My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3006: Terran Hero

"No!" The Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall directly shook her head and refused. Her expression was a bit ugly. She knew what Cangshanxue's request meant. With the current situation, even a large family of people could not guarantee that they could survive in the beast tide.

Leaving Cangshan Snow alone in the Saintess Hall, it won’t take long for her to fall into the hands of other monsters, and she will definitely die--

"I also ask Master to complete it." Cang Shanxue knelt in front of Master.

Su Jin looked at the saint carefully. When she was stubborn, she really had a unique temperament. She was wearing an ice-green dress, a belt embroidered with pink lotus patterns, tightly tied with a thin willow waist, and her long black hair was neat and tidy. The waterfall, with small white flower hair accessories on it, will definitely not lose to any girl in appearance.

"Why do you want to be the Holy Lord, as long as you walk with us, I will immediately announce that the position of the Holy Lord will be passed on to you. There is no hope of living here at all." Soft, why didn't she understand her own female disciple's mind——

If the people of the other clan are not for reproduction, why should they come for assistance like this, but this is all fate. In the beast forest, the human clan has a low status, and women... even more so.

"Cangshanxue's life is only to prove the Tao. If there is a Taoist couple in the future, that Taoist couple must also be a peerless powerhouse in the world. If I succumb to my destiny and marry someone I don't like, the Taoist heart will die and live like a walking dead. , And what is the difference between death." Cang Shanxue looked at Master’s eyes, and did not dodge, but her party cleared tears, but they had quietly fallen.

"Hi! Everyone look here, look here quickly—" Su Jin's voice broke the pessimistic atmosphere around him.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Su Jin, and saw this young master pointing at his face, his waist was straight, with a sense of chicness, he continued to point to his face and said: "Peerless Isn't the strong right in front of you?"

Song Xiaoyu and Lingsu looked confused--

This mysterious young man, his style of behavior is really shocking. In front of so many senior sisters and younger sisters, boasting that he is a peerless powerhouse is as shameless as there is.

Gushan laughed awkwardly, seeing Su Jin's serious look, which made him very admired. Although he still can't determine what Su Jin's future will be, if Su Jin does not fall this time, the heavens will have a place in the future. The place!

"Yeah, look at this young man, he is very talented and handsome, and has outstanding strength. If she hadn't saved you who had been exhausted just now, we would not be able to escape the calamity of the Annihilation Sect today." said the Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall.

Is it him?

Cangshanxue turned her head to look at Su Jin. She actually didn't remember. Before, she opened the pupil of Destiny, extracted her own vitality into divine power, and finally fell into a coma, and when she woke up, she was bathed in the light of Buddha. , Came to Master inexplicably.

"Senior Sister, the son is very capable, you don't want to be stubborn anymore, let's go together--" Song Xiaoyu quickly persuaded.

Cang Shanxue's expression was very determined, and she shook her head heavily. She couldn't leave. It was difficult to change the things she decided. This was a matter of principle for her.

Besides... no matter how strong Su Jin is, can he beat that night emperor better? Although he doesn't know how he retreated from the enemy, he may have hidden tricks, which is definitely not his true strength, and his cultivation is no more than a **** king.

That night emperor, who can be compared to the **** of the sea, is a stunning and majestic heavenly arrogant. The demon is not in his eyes. Not long ago, in the forbidden area of ​​Nanshan, he suppressed more than 30 monsters in the sea. Lord, the shadow palace powerhouse in the dark dare not move the first half of a minute——

Of course, this is what those wanderers said, at least in the beast forest, no matter the intelligent big demon or the human race, no one knows that no one knows about it.


Su Jin rolled up his sleeves. He looked at Cang Shanxue and shook his head. He seemed to disagree with his strength. This is a little bit out of hand. Can he be despised by a woman?

"My son-in-law, my son-in-law is calm--" Gushan looked at Su Jin's actions and suddenly became ashamed. He knows the true identity of his son-in-law. If this happens, his happiness will be lost, and he will die. Early, this is finally about to usher in the second spring...

"Cangshanxue! Hurry up and apologize to the son!" The saint master of the Saintess Hall apparently also saw the problem, and his face was slightly cold.

"I don't--" Cangshanxue stubbornly felt that 10,000 cows could not be pulled back.

"Junior sister, the son rescues me, it is already an unrequitable kindness, how can you offend him, listen to the respected teacher, and apologize to the son." Senior sister Lingsu's nervous heartbeat speeded up, and she hurriedly advised, only hope that Cangshan Xue will be here. The temper can be changed, otherwise it is easy to make people unhappy.

"Apologize, you don't have to." Su Jin's face was very calm, he put his hands behind his back naturally, and said lightly: "Look at the meaning of the saint, it's that someone Su has gained a false name, and there is no appearance in the world. No matter what Tianjiao she thinks in her heart, I really don't believe it today. The entire animal forest, the 36 tribes, and the Wanderers are stronger than me. I don't know, but the 36 tribes, can I find one? "

"Naturally." Seeing Su Jin's tone, Cangshanxue directly responded in a cold voice.

"Who? You say it, I'll kill him, if as you said, I failed the challenge, even if he died, but if I kill him, you will go with me, can you bet?" Su Jinxian There is something to care about with others, but somehow in his heart, there is a real aura surging, making him have to fight.

"Not long ago, a wave of evil sea beasts emerged outside the forbidden area of ​​Nanshan. The **** of the sea came out of the sea. A human race called himself the emperor of the night, and he was born. Find him--" Cang Shanxue said coldly.

"Quickly shut up!" The Saint Lord of the Saintess Hall was shocked, this child was really disobedient, and said everything.

The holy master of the Saintess Hall, including her more than one hundred female disciples, are all disgusted. You know, that Yedi is a legend, an absolute legend-level Tianjiao! Asking this young man to trouble him, isn't he looking for death? The emperor that night is now rumored to have a status comparable to that of the **** of the sea, whether he has any superiority.

Moreover, Cang Shanxue was so tit-for-tat, in their opinion, it meant making things difficult for Su Jin. If this makes him unhappy, what should he do?

Sure enough, Su Jin was stunned in the eyes of others——

"It's too much, Junior Sister." Ling Su felt cold. She didn't want to die. If the saint's remarks made Su Jin angry and unable to join the clan, they would not escape death.

At this time, Lonely Shan was also dumbfounded. He discovered that this son-in-law was really a genius, and his fame was spread here——

Su Jin woke up from a stunned state, and looked at Cangshanxue with weird eyes, "Do you admire that Yedi? If you want to marry, just marry Yedi like that?"

"The beast forest and the beasts destroy the human race, regard the human race as ants, and the night emperor defeats the sea god. He is the great human hero. He is truly a peerless powerhouse in the world. I naturally admire it." Cang Shanxue said.

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