky, the battle axe in his hand seemed to be surrounded by terrifying golden dragons!

At that moment, Su Jin's skin stabbed, as if there was a feeling that he was about to be sacrificed alive. What kind of power was this? At least he has never encountered it!


The picture of the ghost king, the wheel of the black sky secret, was directly smashed by the axe cut by the king of panaxe, and Su Jin directly flew out without suspense! His Dao Soul felt like being shaken out of his body!

After coughing for several mouthfuls of blood, Su Jin couldn't believe it! I just received an axe and I was seriously injured!

Almost subconsciously, Su Jin grabbed the Donghuang Bell at his waist and threw it fiercely!


With a cry of a bird, the ten red suns suddenly appeared in the distant black sky!

"Dari Jinwu? The real Eastern Emperor Bell!" King Panaxe was only slightly surprised--

"Not good!" The Lord of the Sunset and the others cried out strangely in unison.

In the vast lava giant pit, the statues on the eight stone platforms turned out to be like organs, facing ten red suns, the extinguishing fire in the giant crater was glowing with purple light, and began to surge up along with the lava!

Ye Nantian's face was pale--

Is this a certain number in the dark? The night emperor threw out the Eastern Emperor Bell, triggering an abnormal movement that extinguished the fire!

"The catastrophe of our several **** cities is coming! Once this extinguished **** fire spews out of deep space, every city will fall from the sky, and the flames will fall like thunder, devouring us and the gods!"

"Stop! Stop the East Emperor Bell, and quickly slay the ghost king to stop the catastrophe!" The stubborn old man continued to calculate, as if he saw the illusion of the fire of the gods one after another.

"Ye Nantian! Isn't he going to die your nephew? Hurry up and stop him!" The Lord of the Setting Sun roared with red eyes.

Shaking his head, Ye Nantian was powerless at all. Who else does Su Jin know now?

If he doesn't break through, Su Jin can still remember his goodness. After all, he has helped, but now, everything seems to be powerless and cannot be stopped at all!

King Panaxe's face became cold and stern, and he started to shake the giant axe with one hand, and the whole person began to spin——


The other eight people immediately looked at King Panaxe, but they had forgotten that if anyone could kill the King of Ghosts now, he would definitely be King Panaxe!

"No problem! This blow, his ghost king simply can't take it!" The Lord of the Sunset slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Jin looked at the stupa that was emitting a faint light on top of the stone snake's head. There seemed to be a few pictures flashing in his mind. As if he had lost his soul, he muttered to himself: "Mother...Mother..."

"Ghost King! Death!" The King Panaxe swung up countless circles of the giant axe, as if time and space had stopped, and appeared not far in front of Su Jin. The giant axe slowly smashed towards him, unable to dodge...


The suffocating scene appeared in the eyes of the eight star nirvana powerhouses watching the battle...


A stone finger protruded out of the void behind Su Jin without warning. The stone finger surrounded the mysterious magic accumulation, and it flicked directly on the axe blade of the giant axe!

King Panaxe's face changed drastically, and his whole person was shocked a hundred meters away! Look at the axe blade of his **** axe... there is a gap and a long crack on it!

Su Jin had already given up, opened his eyes in shock, and immediately became stupid.

There has never been anything that shocked Su Jin so much!

Stone, stone beauty?


The pool of water healed Su Jin’s injury and helped him open the passage leading to this place, turned out to be... Shi Meiren——

"So shy~~" Shi Meiren seems to have been inactive for a long time, she is huge, walking next to Su Jin, just like a mountain, her voice is still very sweet?

Ashamed! Su Jin really wanted to say this, isn't it because she was in a hurry at the time, standing on her face and her face~~

What kind of.

King Panaxe's face flushed, who is this? I have never seen or heard of it! Better than him...!

"Who are you! Why stop me from killing the King of Ghosts!" King Panaxe is about to die of pain. His magic axe is of infinite value. I don't know how many years he has been with him, and it is almost destroyed now!

The other eight people who watched the battle were all dumb! King Panaxe had already made them look up to his strength, this beautiful stone man actually broke the king's **** axe with one finger! And also shook the other side back, not moving at all!

It's weird--

"He blasphemed me, he wants to kill, it is not your turn~" Shi Meiren raised her head slightly, obviously disdainful of the fierce power of King Panaxe.

"There is old." Su Jin's face was calm, and when he heard the word "blasphemy", he felt a little unhappy, so he had to correct one sentence. After all, "there is old", it sounded much easier.

Shi Meiren chuckled twice, fingers as if she was picking the moon, holding the ghost king godhead in his hand, and the strands of magic enchantments were like silk threads, gradually sealing the godhead, and finally the voice seemed to be full of supreme charm, to Su Jin said : "I will help you suppress the ghost king body, you wake up soon~~"

Su Jin's mind was dizzy, and the ghost aura seemed to disappear with Shi Meiren's seal——

Shaking his head, Su Jin's memories swarmed out of the spirit sea!

Stone snake!

Ok? Su Jin remembered what had just happened, and the beauty of Chongshi nodded, "Thank you—"

As if feeling something was wrong, Su Jin immediately grabbed the East Emperor Bell, and the entire underground sacred fire stopped the surge in the huge crater!

Su Jin has never been so impatient before! Although he suffered a serious injury, he was still excited and did not recover. Instead, he took a step directly towards the huge pit!

On his right arm, a trace of flintlock pattern fluttered out, so Su Jin naturally did not fear the ‘Desperate Fire’ like others! Choose to rush directly from the top of the giant pit to the stone snake stupa!



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