My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2957: The weird man cursed by god

The Shishan Bone Bridge was magnificent, and there was a strange meaning everywhere. Yao'er held the Shennongding Ding in his arms for a few times before stabilizing his figure, and at the same time, the shock on his face was gone.

"Senior! I didn't mean to offend~~~" Yao'er explained hurriedly, but then she only felt a crushing force rushing over, and the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken wire.

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and a sway of his shoulders appeared behind Yao'er, his palms supported the slender jade waist, his expression of killing intent was undoubtedly evident.

"It's okay." Su Jin asked lightly.

A blood line fell in the corner of Yao'er's mouth, and she shook her head, "Master's Shennongding can protect me comprehensively. Unfortunately, I don't have enough control over Shennongding, otherwise it won't be so bad..."

"Retreat, I will help you get the poisonous flower." Su Jin's hands were wrapped in strands of truth, pouring in from Yao'er's waist, and only a few breaths of time healed her injury.

"Brother, be careful, it's really inconvenient--" Yao'er's face returned to normal, and there was even a faint blush. When she was shy, Su Jin let go, and she hurriedly backed away and returned to the third daughter of Xiaotongtian. beside.

At this time, the location of the Eunan Poisonous Flower is very delicate. At the top of the Shishan Bone Bridge, there are several clusters of glowing green lights flickering. When you are around the Shishan, it seems that thousands of eyes are staring at you. In general, very mysterious.

Su Jin's eyes gradually narrowed, and in a gentle tone, he said sharply, "It's no wonder that everyone aspires to become the strongest. Just because they reach a certain height, they can hold their own strength and do whatever they want! However, today No matter who you are in front of this king, it's not easy. Since my junior sister is eager to explain you but refuses to listen, then I will demolish your bone bridge, destroy your corpse mountain, and take your magic medicine!"

"With you, a weak ant?" There was seven points of disdain in the angry voice.

"Just rely on me!"

Su Jin took a step in the void, and at this step he walked on the bone bridge. The faint evil charm was captured by the people of the world——

The leader of Xiaotongtian felt a little more panicked.

Concubine Feng Zi and Qiu Da Kui looked at Yao'er with some complicated meanings. Having such seniors give her a head and take good care of her, which really made them especially envious.

"If you insist on looking for death, this deity will teach you this arrogant boy!"

As the Shishan Bone Bridge swayed, a huge deterrent burst out, and at the end of the bone bridge, a blood figure slowly appeared in a black linen corpse. This man was full of corpse energy, of medium size, and a group of monsters. The light of blood constantly flickered on his heart, and his head was full of ten snakehead sarcomas, and each snakehead sarcoma also had blue snake pupils—


A dozen strands of lightning slashed around this strange man!

Strangely speaking, after those lightning strikes the body of the weird person, they will leave terrible scars on the corpse, and the skin will be broken...

"Ah? The mighty power hidden in this corpse mountain turned out to have been cursed by the ancient gods!" There were many cultivators in the **** city who were surprised and saw the problem.

"Those lightnings are extraordinary! If it is a monk like us, if it gets a trace of it, the soul will be scattered, and the fragments of the soul will no longer exist, and this person is only slightly injured."

"This time the Hundred Realms Meeting is really weird, weird things happen again and again, from the previous star-eye coffin to the lady in red, this weird person who hid the corpse mountain and experienced the ancient curse is already the third weird thing——"


Su Jin's face was solemn.

Fortunately, Su Jin’s exhaustion had been completely made up before. Otherwise, he would really not be able to contend against this weird person. Immediately, he didn’t think too much, and a gorgeous nine-color glow burst out all over his body. He clenched his fist and directly Rush up over the bone bridge!

"Drink!" Despite the harassment of a dozen strands of lightning, the weird man still flew into the sky. The dark bone arms in the sleeves of the corpse's robe seemed to have been exposed for thousands of years. He also punched Su Jin together. !

Boom boom boom -

Zhou Tian seemed to be shattered, and with just one blow, nearly a thousand more space storms gathered in the void, as if he had returned to the ancient years with a single blow!


Su Jin has no expression on his face, but there is a sharp pain in his right arm. He knows how strong he is. The Vulcan Arm is not inferior to any God Arm, and the Guantiantu behind him is also a great blessing to him. , But with this punch, he actually suffered some dark losses!

"Huh?" The strange man showed a look of surprise.

The two of them were collecting power almost at the same time, ten miles away from each other, and they seemed to be measuring each other's strength——

This scene is very strange.

It even caused a lot of people to marvel!

You must know that as long as the strong people cursed by the heavens are super powerful, the emperor of the night is unscathed with a punch, which is really unacceptable for people to see.

Is Ye Di already so powerful?

"This kid, compared to the previous one, has already risen to another level." When Haoran Tianzun watched the battle, his heart was mixed and complicated.

Before the Hundred Realms Meeting started, Haoran Tianzun and Su Jin had a contest, knowing that the opponent's strength is strong, but if he makes a full shot, Haoran Tianzun can easily win, and after Su Jin cut down Huanyu Tianzun not long ago, he still Comfort yourself and say in your heart that this is because of the restraint of God's law——

But now...

Can he beat the night emperor?

Haoran Tianzun was not sure about it! And Ye Di just openly challenged Longhe Tianzun...

"You are nothing but that." Su Jin said deliberately.

"I admit, you surprised me very much." The weird man looked at Su Jin, as if he wanted to find out the reason through observation, but he finally gave up and slowly said: "If I don't bear the curse of God, I will have no strength. , You are really not in my eyes. Although you are good, you don't know that you have fallen into a big trap and you can't get out alive."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised, "Do you mean this Shishan Bone Bridge?"

"Yes, my bone bridge has been tempered over the years, from ancient times to the present, let alone you, even if there are ten or one hundred of you, it is destined to die." Weird human said.

"I also have a bridge, take a look, if not as good as you!"

Su Jin raised his hand, his index finger seemed to have a touch of profound rhyme, and gently pointed to the sky——

The deafening sound is like a roaring dragon, and what is apparently apparent is the stunned "Tongtian Immortal Bridge"!

This seems to have been created by the ultimate immortal. The white fairy dragon coiled around the bridge to the sky, watching the world, and the most weird thing is the white fairy dragon’s neck position...

Sitting on the dragon's neck was a small girl with a slender figure. She grabbed the dragon's temple and giggled. The pure fairy spirits from all directions were gathering frantically.

"Dad, dad hold—" Sakura raised her small hand on the fairy dragon.

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