My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2987: There used to be a monk who specialized in collecting demons

Hear the words.

The Ghost Flower Spider Mother and Youan Yaozun all trembled cruelly--

Su Jin just found this excuse in the Guitian Clan and dug an ancient magical medicine from others, but now he has done the same, still focusing on them.

Gu Yan was already in a state of concentration when she separated her lips. Although it was only a petal of the magic medicine, the energy contained in it was simply too terrifying. She had been transported for three consecutive days before she managed to stabilize the skyrocketing power.

Don't blame her for doing this--

You must know that since the beginning of guarding Xuexin Begonia, the Guitian tribe has never dared to touch one of its leaves and pui, and more often sit around it. This is also the luck of the Guitian tribe. As for eating directly, Ye Chonghai didn’t think about it. The magical poison in it even Tianzun can't bear, unless a magical refiner is found to refine the magical poison, but the cost is too high, and this magical medicine is not visible, and no one can bear the risk of leakage.

Never thought of it, but Su Jin is now in vain!

"See Lord Overnight..." Ghost Flower Spider Mother hurriedly saluted.

Youan Yaozun has now turned into a human form, looking like a middle-aged man in his early forties, like the ghost flower spider mother, even though it is reluctant, he bowed his waist and bowed in a salute.

"Where are you going?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"Naturally, according to Yedi's order, go to the Haotian clan to apologize." Ghost Flower Spider Mother answered honestly.

"If I've read it right before, your lair should be 1,500 miles away based on this. Besides, you should go east to the Vast Sky Clan, not south." Su Jin said with a smile, with a glimpse from the corner of his eyes. Han Guang, the ghost flower spider mother who was watching was trembling with fear.

"Yedi, this is a misunderstanding!" Mother Ghost Flower Spider's thoughts turned quickly, and she immediately said: "You'an Yaozun and I originally wanted to go directly to the Haotian Clan, but we thought of the great profound arts of Lord Yedi. , The treasure house of my two clans, I might not help Ye Di’s things. I just remembered that there is a personal tribe in front of the'Tianhantan', occupying a treasure all year round, including the'Xuanbing Bed', this bed of beast forest Unique, the true value is no less than an ancient strange medicine, we are planning to grab it and offer it to Lord Yedi."

Su Jin's wisdom is extraordinary, where can't tell the **** of this ghost flower spider mother, it is true that she and Youan Yaozun want to escape, and these words are just an excuse.

"Go and see—" Su Jin smiled slightly.

"Hey, let's take you there." Mother Ghost Flower sighed in relief and hurriedly said flatly with a smile.

A slight coercion came slowly, Su Jin's expression remained unchanged, and when he turned his head to look, what he saw was shocking.

"Monk, you are not allowed to go!" I saw the woman in red walking over, she put something in her arm, and when she looked closely, it turned out to be the old tortoise. This old tortoise is so powerful that it can turn into a basin. It seems that he does not want to attract attention in the animal tide.

Su Jin secretly called a headache, how did this mysterious lady in red go where and where, his eyes widened slowly, and asked, "Who is the monk called?"

There must be a story in it. Su Jin didn’t want to know it. After all, he knew that this woman was related to the Buddha King of Life and Death when the woman in red called this title. I’m afraid the other party had misunderstood and misunderstood him. The reincarnation golden body of the runner Buddha.

"The starry sky beast tide, everyone is in danger, you actually ignore the catastrophe, go to see some beautiful woman, you quickly retreat to the thirty-six clan for me--" the red woman said anxiously.

"Wait." Su Jin tilted his head and looked at the Ghost Flower Spider Mother, "Who did you say just now who is occupying the treasure?"

"Human Cultivation." Ghost Flower Spider mother said.

"I didn't say it was a beautiful woman, how did you know, Miss Red?" Su Jin asked in a questioning tone.

"I...I knew it!" The woman in red hugged the old tortoise and stared at Su Jin.

"You get out of the way, I was afraid of you before, but now it's different--" Su Jin said calmly.

The red-dressed woman's complexion was blue and red. When Dahan and Erhan looked at her, she only felt that her scalp was numb, and the hairs on her body were standing up. The golden sacred ape is too strong, especially this adult saint. Ape, if you want her to die, you can crush her and the old tortoise into ashes with one hand--

"It's going... but Nanshan." The red-dressed woman calmly asked, looking at the Ghost Flower Spider Mother.

"Exactly." Ghost Flower Spider Mother nodded.

"I just heard that you are going to grab the Xuanbing bed for Ye Di?" The red woman gritted her teeth tightly.

"Yes, there is spirit in the bed, which can be worth ten thousand years." Youan Yaozun also said.

"Go, I'll be with you." The woman in red gave Su Jin a vicious look.

"How do you feel that you are familiar with this place?" Su Jin was a little puzzled. When he had advised him not to go to the'Wangxiang Corridor' earlier, the woman in red was also extremely accurate, as if she was born in a starry beast forest, especially It was when Ghost Flower Spider Mother said to go to Tianhantan, she again accurately named Nanshan this place——

The woman in red did not explain, she gestured, Dahan stretched out her hand and caught her next to Su Jin...

Miss Guyan next to her is already sitting cross-legged, her eyes closed, she doesn't know when she will wake up.

"Your young lady's body is so fragrant..." Su Jin moved his nose together, smelling it back and forth.

"I'm the demon in your eyes, aren't you disgusting?" The strong woman in red said calmly.

"There is a legend in my hometown that there is a monk who specializes in collecting monsters, and finally fell in love with a monster." Su Jin said with a smile on his face.

This is a bit of high emotional intelligence.

Sure enough, the red-dressed woman trembled--

in silence.

Seeing her silence, Su Jin saw the complexity in her eyes, and couldn't help but said: "Who is the last name of Miss Sister and where does she live? After chasing me for so long, I don't even know your name..."

"I won't tell you." The woman in red said coldly.

"From then on, I'll call you a little fairy." Su Jin said calmly.


"Why don't you call you Xiaohong? I remember that in any spring house, there seems to be Xiaohong..."


In the end, Su Jin, who was arrogant and charming, still failed to ask her name, but she gave Su Jin a chance, saying that it was for him to remember, which was really speechless.

Not long after, in the dim environment, Su Jin and his group headed south. Among the several mountain passes, the coldness of the Rin was blowing, and six big mountains appeared not far away.

Nanshan is here.

"There is a beautiful woman in Nanshan, sitting on the Xuanbing Bed alone." Youan Yaozun smiled, "This Nanshan is very strange. I would like to lead the way for Ye Di, walk into the maze of the cold lake, grab the Xuan Bing Bed and give it to Master Ye Di. !"

"Fuck off." Su Jin landed on Dahan in one step. As soon as he fell, his eyes were cold.

Su Jin didn't expect that when he first came to Nanshan, there were two golden sacred apes around to protect him, and the dirty things still followed. In the field of vision, three figures stood quietly--

"Let me see, what kind of demons are the three of you!" Su Jin got a little angry, and his eyebrows were opened, and a golden light shone directly.

Chi Chi ~~~

Only in a moment, the three figures turned into three golden figures, and they were frozen on the spot!

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