Grab the Red Lord——

Lin Zhuer was as sluggish as Dragon Mother, and the two girls had never seen such a madness.

"Who do you think the Red Lord is? You can grab it if you want? Don't look at your strength to suppress me, but compared with the Lord, it is at least more than ten times worse!" Dragon Mother felt ridiculous, Su Jinkuan Ridiculous!

"I didn't expect you to help me..." Su Jin spread out his hands, his whole body was slowly glowing, a piece of imaginary wings fell, and the gorgeous white lines of the gods condensed under his feet, and he disappeared in just an instant In the underground palace.

"Go and see." The Dragon Mother fell into hesitation, but finally decided to go to the sea to watch the battle.

Lin Zhuer nodded, and left the underground palace together with the black dragon princess and daughter~~~

The sea of ​​forgotten.

The sea breeze is blowing, and above the white clouds, the clear sky is more than thousands of miles!

Su Jin stood in the void, his long black hair was blown by the wind, and as he raised his head, the confidence in his eyes gave him a special feeling of not being angry or prestigious——


About forty meters, two beauties, one red and one white, came into view.

Among them, the beauty in white shirt embraces the Guqin, which is the most eye-catching. The catkin fingers in front of her white sleeves, the plain white shirt, the face in front of the ink hair and the eyes that seem to speak, make Su Jin stunned. Five seconds!


Su Jin shuddered, this white gauze beauty seemed to be immortal ice, and when she saw it, her body was chilling!

"You are the red lord who masters the sky ruler?" Su Jin yawned. He was busy with the God Cave of the Fa King, and he hasn't slept well yet.

"Yes." The Red Lord is also looking at Su Jin. This mysterious powerhouse is making a big fuss in the God's Cave of the King. He seems to be the strongest person who opened the God's Cave of the King, and he has an indescribable temperament. , As if an inexplicable fairy fate was added.

Su Jin tilted his head and looked at the blue-gold **** ruler carried by the red lord——

"Although the king’s trip has been a good harvest, he only heard the name of the sky ruler, but he has not seen the power of the sky ruler. Now I want to see if the sky ruler compares with my skybreaker hammer. Something is exaggerated..." Su Jin stretched out his right hand, and the Heaven Breaking Hammer suddenly grasped in his hand——

The voice master Liu Mei frowned, "The Lord of Judgment's Heaven Breaking Hammer? This is what he regards as his life and cannot be handed over to others."

"Very simple, he died." Su Jin smiled proudly.

"You kid, if you want to grab it, you can grab it, and what else do you find a bunch of excuses?" The red lord is helpless. The hooligan is not terrible. I am afraid that the hooligan is educated. It is rare to say that you want to grab things so fresh !

"No way, you guys come here uninvited, and you send treasures to your door, good guys—" Su Jin nodded, "I don't want to grab you, I feel uneasy! You see how we are doing it, you are measuring the sky ruler Give up to this king, or do it first?"


The sound master and the red lord all have a somewhat unreal feeling. This sea of ​​forgotten, has been in charge of the red lord for so many years, how come they have become uninvited?

Really! This Su Jin's arrogant arrogance, do not suppress and suppress, I really don't know who else can control him in the future!

"My sister stepped back, such a young fellow, do you still want him to participate in the Hundred Realms Meeting on behalf of our Fawang Divine Cave? I think it might as well continue to be empty, I will help you teach this person!" A few touches of anger appeared on his face.

"Haha." The Red Lord shook his head and said: "You are not his opponent, or I will come, Ye Di...Shall we make a bet?"


"What to bet on?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"If you can touch me within half a pillar of incense, the measuring ruler will be yours, but if you can't touch it, you need to represent me in the Hollow God Cave and go to the Hundred Realms Association——" The Red Lord said With weirdness.

Something is wrong!

Su Jin fell into silence, looking left and right, this bet was not a loss, but the red lord was too confident, confident enough to make him doubtful.

Could this ruler have a special power? Su Jin is still hesitating--

The Red Lord took off the measuring ruler and held it in his hand, and the entire sea of ​​forgotten waves began to rise, and some waves were even tens of meters high!

All around the sky, there were wisps of blue **** patterns that began to swirl around——

Many masters who have not yet left, immediately noticed the eye-catching strangeness, waved one after another, tracing back to the scene of the sea of ​​condensed and forgotten——

"It's Ye Di!" Someone was taken aback.

"The beautiful woman in red should have a measuring ruler in her hands. The emperor of the night dared to challenge the strongest person in the God's Cave!"

"Red Lord! I haven't heard her legend for a long time..."

"If she hasn't awakened, we may be able to find her underwater shrine and steal the measuring ruler quietly. It is rumored that she will sleep for a thousand years and will never wake up in her sleep. Only the three strongest French kings will guard the shrine. It's still very big, it's a pity—"

"The red lord who woke up once fought a sensational battle in the God's Cave of the French King, and took over the entire God's Cave of the French King. The Ye Emperor is afraid that he has no qualifications and ability to **** the ruler!"

"More than disqualification? He doesn't deserve to stand in front of the red lord at all—"


Restlessness, restlessness!

Many monks who were not in a hurry to leave for a while, all saw this shocking scene. The appearance of the Red Lord seemed to be more exciting than any fierce battle, because this was an existence that other people could not reach!

The four of Shengcai Peacocks turned pale, and in the eyes of several people, Ye Di actually found the Lord of Red Oil, and wanted to capture the Ruler! This is the most terrifying——

"Why? Lord Yedi, who killed Tianlei Peng and the Lord of Judgment, dare not even this small bet?" The Red Lord asked slowly.

"Bet!" Su Jin twitched.

The sound master who embraced the guqin was very nervous. She didn’t know about Yedi’s deeds. She didn’t expect to be able to kill Tianlei Peng and the Lord of Judgment. But the sister of the Lord Master still knew it clearly. His Holiness told her.

"Go ahead--" The Red Lord said with a smile.

Then, the red lord's smile gradually disappeared, becoming more and more uncomfortable, because she saw Su Jin's three-color three pupils, the most important thing was not this!

There are special rules faintly around Su Jin, and the rustling begins to spread out...

From a distance, the three Dragon Mothers didn't dare to make a bet. The bet was about 10%, and it would definitely be a win or lose, and they believed that Su Jin had no chance of winning half!

The voice master quietly transmitted the voice to the red master: "This Yedi is really a fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths. Although the realm is still very low, it seems that something is wrong. He seems to have opened up a different way—"

"More than that." The Red Lord was not afraid of being heard, and directly said: "I am a little familiar with the charm of those laws."

"Familiar?" The sound master was stunned.

"What will it be?" The Red Lord's mind flashed in his mind, and said in an extremely shocked tone of horror: "He has obtained the sky view map!"

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