My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2939: Shiwanyin Mountain

The scorching eyes, all directed at Ye Di!

The final appearance naturally demonstrated his dignity. The location was arranged beside the lord of the gods and the land, Longhe Tianzun, and the degree to which he was valued by the gods was self-evident. The key was that he was so young and his glory was flying!

The more than three million contestants were all agitated. The way Ye Di Su Jin appeared on the stage was so amazing. I was envious of how many fellow monks——

"He is the night emperor who smashed the Star Bridge of Life and Death! He has initially completed the achievement of the Lord of the Planes!" Someone started talking, and his voice was trembling and excited.

"Don’t break or stand, break and stand! Break out of the cocoon, complete the transformation! The key... The key is that the breath on his body is only the **** king, but this **** king aura, in the strength of the coercion, seems to have not lost the power of the gods !"

"It's terrible. I heard that he is going to represent the Fawang Divine Cave and participate in this Hundred Realms Meeting. Compared with him, we are nothing. Who can compete with him?"


In an inconspicuous corner of the darkened contestants, a team of three people quietly watched all this. In the middle was a young man in black. He had no ears, silver hair, and faint red dragon patterns on his skin. Especially his eyes are actually golden snake eyes, and the pupils are in the shape of black erected leaves——

"When the young master left the clan, it was like that Qian Renxue vowed to be the first, but when the emperor appeared this night, there might be uncertainties. I wonder how sure the young master is?" the young man on the left asked in a low voice.

The black-clothed youth frowned, but did not speak.

On the right is a curvaceous young lady with beautiful long eyes. Although not outstanding, she is always concerned by other participating men.

"Junior Brother, Young Sect Master has been in retreat for two thousand years, and his strength is above the okra. Dealing with that Emperor Ye should have a good chance of winning." As the young lady said, she signaled the Junior Brother not to talk more, so as not to upset the Young Master. .

"At least 50% sure--" the black-clothed youth suddenly said to the two.



so tall?

The faces of the two of them were filled with joy, and they were all happy expressions. The Young Sect Master has been conspiring for two thousand years this time, it is impossible to fail!

But they didn't know that there were more than a hundred people who thought the same way as the three of them! If the Hundred Realms Society ruled the roost, it would be very possible to become a sage in the future, and no one would miss such an opportunity!


Su Jin sat on the chair, Longhe Tianzun's face was very gentle, sitting slightly to his side, and smiled: "The performance of fellow Taoists in these two days is in the eyes of the deity. It seems that there is no suspense in this Hundred Realms Meeting. As a rising star, You are really amazing to be able to be the Lord of the Plane."

"Write more compliments from Senior Longhe. This time the Hundred Worlds Meeting, I have less than half a chance of winning." Su Jin shook his head.

"Modest, how can young people be so modest?" Longhe Tianzun laughed, his face full of appreciation.

Su Jin sighed, his chair was not warm yet, Dang Even got up and arched his hands at the power of you. After shaking his body, he quietly appeared around the three of Okui.

Concubine Feng Zi was very nervous, she didn't know if Su Jin remembered her--

"With you, my father said, just let me mix the top five." Gumbo turned his head, his tone was strange.

"The Hundred Circles Meeting, the focus is on participating. It doesn't matter whether you win the championship or not." Su Jin slowly said, stretched out his hand to embrace Yao'er's right shoulder, and directly pulled down his left side.

"Don't be careless, I don't know how many people have been planning for the Hundred Realms Association for a long time. When breaking through the barriers, the factors of geographical change are very large, and there are many gods of the heavenly level." Okui reminded.

"Haha, when did Tianzun Girl care about people so much?" Su Jin asked back.



For about a quarter of an hour, the old man presiding over the Hundred Realms Meeting pointed to the void, only to see a mountain-like divine incense manifested, with a bang, the divine incense was ignited, and the blue smoke rushed into the sky, terrifying.

"The Hundred Circles will officially begin! The first level, one hundred thousand Yinshan! Contestants are careful, there is a super **** forbidden, and the method of movement cannot be used. As long as you rush out of Yinshan within half a day and reach the pass, you will pass. The first test!" The old man presiding over the Hundred Worlds Meeting swept his hands into the void, and a biting cold breath came out.

The void seemed to split into two halves, and there were endless dim scenes in it, and there was a vague whistle of evil coming out. As long as you step in, you will enter the 100,000 Yin Mountain!

More than three million monks, rushing into it like a rush, scrambling




The screams appeared in many monks who had just entered, and then they became a piece!

The roots of the okra’s ears were still blushing even around her neck. She gave Su Jin a fierce look and said: “There is a miasma in the Hundred Thousand Yin Mountains, but there is medicine. As long as we don’t touch the powerful God demon, the past should be very simple."

Su Jin was a little puzzled, didn't she just say that she would care about people, why did she look at him with such a look? Of course, he doesn't care about--

Concubine Feng Zi, Qiu Da Kui and Yao'er walked in, and Su Jin also followed——

"This is the Qingyuan Divine Pill, you all take one pill, and you will be immune to the miasma here." Yaoer took out a medicine bottle from the kit and poured out four pills, but Su Jin shook his head and refused.

"Forget it, there is a candle dragon avenue on his body, he is a living poisonous king, where he still needs to take medicine." A okra took a pill and looked at Su Jin.

Concubine Feng Zi dumbly accepted the pill, and thanked her in a low voice.

In the 100,000 Yin Mountains, there are all dim peaks. Because of Su Jin, almost no one wants to approach the okra and the others. This is only the first level. There are a total of nine levels in the Hundred Realms Society, and no one wants to be in the first level. Fold halberd.

"Have you heard the singing—" Su Jin asked, looking at the three people of Qiudakui after walking for about ten minutes.

"No, but everything can happen here, even if you hear anything, don't be curious, just follow the team in front." Feng Zifei said nervously.

"We can all pass the first level, you can follow along first." Su Jin turned into a divine light and rushed directly to the direction of the singing.

Gumbo immediately stomped his feet, how fat this person is, he didn't listen to other people's reminders!

"Don't care about him, let's go." Gumbo said.


Su Jin traced back the wonderful singing voice, in these hundred thousand Yin Mountains, there is such a treasure! The key is also the color, that Qinglili is glowing with blue light on the surface of the lake, and several gray mountains are located beside the lake——

On the surface of the lake, a tall beauty in a blue and white shirt was facing Su Jin, her fingertips kept jumping on a guqin, of course, when Su Jin appeared, the singing stopped directly.

"The ninth pass is where you are buried, so you don't have to go--" the mysterious beauty said softly, raising her head slightly, still facing her back.

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