My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2933: Ancient saints


The mysterious man wears a simple green robe with no hair on her head. She is a female cultivator, but when she stands 50 meters away from Su Jin, the world seems to be dry. The ground under her feet is instantly red, and every plant is full of vegetation. It began to dry up, but the time of two breaths was a million miles away!

"Ye Di is sitting in a divine body, there is a **** who can appear!" This scene seemed to be very far away, and it seemed to be very close. Many people saw the scene in the dry cliff.

"Who is she? Why is there such a great power, just walking to God's land, can reach a million miles of red land?"

"Strange! I didn't feel any power fluctuations, just stepping on the ground with a **** body can reach the point where it affects the world!"


Once the mysterious female nun appeared, the sensation caused almost subverted everyone's imagination. This mighty power is definitely a super power, and some people are even more curious, wondering which one is stronger than Haoran Tianzun. Weak, after all, in the hundreds of realms around here, Haoran Tianzun is the strongest known.

However, the speculation about who was the strongest was quickly revealed by Haoran Tianzun. There was a disciple of God and Earth near the Tiandi Palace, who saw with his own eyes Haoran Tianzun knelt down directly at the position where the mysterious female sister appeared——

"Father!" Okui's eyes are dull, she has never seen this kind of performance in her father!

"Kneel down!" Haoran Tianzun stared at the okra with a serious face.

There was no way for Okui, so she immediately obeyed her father's order and bowed down to the ground. She wanted to ask who the mysterious woman was, but she didn't dare to ask at all!

"God's disciples, all kneel down!" In the depths of Linlang's Divine Land, the voice of the Lord of Divine Land spread all around.

"Citizens of Qingcheng, pay homage to the ancient sages!"

"Luo Xiancheng has cultivated 40 million gods, and meet the ancient sages!"


Hundreds of cities outside the sacred land, one after another, appeared shocking scenes of thousands of gods worshipping the mysterious woman——

Shengcai Peacock, Xing Yaoxian and the others didn't even think about it, even the lord of the rising dragon realm knelt on the ground!

Gumbo knelt like her father, her eyes were a little confused, she couldn't figure out, who else here could be stronger than her father? In the past, the emperor used the power of Guantiantu. Although his father suffered a little loss, his father did not use any magical methods at all. He just condensed his arm like an ordinary play house. The real combat power is far more than that. Behaving like...

"Father, father--" Qiu Da Kui relied on his father's love for her, and whispered, "What is the ancient sage? Who is she?"

"Don't ask too much!" Haoran Tianzun looked excited: "She is the daughter of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, named Hanyan Tiannv. Now the ancient sages have passed away, but she still survives today——"

Goddess of drought!

There was a thud in the okra's mind, blank!

The ancient book records that the drought was born, thousands of miles away! But that was just the appearance of this sage when he was born in ancient times. Now when this real existence appears in his eyes, it is like a dream, which makes people awe.


Qiu Da Kui was as puzzled as everyone else, Ye Di was about to sit down, why did this great power appear in front of him? Do you want to save him?

The wind is more dry and cold-

Su Jin's divine body was unconscious, and his lips were a little dry and cracked, and the Drought Maiden took a few steps closer, as if she didn't care about the behavior of the world.

"You have the strongest secret in your body, why are you obsessed with walking this star bridge with your own strength? Give up the infatuation, although the nine ways are strong, but you still can't reach the point of walking the star bridge of life and death."

While speaking, the goddess of Hanyan continued to look at Su Jin, and continued: "Buddha King Tianxin was also born? You can't hear it, but Buddha King Tianxin knows what I mean."

The strongest secret?

Not to mention that Su Jin is currently unconscious, even ignorant of the stream of consciousness, and the other 50,000 monks who pay attention to these sights have changed their faces when they hear this——

This evildoer, still has the strongest secret?


The three-color pupils are Zhetian Mi, Dou Zi Mi, and Wu Zi Tian Mi. Of these three types of Tian Mi, Dou Zi Mi is the most precious, followed by Zhe Tian Mi, and then Wu Zi Mi, where is the most precious Strong secret?

"My father Xuanyuan Huangdi had a coincidence, caught a wordless secret, cast a heavenly book, and sealed it in it, but only sealed it for a thousand years, but it flew away on its own. My father sighed at the time, the strongest secret, It must be—"

The Hanyan Tiannv said: "The wordless heavenly book has become a useless divine object, and it is also empty, empty, empty, and empty, and'nothing' is the supreme artistic conception."


Su Jin's divine body suddenly burst into a strong nine-color glow, and the "Nine Treasure Glazed Glazed Vatican Life and Death Buddha King Tianxin" in his body overflowed with splendid splendor!

The entire divine body, sitting cross-legged, floats out of thin air! !


The Nine Dao Body suddenly appeared on the Star Bridge of Life and Death. The human-shaped consciousness streamed light and shadow instantly returned to the body, and the consciousness gradually recovered in the body——

"Use your wordless heaven secret." The voice of the goddess of drought appeared in Su Jin's ear.

Su Jin was on the Star Bridge of Life and Death, and glanced at the place of the Droughty Heavenly Lady. Although the divine body is very weak and may fall at any time, this mighty power seems to make him understand something!

Fight word secret, cover the sky secret! These two artistic conceptions are blessed instantly, blessing the Jiudao Body! Stable his body will not collapse!

Nine deadly power! The dead man turned slightly...

Turn again!

Circles of gray and black dead words lingered, Su Jin used his life strength to bless the gray-blue wordless sky secret, and the entire Tao body was transformed between virtual and real, becoming more and more mysterious!

The maiden nodded, this kind of clever man really made it through, and he only needs to tap it lightly, and he should know how to do the following things.

On the guillotine--

Xie Hongyi's face was ugly, she knew that as long as Ye Di walked across the Star Bridge of Life and Death, she would be the one who died!

"The **** ancient sage! The world respects you, I won't untie the red shirt! This night emperor is acting against the sky, he is rebellious, but you want to save him! He is not a man of my heavens, dare to ask the sage, dare you Give the people of the world an explanation?!" Xie Hongyi now knows that it is hard to live, and can say anything, even if the Heavenly Lady of Drought is killing her now, she is not ashamed!

The Drought Maiden frowned slightly...

Circles of secret light rose all over her body, and the secret light gradually formed an earthy yellow ‘galaxy’ light wheel. When she looked towards Xie Hongyi, she walked onto the guillotine barefoot.

Everyone was silent.

The saints are respectable, but the approach is indeed a little overbearing. The god-defying madman like Ye Di, openly resisting God, can't justify anywhere.

Xie Hongyi's face was full of anger, but the expression on the dry lady was very calm.

On the guillotine, the Goddess of Dryness looked at this red dress and slowly said, "He is a descendant of Yanhuang! Are you satisfied with this reason?"

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