My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3022: Step forward to lead death!

There was a sound of her Royal Highness, and she was a little polite--

Feng Qingtian stared blankly, and stared at Su Jin. Now she felt a familiar stranger to this Ye Emperor. The cold face and the star-like deep eyes made her feel deep in her heart. A trace of panic!

"You..." Feng Qingtian only reacted this time, but he didn't know what to say.

"Next, leave it to me." Su Jin's tone was full of confidence, and then he said: "The most important thing right now is not these gangsters. The transformation of Her Royal Highness is the most important thing. I have a way. , I don’t know if our Queen is willing to endure hardship?"

Feng Qingtian nodded gently--

In the first battle, the battle was exhausted, the battle even collapsed, and she was seriously injured. In order to change, she had already endured the pain for several days.

Su Jin gave a hum, flipped his hand and held the "God Whip" in his hand. His figure shook, and the whip flashed——


Crisp and loud!

Feng Qingtian’s soul was beaten out by the **** whip. Su Jin Chuanyin informed her of some circumstances. The reason for doing so was naturally because the spirit of the soul would be affected by the laws of heaven and earth, and the **** whip was a treasure, as long as you did not deliberately resist its charm. , The soul that was beaten can be maintained for a long time without returning to the flesh!


On the black hole with blue halo in the sky, there are more golden light spots. Those Buddha lights are especially eye-catching in the black starry sky. In a flash, there is a Buddha lotus rooting in the starry sky and growing rapidly!

Feng Qingtian only felt an irresistible suction, descending in the black starry sky above her head, and her snake body and soul floated up.

That huge buddha lotus directly bends its branches, and the lotus bud swallows Feng Qingtian's snake-man body in an instant! However, Feng Qingtian’s soul was full of the brilliance of the wheel of time. Then, before Feng Qingtian could react, the six prayer wheel beads imprinted with the Buddha’s "six-character mantra" appeared shockingly. Up! The six buddha beads surrounded her spirit and spun!

The mantras of Buddha, turned into golden light and shadow, constantly imprinted on Feng Qingtian's soul!

At this moment, Da Er San Zang is speechless——

Seeing that Brother Sanzang's face was different, the white tiger with blood marks asked: "Hearing about the transformation of snake-man queens in the past, they have to endure the pain of nine deaths and a lifetime. As a price, I wonder what Brother Sanzang thinks?"

"I can't say for sure." Daer Sanzang was silent after speaking, and continued: "Yedi should use his Buddhism Samadhi immeasurable realm to help the queen get rid of the snake body."

"I'm becoming more and more curious about Ye Di. I don't know what he will do next. The Heavenly Bone he refines is so powerful--" said Baimei Shanzun.

What to do next?

Su Jin hasn't had a disguise for a long time. The reason why he just showed a gentle temperament is all because of Her Royal Highness, as for now...

Fingers start to point!

"Old Miscellaneous Mao, step forward to lead death!" Su Jin was referring to the Mongoose King!

In this scene, almost all people who didn't know Su Jin exclaimed! No one knows how good Ye Di’s attitude towards Feng Qingtian is. That scene shouldn’t be too beautiful. It is simply the best interpretation of handsome men and beautiful women, and the beauty of the celestial couple. As a result, does the temperament change like this now? How big?

"Who are you talking about--" The Mongoose King just wanted to vomit blood.

"Who else is there besides you? Look at our golden holy ape family. Every holy ape's hair is shining golden! But you, look at you, white, brown, and even a few pinches on the head Hong Mao, is there a problem with your old miscellaneous hair?" Su Jin asked.


Dozens of golden sacred apes suddenly thumped their chests and laughed. They were covered in golden color, they were sacred. This is also the supreme glory of the holy apes! Ye Di said so, don’t let the holy apes like it too much--

The complexion of the ancestor of the Heart Eater has never looked good from beginning to end. How could Ye Di recover so quickly!

"Everybody is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crimes. The bones you refined just now are not something you can own. You'd better understand and dedicate this bone. I can forgive the crimes of the snake-human race, and I won’t pursue them anymore. "Heart-biting Ancestor said with a sullen face.

"Have you finished the shit?" Su Jin smiled, "You more than ten clan, none of them can escape, and they will all be destroyed by this king, and you will be removed from the beast forest!"

"How courageous! I see how you can get rid of my name of the mongoose family!" The snake mongoose king couldn't help it. This night emperor's madness, the beast forest powerhouses are all in the eyes, arrogant and out of place!

Immediately, the Snake Mongoose King suddenly opened his mouth, swallowed, and bursts of fishy demon weather turned into large and small whirlpools. In each whirlpool, a **** stone floated.

Gradually, every piece of the sacred stone burst out of the scriptures, and the blood-red scriptures actually condensed a pattern of killing around.

Su Jin's eyes were cold--

Fortunately, Feng Qingtian gave him a celestial bone, otherwise, if it weren't for himself, after Feng Qingtian was beheaded by the opponent, the entire Snake Man City would die under this ‘killing picture’! These guys must have been prepared to do this a long time ago-

Almost without hesitation, Su Jin slowly raised his right arm, and suddenly shook his right fist!

Click, click, click——

An Era Tianquan that can pierce through the sky appeared like an insurmountable sacred mountain. The Era Tianquan at this time is no longer comparable to yesterday!

The boundless thunder and lightning, when the Era Tianquan appeared, it seemed to sink into the ancient times. The sky full of thunder and lightning was intertwined and connected to the vast Era Tianquan!

"Break it to me!" Su Jin Jiyuan Tianquan was in the electric light, grand unparalleled, directly and brazenly slammed on the'killing picture'!

Bang! After a loud bang, the killing figure burst into pieces, and the Mongoose King also spouted a spit of blood from the sky. It was originally injured by the ancestor spirit, so it was repeated three times, and the body was actually seriously injured! But as one of the super strong, it will feel the crisis coming in the next second!

Su Jin's speed was too fast, and the whole person appeared directly in front of the Mongoose King while shrinking to an inch, suddenly bowed his waist, and kicked the triangle-pointed face of the Mongoose King!

"Set!" Su Jin's voice stopped for half a second!

But in this half a second, Su Jin's attack was like a torrential rain, and the one who broke his head and covered his face was to give the Meerkat King a good fight!

The snake people in Snake Man City are all cheering frantically. The blockbuster Ye Emperor is actually beating the Monk King, a super power! This kind of scene, I am afraid that no one could have imagined it before!

"You... are you enough!" The Meerkat King suddenly roared wildly, and in a majestic momentum, it turned into a demon body, its size was swelling, and finally it was amazingly big!

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Jin seemed to have been rushed back a hundred meters away by the huge momentum of the Meerkat King, but no one noticed that the corners of his mouth at this moment were slowly raising an arc...

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