My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2891: You're a brother at best

Bong to the end!

Faced with two of the strongest masters in the God Cave of the King, Su Jin chose to challenge! The Ye Di’s prestige that he has raised unyieldingly, everyone present knows what it means—

Some people call it terrible!

Tian Leipeng flew his wings fiercely, and the sky around him seemed to be collapsed. Numerous sky thunders were caught in lightning, densely covered in nets, and bombarded Su Jin. This method had nowhere to dodge!

Su Jin stood on the crystalline blue bird's nest with his toes, and was bombarded by the violent sky thunder, the gale blew his hair, and at that moment he was like an eternal **** of war!

Chi Chi -

"It's not enough, it's just a little numb!" Su Jin's stern face glanced at Tian Lei Peng with a slightly evil look, and the frost-like voice was scorching and tender.

Many spectators who hoped that Su Jin died, their hearts almost jumped out now!

It's just a bit numb!

That's it!

"The emperor of the night is going to kill his popularity--" a spectator said bluntly.

"Yeah! It seems that the difference is not that big. This day Lei Peng hasn't been an ancient demon bird, it can control the sky! It won't affect the Ye Emperor at all, and even the Ye Emperor didn't move an inch! It's terrible." Someone said.

"It’s not that Tianlei Peng is not strong enough! It’s that the Nine Dao bodies of Ye Emperor are already small. These nine Dao bodies are so terrifying that they can withstand the bombardment of the sky thunder, and there are more than one, but hundreds of sky thunders. Ah! If we are contaminated, even if we are contaminated with aura, we will all be reduced to ashes!"

"I'm very curious, the Sixteen Silver Armed Blue Emperor, can I tear this Ye Di alive? Don't be too arrogant--"

"What the **** is the fetus that was scrambled by the three big men?"



Can't understand!

So strong!

Most people have already elevated the power of Ye Di to a whole new level! To be in the seat of the big boss is to put him at the same height as Tian Lei Peng and Silver Arm Qinghuang!

Boom boom boom!

The silver arm Qinghuang naturally saw something was wrong, and the sixteen silver arms waved like a whirlpool, turning into an afterimage in the sky, hitting Su Jin straight!



Su Jin's feet shook, and the crystal blue bird's nest was shaken by him, and in a blink of an eye, he was caught in the bone ring. At that moment, sixteen silver arms smashed and shattered the Ten Dragon Cliff Cliff, but he had already turned into Afterimages, soaring into the sky!


A scene that people will never believe, reproduced truly!

Even Shi Meiren opened her small mouth in shock and raised her head to look at the glimmering colorful light. Everyone could see that it was the color overflowing from Su Jin's Nine Dao Body!

"Nine-Colored Dragon Kunpeng!" Shi Meiren only felt that her Fa King body was a little sour, especially on her feet, she almost sat where she was scared!

Thought of the beginning, but never expected the result!

You know that Su Jin is definitely weaker than the two unworldly powers! Why is there such a powerful performance when the Jiu Dao body is first formed!

"Boss Ye Di!" Long Yuhao exclaimed, his voice could not hide his excitement. In his vision, Su Jin's transformation into the dragon head Kunpeng was wrapped in nine colors, and at that moment, it was also enlarged. To 150,000 miles away!

How can the Nine-color Dragon Kunpeng be willing to be under the sky Lei Peng?

Shengcai Peacock has never been very optimistic about Ye Di, but at this moment, it can be said that no one is excited by him! She was the one who followed Ye Di for the longest time and witnessed his rise step by step. Now that she saw this scene, she suddenly exclaimed: "It is rumored that Kunpeng has the ability to fight the sky. Facing this day, Lei Peng is a kind of innate. Suppression!"

"Yes." Gu Tangyan also nodded, "My electric mother Tianjun, when the strongest, can control ninety-nine kinds of sky thunder, but at present, I can only withstand one strike of sky thunder under Tianleipeng. , I have a big gap, but Yedi is different."

"How is it different?" Concubine Yu listened to Yunliwuli.

"Naturally suppressed! No matter how powerful Tianleipeng is, it is only Peng Ancestor. If there is a natural king, such as Kunpeng! Even the young Kunpeng, Wang Wei is no small thing!"


The crowds of spectators outside are simply those who watch the excitement without too much trouble!


Tian Leipeng is going crazy now!

What is the origin of this emperor! No matter if there is a ghost who recognizes him as Lord! What the **** is this Kunpeng body now?

Still Nine Color Dragon Kunpeng!

Tian Leipeng is uncomfortable now, and fear has grown deep in his heart. This kind of fear is extremely ridiculous to him——

Qing Huang cried out badly, his silver arms stretched out towards the sky, and sixteen thick arms, each of them resembling mountain ques, caught Su Jin's right Kunpeng wing in a flash!


The 16 silver arms of the Qing Emperor are all back!

Looking with the naked eye, the hands above each arm were all contaminated with terrible flames. The Qinghuang roared, holding the sixteen palms together, and extinguished the sacred fire of Nirvana with terrible power!

"Vulcan! Damn it! He still has the inheritance of Suiren!" Qinghuang felt that the front of his sixteen arms were still smoking, and he was slightly injured!

"More than! More than!" Tian Leipeng chose to continue flapping his wings, shouting again and again: "In the Nine-Colored Divine Clouds, there are also Taoist Fuxi patterns! Take a closer look!"


Qinghuang was inhaling deeply, the more he fought, the more frightened he became! The little monk who originally thought that waving his hands was indestructible had such an astonishing secret. This is not easy!

"Looking for death! Look at my Dragon Transformation Technique!" Qing Huang felt that Yedi was unlikely to defeat both of him, and immediately shook his sixteen arms--

Each of the weird arms twists and turns. When you really look at it, each arm is turning into a silver dragon, and Qinghuang jumps up into the void, surrounded by sixteen dragons. among them!

anyway! The born fetus cannot be taken away!

Su Jin was very calm now, knowing that the Qing Emperor would not give up, his Dragon Kunpeng body trembled, and the Donghuang Bell was shaken out in an instant!

The bell grew bigger and bigger, and the horrible nine-color glow hung around the bell, as if a strip of smoke was spinning--


Oh my god!

"There is also the world's only divine treasure Donghuang Bell?!" The Qinghuang was even green, and immediately made a defensive move. The sixteen giant arms turned into a silver dragon, entwining him, and the silver dragons looked like twists. Tangle up like this!

In this way, the East Emperor Bell happened to be suppressed!

The double pupils on Su Jin's dragon's head were full of fierceness, and he felt the East Emperor's Bell kept ringing. He knew that the Blue Emperor would not be dragged on for too long, and now it is the kingly way to deal with Lei Peng on this day!

"Kill you Lei Peng this day!"

Su Jin turned into a nine-color afterimage, and the 150,000-mile nine-color dragon Kunpeng immediately obscured the sky and the sun, and even the figure of Tianlei Peng disappeared from all the spectators. Then, the voice of Young Master Su resounded through the sky again. Between: "What Tian Leipeng? Compared with Kun Peng, you are at best a younger brother!"

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