My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2924: Unworldly arrogant


O earth!

The faces of the Lord of Thanglong and the others are like chicken blood. This enchanting evildoer even possesses the'concentration technique', and what is the current situation? Why can we use'concentration'? Surgery's anchor them?

Although it only lasted three seconds, this move was undoubtedly like a blow to the head, shocking everyone in place!

"This king gives each of you a chance to choose. If you persist in trying to make a shot at me, you can stand up and I will wait for a battle with you! In this battle, Zhu Er and the whole clan will never die!" Su Jin stretched out his hand. , Doing an invitation gesture.

This really bluffs many people--

Originally, Ye Di’s fame was very strange. Once he came to this Linlang Divine Land, he occupied the best residence. However, the realm of strength was low and scary. Look at what he said now?

To destroy their entire clan!

"Little God, dare you to speak such a wild word? It's just a sharp-toothed guy, I'm the Great Venerable Heikui, and fight with you!" Great Venerable Heikui immediately took a big step, the black scaly The demon arm was also crossed in front of him, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Okay! Dare to ask your people, can people still thrive?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"You--" Great Master Heikui's face changed wildly. This is the eternal pain in his heart. He is a demon god, and it is quite difficult for his race to multiply. There are currently only more than a hundred people. Fortunately, every Heikui clan was born by God. Favor, born with supernatural power, there are not many restrictions on bloodline cultivation, and now Su Jin is simply exposing his scars!

"Although I'm alone, I don't need much power to kill you, the great black kui, can you figure out the consequences?" Su Jin asked.

"Naturally! I must tear you up today!" With the murderous expression on the face of Great Venerable Hei Kui, based on Su Jin's words just now, the two have already forged a terrible hatred.

"Who else? Stand up!" Su Jin looked at a dozen people, his gaze swept across the face of the Lord of the Dragon Realm, and finally fell on Xie Hongyi's body: "Xie Hongyi, the measuring ruler is my thing, now Since you and I are enemies, I hope to return—"

Xie Hongyi's face flushed, staring at Su Jin, "You can grab it by your ability! You say it's yours, is it yours?"

Too... shameless!

The people of Shengcai Peacock knew about this. When they were in the God Cave of the King of the Fa, they had a gambling battle between the red clothes and Su Jin and lost this'meter ruler'. This ruler is no longer a red clothes thing. Su Jin lent it to her!

"Really shameless." Shengcai Peacock murmured, but she was also helpless. If a strong man like Xie Hongyi is shameless, it will be useless to regenerate his energy. Unless he beats the opponent in strength, he can fight back again. , But Yedi obviously does not have this kind of power now——

Xing Yaoxian frowned.

In her mind, Xie Hongyi did not seem to be the kind of back-to-back person, but after this day-to-day contact, Ye Di didn’t seem to lie in public—

The Lord of Shenglong Realm looked dark, and was about to step forward, but was suddenly pulled by the sleeve of his robe by an arm.

"Father." Hai Xinyue took a deep breath, "Just by the methods he used yesterday, we can see that he is a very smart person, not to be careless."

"It's just a human being, it can be destroyed by a finger--" The Lord of Shenglong glanced at his daughter, not understanding why she wanted to stop herself.

"Anyway, there is Great Venerable Heikui in front. It is better to let Great Venerable Heikui first try this Yedi’s true strength. If he is really a human god, if the Great Lord kills him, he will kill him. What a talented prince Jie San, but he was defeated by this person." Hai Xinyue glanced at Su Jindao.

"This..." The Master of Shenglong nodded.

"Besides, the one-horned immortal master hasn't planned to make a move. Let's wait and see, and it's not too late to do it at the end--" Haixinyue's ears started to red, and her eyes were a little erratic.

Chi Chi ~~~

Su Jin's eyes were indifferent, and his hand stretched out suddenly snapped his fingers!

"Ah!" Xie Hongyi suddenly screamed, and a terrible scene appeared on her!

A trace of scarlet blood, like a spider web, began to spread on the surface of her skin, and in an instant it crawled onto the jade neck, including both cheeks, appearing quickly!

"You're afraid that you haven't figured out the situation yet. In the hands of this king, you are no longer the proud Untie Hongyi!" Su Jin's voice is indifferent. This Untie Hongyi is really angry at him, otherwise it will not be so fast. Use'Candle Dragon God Poison' to punish.


Is this a uniform?

The scene was full of air-conditioned voices, including Xing Yaoxian's face changed slightly. Last night, in order to prevent today's accidents, Ye Di poisoned the two of them. One of them was Xing Yaoxian! Now Xie Hongyi is rolling in pain, suffering unimaginable pain——

"Candle Dragon God Poison!" Heikui's face also changed wildly, but even if he turned to smile: "My Heikui clan is a body that is invaded by all poisons. You use this poison to threaten my clan, really It's so ridiculous, even if it is the king of all poisons, I am not afraid!"

"Then you will appreciate your death later!" Su Jin silently took out a pot of wine and took a sip with his head raised.

The Great Lord Hei Kui laughed wildly, his black arms were raised flat, the billowing divine power turned black and red, and even if it enveloped the void, vaguely, a deafening beast roar appeared!

Scalp tingling!

Among the black and red divine power, at least a thousand monsters were condensed. Upon closer inspection, each monster was actually a black monster with ox head, dragon horn, deer body and ox tail!

In the chaotic turbulent void, the Great Venerable Hei Kui was covered in black and red smoke, evolving his true body, sinking and floating in the vast divine power, he took a step, the huge divine body directly made the world tremble!

"Kill--" Hei Kui said in a cruel tone, and he wanted to crush this poor human and **** monk.

What he didn't expect was that Su Jin didn't even want to retreat. Instead of retreating, he held the pot in his left hand and unfolded his right hand, directly holding a shot of the hammer!

Heaven Breaking Hammer!

The terrifying majesty of the hammer, dancing in the broken void, the hammer surface with a diameter of at least a kilometer appeared, Su Jin was shining with nine-color pleats, and he swept it over with a fierce hammer!


The Great Venerable Hei Kui laughed, this hammer just made him a little groggy, although this is no longer a blow that the human **** realm possesses, it does no harm to him at all!

After Su Jin’s Heaven Breaking Hammer was smashed, he put it away, his eyes gradually became gray and blue, huh~~~

Behind the body of light and shadow, three god-killing nails flew out of the mysterious sky-viewing picture! At the same time, Su Jin grabbed one with his right hand, poured Taotao's supernatural power, and instantly came to the head of Great Venerable Hei Kui——

This scene, simply don't be too fast!

By the time Hei Kui reacted, it was already too late. He was proud of the powerful defense power, even if the Lord of the Dragon Realm could hardly break his defense, it would be no harm to let this kid get close!


When the god-killing nail was surrounded by the word ‘death’, his gaze fell into a brief sluggishness——

"Death, dead man's scripture! No, no!" Hei Kui's head was suddenly painful.

Then, there was deathly silence~~

The people who let the audience watch the battle coincided with each other, and they all stepped back together...

Dead Man Sutra! Also in the hands of this worldless arrogant! !

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