My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2977: August of the previous year, the autumn of Huashi

Gu Yan asked Su Jin to return the arrow with the word "Xian" inscribed with graceful handwriting——

Su Jin chuckled dumbly, looked at the little white hand, and then looked at Gu Yan, "It is still impossible to pay it back, the arrow is gone."


Gu Yan's eyes were suspicious, "I saw you put the arrow away with my own eyes."

Su Jin immediately showed a painful expression on his face, clutching his heart, and said: "That arrow has already hit the king's heart, so it's hard to take it out again--"

The face of the goddess Bai Jinghu was unusually ugly.

Gu Yan Jian Shen's reputation has long been not limited to the Starry Sky Beast Forest. She once walked out of the Beast Forest and was extremely famous in the surrounding stars and the world. She even went to the Linlang God Land and was treated by the highest standard of Dragon River Tianzun.

However, the existence of such a super **** of archery is not worthy of the night emperor's cheap skills!

Can ordinary people figure out Su Jin's wisdom?

Causality, cause and effect, the arrow just now was the cause, and now the return is the result, and it is the end of the fate, so he said that it is still impossible to pay, and it will never be possible.

"This—" Gu Yan's expressionless face had a little strange expression. She had never seen this kind of young man from the East. She seemed a little helpless, but she seemed to have no solution at all?

As the saying goes: the poor are afraid of the horizontal, the horizontal are afraid of the dazed, the dazed are afraid of the fatal, the fatal does not provoke the poor to the chaos, and the poor are the most afraid of shameless.

Su Jin is the last category.

"Let's do it." Su Jin's expression gradually became gentle, and said slowly: "Didn't you say that all the people who have been to the Wangxiang corridor are dead? When I die, you can dig out my mind and look at you. Does the arrow melt in my heart, if not, you take it away again—"

Believe you a ghost!

Gu Yan finally saw it now, she was not stupid, this guy was clearly teasing her, not returning the arrow, it must be another plot.

"The beast tide is about to begin. There have been beast tides in the Starry Sky Beast Forest several times, but this time is very different. My people are in danger and there is no time to wait for you." Gu Yan was particularly depressed.

Her quiver has always been full, and she has never lost an arrow hand-lettering. Now that she is missing one, it will mess her way and it will not benefit her future practice.

That's it!

Asking for nothing, Gu Yan turned around and wanted to go back——

"Hold on." Su Jin suddenly called the other party.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yan thought about his tribe, didn't look back, just stopped the figure that he wanted to leave.

"The tide of beasts is raging, if Miss Sister doesn't mind, this king can go with you, and I may do some meager efforts." Su Jin said.

"No." Gu Yan shook his head.

"Have you seen this, the goddess of Baijing Lake, a strong man of the Celestial Realm, is no less powerful than you, and I am even more powerful. You really don't need our two right-hand men?" Su Jin smiled, "If you I feel that this is not enough, and looking over there, the giant tortoise has reached a heavenly being. Has the woman in red on it seen? The strength is unfathomable--"

Gu Yan condensed her eyebrows and looked sideways at the goddess of Baijing Lake, but her expression was uncertain. Soon she asked: "In August of the old year, the autumn of Huashi."

"Uh, what?" Doubt appeared on the face of the goddess Bai Jinghu.

"Nothing--" Gu Yan suddenly became cold, feeling the surrounding temperature dropped by a few degrees, and then said to Su Jin: "You can follow me, she can't."

"All right, the goddess sister is waiting for me here. I will accompany the beautiful woman to appreciate the aboriginal style. I will be back soon. Don't run around." Su Jin smiled quite naturally.

"The animal tide erupts, and only here is the safest place. Why do you want to participate in it?" The eyes of the goddess Bai Jinghu showed a strange strangeness that made people wonder.

"Understand me naturally." Su Jin put a hand behind him, and walked to Gu Yan's side.

Nowadays, handsome men and beautiful women are just like made in heaven——

Gu Yan hesitated slightly, and still acquiesced to this situation, knowing that even in her clan, no man would dare to stand beside her like this, and this person seemed very special.

The golden glow of the gods will last for a long time. The super beings in the beast forest such as the golden apes are all preparing for battle. The evil spirits in the deep sky are not far away, and they have not yet come.

After such a distance, they can tremble the beast forest with their breath. Perhaps after this catastrophe, the beast forest will no longer exist, and their homes will be completely submerged in the starry sky and turned into dust.

Su Jin and Gu Yan are gone-

Sniffing the scent that a unique girl can possess, Su Jin seemed to have lost his soul, and through the void passage, he truly stepped into the territory belonging to the aborigines of the beast forest.

"Why don't you ask?" Gu Yan glanced at Su Jin.


"Why don't I let her follow."

"Very simple, she is not the goddess of Baijing Lake you know." Su Jin smiled.

"How do you know?" Gu Yan was a little surprised.

"In August of the previous year, the autumn of Huashi. This is clearly a question from a friend. You must have seen it somewhere that year. You said the time and season, but she couldn't answer where she came." Su Jin said.

"You... are so smart." Gu Yan really felt Su Jin's extraordinary, such a ‘difficult’ problem, which involved complicated, but he had figured it out so meticulously.

"Thank you for the compliment." Su Jin feels that it is not difficult. There is no difficulty at all. I really don't know why this beauty is so surprised.


In the distant mountains, more than a dozen groups of powerful gods burst out suddenly! Following a series of rumbling noises, Gu Yan's expression suddenly became nervous.

"That's Youan Yaozun!" Gu Yan's face was pale, "Quickly go, my father is at war with it!"

Looking at the place where Su Jinchao was fighting, I saw a piece of yellow sand lifted up, the color between the faintness resembled light green, the yellow sand that lifted up was actually condensed from the divine power, and it was extremely poisonous!

One of the terrifying monster beasts resembled a snake, but had the head of a crocodile, covered in dark red scales, and had two wings——


Gu Yan took Su Jin to the clan land, where the ancient trees are towering to the sky, the sacred mountain is vast, and a few miles away, a sturdy middle-aged man with scars on his face, holding a double axe, is fighting against the Youan Demon Venerable!

The nerves of the clansmen were tense, but then they screamed frequently. In the dim environment, flower spiders with grimace faces behind them were attacking the aborigines!

"Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable!" Gu Yan trembled, holding a short bow in her hand and lifting it without thinking. Although there was no arrow on the string, three strong brilliance condensed when she opened the bow string.


Three divine arrows shot directly into the distance, where there was a woman in a bold costume, dark purple wrapped in a dress, lying on the back of a giant spider.

"Sister Guyan, how angry..." Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable walked with a smile, and the three divine power arrows were easily scattered by her!


Almost to the point where people can't react, Gu Yan's entire body is suppressed by the immense power. She knows that it is not her opponent. This Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable exists at the same level as the Youan Demon Venerable. Is going to die!

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