My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2959: The grave of all beings

Inherit the curse God imposed on him?

I have to say, Xiao Tongtian reminded it too late, the weird did not have any dodge movements at all, Su Jin used the sword condensed from the Sword God Avenue, together with the "Dead Man Jing", and swept the weird in an instant——

Su Jin didn't panic in his heart.

The words of Master Xiaotongtian were a bit too evil for him, although he also felt this weird weird before.

"What's the situation?" When Okui heard the words, and looked at the strange man again, it was quiet inside and outside the court.

That kind of quiet makes people feel scared--

But after a short silence, what was exchanged was the sound of stormy discussions!

Linlangshendi, the monks in more than five hundred cities, after being reminded by Xiaotongtian, all thought of a legend!

"Through thousands of epochs, the legends of the heavens have always been a mystery. During this period, at least tens of thousands of great powers claimed to have been cursed by God. The content of these curses is unknown. Someone can remember the memories of millions of lives, but It is only a hundred years old. Some people carry disasters when they are born, destroying a whole life of living beings. Once there was a tribe that was cursed by God, and the whole tribe was transformed into an immortal spirit race, never seeing the sun."

"What a curse is this weird person? Is it because he wants to be relieved so much, is he under the curse of immortality?"

"Impossible! There is no immortality in the world, only the dark immortal spirit can live forever, but there is no sunlight—"

"Emperor Ye is in big trouble, this God's curse will be inherited by him."

"Who have heard of this person?"

"never heard before."

"I don't know, maybe the times are too long."


The weird person cursed by God has now become the focus of discussion! No one knows the origin of this powerful existence, only that it is one of the people cursed by God, and has just used Yedi's "Dead Man" to seek relief!

At this moment, Su Jin felt very strange--

The surrounding darkness and the fairy light on the bridge connecting the sky cannot be extinguished, and there is a hint of gray in that darkness.

Su Jin put down Sakura gently, lowered her head, and looked at her fingers with her fingers...

Between his ten fingers, pieces of ashes the size of snowflakes fell, and then he felt his own sea of ​​anger, and the sea of ​​spirit seemed to be blowing gray storms.

"Jie Jie Jie--" The strange man shook his body slightly, but he found that his body was like a tofu block, which could disintegrate at any time. Obviously, the power of Su Jin's sword was enough to meet his requirements.

Su Jin closed his eyes and the Wheel of Secrets of the Sky began to spin at extreme speed. He used the power of nine great avenues to fight the weird curse, but when his power swept through those gray storms, it seemed to be rushed into the air.

This weird curse is very special, it does not have any effect on his body, and it does not even hinder the use of power.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Su Jin's skin became paler, and around his eyebrows'Mahe Town Prison Eye', a circle of gray marks like vines appeared.


Although Su Jin closed his eyes, he vaguely heard an unusual voice at that moment, and then a very mysterious picture appeared in his mind!

In the picture, there are tens of thousands of nebula vortexes appearing up and down. Each nebula is a huge star field. The creatures in the star field are dead. The bright red blood stains the sky and the heads are piled up. , Even exceeding the height of the nebula.

This is the scene that only appears when how many lives have been slaughtered!

Su Jin saw the unparalleled gods, saw the giant Buddha's corpse, and even saw an oil lamp in the palm of the giant Buddha's corpse. The wind can't move the lamp, and the blood can't extinguish the light of the Buddha.


The weird man seemed to be laughing miserably. He saw that his body was disintegrating, and he was obviously about to disappear into the world, but after the last dying, he said: "God is not kind, and everything is a dog. Young man, you want to hear me Story?"

Su Jin opened his eyes, and his heart was still confused. He felt that this so-called God’s curse was not as terrible as others imagined. This strange curse power did not hinder his use of strength. On the contrary, he had a strong influence on his body’s strength. The understanding seems to be more thorough.

For example, the sea of ​​qi is a place where power is stored. The sea of ​​qi has to pass through the major Zhoutian meridians to convey power, and this curse power can perfectly fit his nine avenues. He feels that when the sun is running, the speed is faster. Quite a few--

"Who are you?" Su Jin's brain was buzzing now, and finally he asked with a sigh.

"The years are enough to make a person forget his name... However, these grays remind me of a former title--" The strange man watched his arm collapse and dissipate.


"I...I am Lord Ashes."

"Just now, I saw some star regions, among which the skulls were higher than the sky. The entire star region monks, countless, were all wiped out in an instant. You know why." Su Jin frowned.

"That's... the grave of all beings." The weird man was a little emotionally unstable. "It is the scene that God's curse let you see. This curse is not as terrible as you think, but... Forget it, you will know later, and finally I can’t trouble you with two things, I would like to pay the price of a Nirvana-class soldier—"

"Which two?"

"Close your eyes and help me look at the third star field, which is the blue star field... there is a blue star, help me look at the back of the grave of sentient beings... the back..."

"What about the second one?" Su Jin closed his eyes and easily found the place the weird said.

"Tell me, the scene on the back of the tomb of the sentient beings, just tell me—" The voice of the weird man was trembling, half of his body had disappeared, and his mind was beginning to be unclear.

Su Jin thought about it. People would die and their words would be good, and it wouldn't matter to help, but when he saw the back of the tomb of sentient beings, he fell into silence.

"What did you see..." The weird hurried.

"You probably don't want to know--" Su Jin shook his head, and when he said that, he glanced thoughtfully at the "Evil Flower" and sighed in his heart.

"I... I already know the answer." The weird opened his mouth with difficulty, blowing a whirlpool in the surrounding void, and a layer of mystical radiance was rendered. "Life is alive, waiting to become empty, everything becomes empty. , Take this divine treasure, be careful of your curse, because you will..."

"What will happen?" Su Jin watched the weird finally burst into powder, and his heart was both angry and funny.

There was not much left in the same place, and the corpse mountain was all shattered the moment the whirlpool appeared. Only the whirlpool's precious light was still there, and only the poisonous flower fluttered out.

Su Jin comforted Sakura for a while, sent her to Xianlong's back, and dissipated the bridge to the sky, then he stretched out his hand, dived into the whirlpool, and collected the mysterious Nirvana-class soldier.

"What did you see behind the tomb of the sentient beings?" The leader Xiaotongtian quietly appeared beside Su Jin and asked in a low voice.

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