My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2979: Those people who are my future fairy concubine

At the same time, Miss Guyan was also stunned.

Moreover, Gu Yan was still thinking about what to do a second ago, the feeling of confusion and helplessness made her despair, but the next second, Su Jin's shocking methods showed her that she had never heard of it!

The bright red halo surrounding Su Jin's body was very unique. The lone geese stared in a daze and felt the power of the bright red ring, which seemed to have an extraordinary connection with this young man.

"This is the great affinity of perfection——" Gu Yan looked silly. She knew that Su Jin was bluffing her just now. At such a close distance, the bright red halo did not escape the power that threatened her. Can't even smell.

"Bright red dragon, what avenue is this? I...why is my Dao heart trembling." Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable was sluggish, quietly aware that the giant spider shadow behind him was trembling, the original hissing no longer,

hard to imagine!

Her demon soul was trembling in fright!

"You are both good at cultivation level and realm, but you don't have a good eye--" Su Jin shook his head gently.

"You just used its power to dissolve my old lady's spider venom?" Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable was nervous, she could feel the throbbing and fear in the depths of her soul, but due to her strong realm and strength, she did not Not retreated!

"Is it useful? Sister? It seems that in such a powerful beast forest world, your cognition is limited. I really don't know whether I should sympathize with you or make fun of it?" Su Jin was rather helpless.

Just now, it was true that Su Jin held her wrist to stop the Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable, but those so-called spider venoms just evaporated and dissipated as soon as they got under the skin.

"I don't believe it, although I don't know what's going on with you, but at best, this dragon soul is a little more advanced than my spider soul. I have enough power and realm to kill you--" The ghost flower spider demon held back his heart. Shocked, said coldly.


The magnificent brightly-colored dragon roared at the ghost flower spider demon in the void behind Su Jin.

The Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable's face suddenly paled, and his body was not controlled by his thoughts, he slumped down and sat on the ground.

This was just a roar that scared Tianzun into paralysis?

Miss Guyan's eyes were confused, Su Jin's way, it almost subverted her cognition, you must know that this ghost flower spider demon is really very strong, not to say that it is a **** king, even if it is tens of thousands of **** kings, it is her death. After a thought, but now the mysterious bright dragon soul just roared, making the ghost flower spider demon so unbearable!

"Ghost Flower Spider Mother! What are you doing! Quickly clean up those dirty humans and help me. He is not very easy to deal with!" The Dark Demon screamed again and again. It is not better now. Gu Yan's father is quite sturdy. The shape is also very flexible, and the double axe in hand can hurt its hard scales without knowing what material it is made of.

The sweat on Demon Venerable Ghost Flower Spider's face was getting more and more, she didn't dare to move at all, she didn't dare to move at all, because the head of the brightly colored dragon had already come over.

Poison it--

Poison it!

The Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable is crying deep in her heart, but her soul origin seems to have been deeply suppressed. It is impossible for outsiders to imagine this situation!

Miss Gu Yan's beautiful blue pupils were incredibly unbelievable. She saw behind the Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable, a mini version of the flower spider soul flew out, and kowtow at the bright dragon head--

"Huh? Interesting, I didn't expect that there is still the spirit of spider ancestors in your bloodline inheritance." Su Jin was a little curious, he felt the breath of prehistoric years in the condensed spider soul.

"What did you do to me!" How powerful is the Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable, and it is very vicious in itself. It is even more known as the "Ghost Widow" in the beast forest. Few monsters dare to approach. Now that this situation occurs, she naturally does not Too willing.

Miss Guyan suddenly appeared in her mind. Although they are aborigines, they have a long life and have their own culture. She once saw a record in the ancient books of the clan, a very terrible record——

The poison of the world, led by Candle Dragon! That is the king of magical poisons, with the poisonous planting magical medicine reaching maturity, after maturity, it can turn into a true dragon and jump to the top poison list.

"Candle, candle dragon, magical poison?" Gu Yan asked vaguely.

"Huh? Miss Guyan is very nice~~~" Su Jin applauded lightly, and the clapping gesture of applause made him feel an urge to punch him.

There was no blood on the Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable's face instantly!

She never guessed that this bright dragon is actually the legendary "Candle Dragon Magic Medicine"!

Don’t blame her for not having such doubts--

Because this brightly-colored dragon is obviously a great body, the candle dragon will become a dragon after the magical medicine is completed, and fly away, and no one can surrender!

"Really?!" Gu Yan had just guessed, but he didn't expect to guess it directly, and she was shocked.

"Yes, I ran into it by chance, and then cast it into the king's avenue." Su Jin nodded very seriously.

Su Jin's tone shouldn't be too natural, as if it is very easy to practice the magical medicine of the candle dragon into a great way!

That is unimaginable! First of all, the timing must be accurate. It takes a long time to wait for the magical medicine of the candle dragon to mature. After maturity, the conditions are also very demanding. If the magic medicine turns into a real dragon, it will fly away. Corpse water, let alone turn it into a avenue?

"Unexpectedly, it is the king of genius poison, it is the little demon who has eyes and no beads..." Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable smiled bitterly, and all the doubts in his heart at this moment were relieved.

She didn’t scare her like this when she changed into any kind of poison. Hey, don’t say that Su Jin is the strength of the God King. Even if she didn’t, she was completely succumbed to this candle dragon. This kind of poison, thought Don’t destroy her Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable too easily, there is a king for everything, and the same goes for monsters and poisons——

"Hurry up and get away." Su Jin gently waved his hand just like dispelling flies, "By the way, take your companion, what is your name?"

"Youan Demon Venerable." Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable answered honestly.

"Oh, let's get out of here--" Su Jin put away the candle dragon halo and said lightly.

Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable's pressure suddenly eased, he took a deep look at Su Jin, gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes!"

"Wait, you have killed so many members of my future fairy concubine. Go back and prepare for compensation. Please send it all the best beast pills, heavenly treasures, or creation materials." Su Jin did not forget to explain.

"Okay! I will definitely come to the door to apologize afterwards!" Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable One step directly towards You'an Demon Venerable who is still resisting, the anger in his heart is not concealed, it is at the beginning of the beast tide, if it weren't for the Youan Demon Venerable Instigation , How could she offend Su Jin!

"Why are you back? Unsolved Guyan Arrow God?" Youan Yaozun asked.

"Shut up!" Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable immediately shouted: "At this time, my two sides are wrong, the patriarch, please truce!"

Gu Yan's father was panting heavily. He looked back and found that his daughter was innocent, and he was relieved, with some doubts and curiosity in his heart.

"Why? What's the matter?" Youan Yaozun asked.

The Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable ignored him, just showed a far-fetched smile, and said to Su Jin: "Just now the adult has the ability to refine the road, the little demon is only curious about one question, maybe a little presumptuous——"

"Ask. Then get out." Su Jin was expressionless and glanced at Miss Gu Yan, only to find her head down and red face.

"How many avenues have you built?" Ghost Flower Spider Demon Venerable asked.

"Want to see it?" Su Jin said badly.

"miss you."

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