My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2954: Striking

One finger!

Su Jin was extremely shocked in his heart. He had tried all the hard work to fight against the illusion Yu Tianzun, and even how powerful the Tianzun powerhouse was, but this senior actually said that he could kill with just one finger!

After a short period of silence, Su Jin's eyes changed and changed, and the last smile condensed on the corners of his mouth——

"In this case, let's start now. As long as I still have a breath, I will definitely protect my sister." Su Jin made an inviting gesture and signaled the other party to start.

"You bless the big life technique and hold her hand."

"it is good."

Su Jin held the girl's almost bloodless right hand, the girl's hand was cold, as if the temperature did not exist on her.

Strands of tender green brilliance came out.

The mysterious strong man gently tapped his bone finger to turn the escaped life force into willow-like green threads. Lifting his other hand, the girl immediately floated from the coffin, showing a sitting Standing posture.

Su Jin's heart moved--

This girl had a pretty face, and there was a natural mole at the corner of her eyes. Although her eyes were closed tightly, Su Jin couldn't help but stare at her holy temperament.

For a long time, Su Jin hadn't moved her heart like this once, and the girl hadn't opened her eyes. If she opened her eyes, she didn't know how fresh and beautiful she was.

The green life divine flower quickly wrapped around the girl, and soon a giant green cocoon condensed. Su Jin only felt a slight pain in the hand holding the girl. When he took it back, the wound on his fingertips healed within a short time. Perplexed, she looked at the girl's father.

"She died a long time ago. It was me who stole yin and yang, and helped her maintain her life until now. Without yang blood, even with invincible divine art, she cannot turn her back alive." said the mysterious man.

"What's her name?" Su Jin nodded.

"Bai Xiaotang."


Time passed by one minute and one second--

About an hour or so, the huge green cocoon was covered with dense handwritings. Those who are like a fish are all methods used by this super strong man. Although Su Jin watched from the sidelines, he also benefited a lot. The understanding seems to be deeper.

"In two hours, she will be reborn and truly be like a normal person, little brother, I can see that you are absolutely extraordinary. This stone slip contains my lifelong feelings. When you are interested, turn You can turn it over." The mysterious man threw a black stone slip to Su Jin.

Su Jin's face was solemn, and after catching Shi Jian, he swept inside with mental energy...

Great shock!

Inside the egg-sized black stone slip, there is a scroll quietly floating. The scroll is red gold and is still in an unopened state, but the three words "Sudden Heaven" on it are simply earth-shattering——

"This is full of hostility and extraordinary dominance. If your Dao heart is not protected with a trace of kindness, you may fall into the avenue of death that will never be restored. Otherwise, you will benefit endlessly from this." The mysterious man continued, "I create this. The essence of the "Duotianjing" lies in the word "duo"."

"Duo?" Su Jin didn't open it rashly, and when his mental strength withdrew from Shi Jian, he looked at him doubtfully and asked.

"Yes, seize the heavens, seize the spiritual luck and luck, and coexist with the world." The mysterious man waved his hand, but no longer ignored Su Jin, but walked alone behind the green giant cocoon, waiting for his daughter to recover and be born.


Su Jin thought that there were still two hours left, and he was still idle. He stepped back a hundred meters away, then sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, held the stone slip in his hand, and went in again with mental energy and opened it. The Scroll of the Scripture.

"The name of the seizure, the beginning of the sky, and the beginning of the earth." Su Jin was very shocked, looking at the beginning of the ‘Seizure of Heaven’, he was shocked.

In the scroll, there are probably hundreds of words, but with Su Jin’s comprehension, it seems that there are endless changes, which can be called wonderful. Some things in this "trick" Scripture even overturned some of his opinions. Cognition of Gongfa.

Su Jin used his spiritual power to condense a figure in the stone slip, and began to practice according to the route and perception in the exercise method. This seems simple, but it seems that the essentials have not been learned for hundreds of billions of years, and it is extremely profound. If it were not for his outstanding talents, I am afraid that he would not be able to build the foundation of this technique in his life, and it would be difficult to learn even the fur.

To seize is not to forcibly seize, but a certain kind of opportunity that fits that nature.

Two hours, as if at the flick of his finger in the practice, Su Jin reluctantly retreated his mental power——

"Huh? You have already started." The mysterious man looked at Su Jin in a very surprised tone. There was also a girl with a slightly confused look beside him. She broke out of the green cocoon and finally returned to normal. Out of this long and long night.

"It's just a fluke." Su Jin coughed lightly, "Since Sister Xiaotang has recovered, let me leave now. Don't forget what the predecessors promised. This time it is a matter of life and death, and I can only deal with it at most. Wei Tianzun."

"Go--" the mysterious man said to Bai Xiaotang, and then said to Su Jin: "Call me when you need it, and I will help you clear the obstacles."

Bai Xiaotang cried and shook her head. She seemed to have forgotten something, and her memory seemed to have been sealed. The fleshless man beside her seemed extremely important to her.

Su Jin stepped forward and took Bai Xiaotang's hand, and nodded with the mysterious man. There was a whirlpool above without warning, and even rushed in with the girl...


Appeared outside the Star Eye Giant Coffin in a flash!

The leader of Xiaotongtian, Yaoer, and okra were all pleasantly surprised.

The great power being watched in the hundreds of God City and Linlang God Land was very surprised.

"Ye Di walked out of the giant coffin and brought a girl out!"

"This night the emperor didn't die in the coffin. Could this woman be his chance? It's a pity that he won't die. Some people are going crazy."

"It's okay, how could Ye Di fall in the second level, he is the best candidate for the first prize in the Hundred Realms——"


Su Jin's face was calm, took out the fateful gourd, and directly took Bai Xiaotang in. He looked at Linlang God from the position of the floating corpse abyss, and the smile on the corner of his mouth made some people extremely uncomfortable.

When the destiny gourd disappeared in the palm of his hand, Su Jin stood in place and closed his eyes slightly. The magical rhyme of "Sudden Heaven" seemed to be reflected in the dark. This feeling is very strange. The Qi of Heaven and Earth here seems to be It comes to mind...

"This time in the Hundred Realms Meeting, the Tianzun who died in my hand will not be the only one who died in my hands. Maybe we will meet at the ninth level." Su Jin opened his eyes and suddenly spread his voice to the gods including Linlang. More than five hundred cities within, "Did you say so, Longhe Tianzun?"


What time is more twitchy than now?

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