My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2864: Come on together!

The last word ‘death’, killing intent!

The wind began to scream. After Su Jin said these words, almost all of them stopped abruptly, and no one dared not listen to orders!

Many people were sweating cold, and the sound of the wind seemed to be unable to conceal the screams of the Eagle King in the sun. This Eagle King was a master of the Star Nirvana Realm, but after being wrapped in the Falling Divine Fire, his body kept on the ground. The tumbling, heart-piercing screams only make people chill from the bottom of my heart!

The rising sun eagle king extinguished the sacred fire, stood up on the ground!

Swaying, the flesh is gone!

A treasure bone is dancing on the ground! But the actions of the Rising Sun Eagle King are getting slower and slower and slower...

Until crashing down, the bones of the gods are broken into powder~~~

"Yes, it's the emperor of the night!" It wasn't just someone who had seen a ghost, and started to stay far away from Su Jin. Many people crawled around and couldn't believe that Su Jin was still alive!

"Didn't he be swallowed by the Falling Divine Fire! Why could he still split the Earth River? It seems to be stronger than before! And who can tell me if the golden flame just now is the Falling Divine Fire!"

"It's the Divine Fire of Extinction! This guy actually subdued the Divine Fire of Extinction, and also cut off the Star Nirvana powerhouse Sun Eagle King! My God, hurry up! Go back quickly, you can't get close to the stupa, otherwise he thought, we all I have to die here!"

"This person is fierce and unstoppable! But don't panic, we are here, openly and secretly, I am afraid that there are hundreds of star nirvana powerhouses, he can't kill all the star nirvana powerhouses alone!"


Shengcai Peacock, Gu Tangyan, Concubine Yu, and Long Yuhao all felt their blood boil at the moment they heard the sound!

Night Emperor——

not dead!

Not only was he not dead, but also seemed to be stronger than before, that figure from the back, in the hearts of the four people, would be indelible forever!

Shi Meiren was stunned, and then slowly nodded. Su Jin did not let her down. This person not only possesses the courage to the sky, but also possesses extremely high wisdom. After all, the Falling Divine Fire is not something anyone can do if he wants to. both are not!

Ye Nantian took a deep breath, concealing the horror in his heart, his eyes were more of appreciation--

The same is true for City Lord Jiuyitian! Although he does not have a good relationship with Su Jin like Ye Nantian did, he has a precious daughter, Princess Feng Qiao! Currently the princess Feng Qiao is still in the temple, he has to find a ‘coincidence’ time to release her. No matter how the comparison is made, the emperor of this night has too much potential than that of Song Tianao!

No matter what, Song Tianao was able to be occupied by the Death Whisperer. Although it was not completely dead, as long as the Death Whisperer left, he would fall directly and could no longer live.

"Ye Di! You, you didn't even die!" The City Lord Sunset was taken aback, with strong vigilance in his eyes.

"Don't panic, everyone! I really don't believe it anymore. Can a mere person who is strong enough to win the sky in the hands of many of our stars?" Feng Shitian snorted.

"Not bad!" Real San Xu also stood up.

When several Star Nirvana powerhouses on the scene looked at Su Jin, they became more solemn, not as despised as they did before——

What is the state of Su Jin now?

Void golden flames are looming all over the body, and those flames seem to be alive, connected in a single piece, slightly shaking.

It is the extinguished **** fire!

At the bottom of the giant pit, Su Jin was swallowed by a nine-headed dragon horse. At the head of the dragon, he has been using the "Suiren Inheritance" to master the Divine Extinguishing Fire. Until now, the origin of the Divine Extinguishing Fire that he put away still has a surface on the surface. The Sui Ren Jing entangled all the way is considered preliminary refining, and can be used perfectly to enhance the power of his Vulcan Dao!

"If you hadn't driven me to a dead end, how could I conquer the extinguished sacred fire and encourage my avenue of sacred fire?"

Su Jin's face was calm, and he continued: "Whoever wants to fight against me, whoever wants to stand up for me now, the Sun Eagle King is what you will end up waiting for against me!"

very satisfied--

Su Jin was very satisfied with the deterrent effect of the sentence just now. Although he did not know what those blood vines were and why they had to entangle the Stone Snake Pagoda, fortunately, the Stone Snake Pagoda could not fly away. Facing the strong, but as long as you don’t die, you have a chance!

"What a big breath!" The Lord of the Setting Sun yelled sharply, "The Sun Eagle King was just injured by you before to the origin. If his origin is intact, you have no chance to kill him!"

"So, do you want to die first?" Su Jin looked at the Lord of the Sunset.

Lord of the Sunset:...

His face was obviously wary.

In the eyes of the Lord of Sunset, Su Jin is now becoming more and more mysterious. Before King Pan Axe cut him, he was obviously severely injured and difficult to treat. Now he has subdued the Divine Fire of Extinction, it is unknown whether his injuries have recovered.

Even though the Lord of the Sun is the Star Nirvana, the current situation is very weird. He is very clear that he can't be strong, and he needs to join forces with others to fight against Su Jin!

"Lord Death Whisperer!" True Man Sanxu yelled, "I, Feng Shitian and you, let us three fight him again, try to see if he suffers any injury!"

Song Tianao laughed and nodded—

"Plus me." The City Lord Sunset also stood up, and then said through a voice transmission: "Be careful of that weird stone beauty."

Before the King Panaxe was about to kill Su Jin, that Shi Meiren took action. Now Panaxe doesn’t know how he was injured, and he was hit by Shi Meiren’s finger. They still don’t know where they are. They are afraid that Shi Meiren will attack again. very troublesome.

Fortunately, Shi Meiren just lifted her cheeks again, she didn't even want to make a move--

Bang bang bang!

Lines of white tombstones began to appear densely, and the black inscriptions on them were shining with weird brilliance and emerged.

The Death Whisperer started to attack!

"Okay! You guys go together!" Su Jin suddenly enraged.

The stone snake and the pagoda were not far from Su Jin, he seemed to feel the warmth of his mother, as if his mother gave him great courage, he would never let his mother down!

Four Stars!

Many people were shocked. You must know that outside the Fawang Divine Cave, the Su Jin Ghost King Dao reached the human **** realm, and his strength was already terrifying, but he was still severely injured and left. Now these four star nirvanas are not easy to provoke. Especially the Lord of Sunset!

This sunset city lord ranked third among the top ten city lords, Jiuyitian city lord ranked seventh, and Ye Nantian ranked sixth! It is enough to see how powerful the Lord of Sunset is!

Su Jin took a deep breath, opened his arms gently, and the golden golden fireworks surrounding him made people dare not look down upon him anymore!

"The King of Faith didn't kill you in front of the cave, let you run away, now you still can't escape, accept it! This is your fate! Ghost King!" Death Whisperer Song Tianao roared.

Su Jin was surrounded by golden fireworks, and gradually, a nine-headed dragon horse gradually manifested around him——

The nine-headed dragon horse, pulling a bright and prosperous carriage!

Falling out... the origin of the divine fire!

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