My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2916: Don't judge me if you don't know me!

The entire Linlang Divine Land was quiet to the point where the needle drop was audible, and even the wind was much quieter, and gradually, more and more heavy breathing sounds appeared——

The third prince of the Profound Realm killed the army, his eyes were red, and when Su Jin asked the sky, his condensed "Assassination Star" was trembling crazily!



"Guantian Tu, it turned out to be Guantian Tu!" The Killing Army realized that it was not good. He was originally an assassin star. Facing such a god, he simply met the nemesis, especially when Su Jin fingered the stars, those clearly visible The stars, unexpectedly all spread the rosy clouds, dissolving the darkness——

Fingers stained with stars, his face looks slightly handsome...

Do not!

It's so handsome!

Concubine Feng Zi and other female disciples of the Linlang Divine Land were all stunned. They didn't expect such a terrifying scene to happen, especially when the Slayer Army said ‘Guantian Tu’, I don’t know how many people looked excited.

The divine treasure lost by the heavens now reappears, which is no less than witnessing a miracle! Moreover, the emperor of the night still holds the most treasured divine item, the'Broken Sky Hammer', but one hundred, one thousand, the value of one piece is not as valuable as the'Guantian Tu'!

"Little Junior Sister, don't you look wrong--" a silent senior sister asked with a sneer.

"Essential Assassination Star, even if the Killing Army possesses the'Big Star Art', under the influence of the Guantiantu, it can't hurt Ye Di a bit. This is absolute restraint. If it weren't the case, this battle would be really hard to say.

"It is estimated that the three princes of the Profound Realm did not expect--"

"Yes, although Lord Yedi is in a low state, the strength of the hammer just now is not simple. There may be even greater secrets hidden in him..."


Seeing the senior sisters, I was talking with each other. Concubine Feng Zi's face was flushed with red. She was right, but how much did these senior sisters admire the three princes of the Profound Realm just now? She is not the only one! Now she is counting down instead--


This night emperor is really amazing. Concubine Feng Zi focused her attention on Su Jin, thinking to herself.

Shapojun's face was slowly turning pale, his assassination star had a faint tendency to collapse. Those hundreds of stars condensed by Su Jin were getting bigger and bigger, and ordinary people couldn't feel the pressure of the stars! Only he can feel the clarity with his original source. Under such suppression, as long as he waits for some time, it is estimated that the night emperor can directly use the Guantian map to directly wipe him into ashes!

Linlang Godland, Caixia is like a pillar, and there are a thousand light pillars rushing from all directions, condensing a glass-like protective formation enchantment below the battlefield!

As for the killing army, the sweat particles on his face rolled off like soybeans——

His tiger body, shoulders, and spine seemed to be being bent!

Su Jin stepped into the void, step by step without rush or rush, the wheel of years also began to change, the rolling vertical wheel, like a huge Ferris wheel, began to appear evenly and symmetrically on top of the nine divine swords!

The vicissitudes of life, time and space shuttle!

"This, this is the avenue of a sword god! You carry more than one kind of inheritance!" Sha Pojun felt cold.

"An old rogue insisted on teaching me. He couldn't wait for the people of the sky to admit that, today I will use this kendo to defeat you!" Su Jin's tone was as calm as ever.

"Nine Great Sword God, who is your kendo from? Bai Feng? Haoran? No, there is a faint aura of Hongyu kendo, but it's not like it!" Killing the army was unwilling, although he already knew the result.

"Universal Sword God——" In Linlang Divine Land, Concubine Feng Zi took a deep breath, her voice full of horror.

"Little Junior Sister, how do you know that this is the avenue of the Universal Sword God?" A senior sister asked.

"The Universe Sword God ranks at the bottom of the nine great sword gods, and was even questioned at one time. He is not worthy of the name of the sword god, but he seems to be looking for a treasure in the end. There is the wheel of time. He once said , Time and Space Swordsmanship, only when the Wheel of Years is obtained, and Ye Di conquered the Wheel of Years! And part of the breath of those years is born of his Space-Time Swordsmanship!" Feng Zifei said.


All the senior sisters were suddenly stunned.

At this time, Su Jin had already explained everything to the Killing Army with actions!

On the wheel of years, nine divine swords pierced through the void, and a silver-white sword formation expanded. The wheel of years seemed to be inlaid in the sword formation. Among them, there were countless mysterious and jerky sword marks. In the world!

"Universe Sword God! Time and Space Swordsmanship!" In the eyes of Sha Pojun, the bright sword light dazzled, and he faintly saw a sword tip appearing from the sword formation. Although it was slow, his whole person seemed to be almost still in the years. same.

Obviously you can see the tip of the sword--

Instinctively wanted to hide, but desperately found that he could not hide!

"Ah!" Shapojun condensed the divine power to the extreme, and a circular divine power spread out, and the sword tip hit it, as if it made a circle of ripples.

Bang bang bang bang-

On the sword formation, it seems that there are millions of men light and shadow, driving the sword of time and space, smashing on the shield of the dark red enchantment!


With just two breaths, the Killing Army saw the disintegrating enchantment shield and closed his eyes feebly, and Su Jin had already appeared in front of him. The raised fingers and the gaps between the fingers condensed the sword tip, piercing the killing. The skin at the center of the army's brows--

As long as you work harder, this person will die!

"Why don't you kill me?" The Killing Army waited for death to come, but did not wait for a long time, opened his eyes and saw Su Jin's face indifferent, and did not kill him.

"This king came to God, the first day you don't want to see blood, and your talent is detached, it's a pity to kill, don't mess with me again in the future..." Su Jin put down his fingers, flipped a pot of wine and fell on it. In the palm of his hand, he raised his head and took a sip, then turned and fell into the void.

The Killing Army squeezed his fists, and finally hugged his fists in the direction Su Jin fell. Not killing is forgiving. Who can live and die?

"Ah! Look, Lord Yedi is here!" A group of female disciples of God and Earth screamed, watching Su Jin carrying a hip flask and landing directly five steps in front of Concubine Feng Zi.


There is nothing more exciting than this! This is derived from the awe of the strong!

Concubine Feng Zi didn't understand either. Logically speaking, Su Jin should have returned to the'Tianque First Grade Building'. Why did she fall here?

"Girl--" Su Jin said while looking at Concubine Feng Zi.

"Is your lord talking to me?" Feng Zifei felt a little dazed in her mind.

"Are we familiar? Do you know me?" Su Jin asked.

"Meeting for the first time." Concubine Feng Zi shook her head slightly, not sure why Su Jin asked like this.

"Since I'm not familiar and don't know anything about me, why do you judge me inferior to him?" The reason Su Jin fell here is naturally that he heard it, but after he put down this sentence, the Jianhua on his body did not disappear. Gradually it turned into a rainbow of light and disappeared directly in place.

Feng Zifei's face--

very hot.

so popular.

It feels really embarrassing!

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