My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3025: Listen carefully!

The spear of breaking the law!

Since the power of this divine treasure can make the golden ancient ape king so gaffe, naturally it contains a very strange rule. This divine object can sweep the law, break the road, and damage the power of heaven!

The Golden Ancient Ape King couldn’t figure it out. The "Dharma Breaking Spear" had been lost in a long time ago. Who knows this group of guys have searched for it again in order to deal with it!

To know the ordinary gods, the golden ancient ape king certainly doesn't care, but think about it, if it takes advantage of the ‘Golden Pile of Heaven’s Resurrection’, it will not only give it a shot to break the law...

Even if you are the king who has survived from the ancient times, the golden ancient ape king will die! There is no chance to resist!

"Can't stop--" Da Er San Zang stared closely, his tone of voice was particularly solemn.

"This group of vicious guys! If it weren't for the emperor, the target that the magic-breaking spear will use in the future must be used on the Ape King." The blood-stripe white tiger was also very angry.

"Blocked, blocked!" Fenqin Tianhe exclaimed in shock, the scene in her eyes was simply unexpected!


How did you do it?

Just now, when Su Jin felt locked by the spear of breaking the law, he instinctively pushed his hands in front of him, urging the powerful Buddha shield, but at the moment the Buddha shield broke, he realized the seriousness of the matter!

How rich Su Jin's combat experience is! His now condensed ‘swastika’ Buddha shield has super defensive capabilities, but when it comes in contact with the spear that breaks the law, the Buddha shield shatters like glass! And at the same time, a black hole with a blue starry sky appeared behind his body and swallowed him directly.

And the spear of breaking the law is stuck in the bottomless starry sky--

Pretty! The golden ancient ape king shook the palm of the ape fiercely and couldn't help but praised.

The spear of breaking the law, as the name suggests, can break through the ten thousand laws and the heavens, but Su Jin displayed the Aotian Divine Will at the moment when his consciousness was wrong. This Aotian Divine Will is different from any Dao law. Once it was used, this divine treasure was instantly rendered impossible. broken!

"You want to ruin the king's Daoji——" Su Jin's figure gradually reappeared, his eyes were cold, his right hand twitched, and the magic whip instantly wrapped the trembling spear of the law, and At the same time, his own Aotian divine intent spread, firmly suppressing this magic weapon!

Su Jin... really angry!

Although there was no danger just now, it made Su Jin think of how difficult he is! Since the first appearance of China Qincheng, along the way, I am not willing to be mediocre!

If you can reach the top, who would be willing to be the mediocre? ! But just now, these defiant powerhouses wanted to destroy everything about him! You know, if you are wounded under the spear of breaking the law, your nine laws will be instantly destroyed, and there is no way to restore it!

Hearing Su Jin’s words, the heart-devouring ancestor suddenly felt cold in body and soul. It spurred divine power and wanted to take back the spear of breaking the law, but the divine intent contained in the divine whip seemed to be overbearing. Can't do it!

"These heavens, there is no truly invincible powerhouse! No matter how evil you are, you will eventually turn into a cup of loess. Among us, no matter the gods, no matter the demons! The place where the bones are buried is actually doomed in the dark! Even if you are unwilling, even if you can't bear to be a Daoji, you can't resist!" Heart-biting Ancestor looked at Su Jindao coldly.

"Then I, I have to resist for a look!" Su Jin suddenly showed an angry face, and the blue star light suddenly brightened with the whip he held in his hand!

Boom, click, click——

The sky full of blue lightning, with the eruption of Aotian's divine intent, seemed to embellish the world into a thunder pool world, Su Jin's long black hair, even more crazy in the thunderstorm!

The heart-biting ancestor shook violently, and its brand on the spear of lawbreaking turned into flying debris, and instantly lost contact with this magic weapon!

"The more angry you are, the more you are concealing your own weakness. You know that you cannot go against the sky and that death is the ultimate destination, but you have to resist! You must know that even the golden ancient ape king who protects you is in the vast universe of stars. In the middle, it's just a grain of dust. The real strong in the world can destroy countless ones. The strong at that level has the ability to control the world! You have never seen it, and you don't deserve to see it!" The ancestor said angrily.

"Then go to the top and see how high the mountain outside the mountain, and see how big the sky outside the sky! My path is truly immortal. This sky is not worthy of suppressing me, and this place is not worthy of burying me! As for can go to die..." Su Jin pulled back the spear of the law-breaking with the whip, held it in his hand, and coldly pointed at the heart-biting ancestor!

"Old friend, are you still planning to hide it?" The voice of the Golden Ancient Ape King, mighty in the Snake Man City——

King Susuan's face changed slightly, and he slowly faded away from the mist and hid, showing his figure.

"Ape King, you and I have fought several times, but you have never been able to beat me once, why... today I want to stand up for this Snake Man City personally?" When King Suan came out, he was very calm.

"King Suan, you have too many despicable methods. This king really disdains to fight you to death. Let's get rid of today's affairs, you can go back--" The voice of the Golden Ancient Ape King came again.

"It's okay to go, but I have something to say." With sarcasm in his eyes, King Su's eyes slowly looked at Su Jin, and responded to King Golden Ape: "Yedi, your blessing, said he wants to destroy more than ten people waiting for me, I I want to see how he destroyed my Sui clan! There is no explanation about this matter, and I can't explain it to the Hui clan!"

The Golden Ape King fell silent.

Now King Suan is not the number one enemy, and the whole beast calamity does not appear inside, but from the stars opposite the beast forest. The Golden Ancient Ape King admits that if he fights a piece of jade to burn, he is sure to die with King Suan, but now... Not time...

Su Jin's eyes narrowed, King Sushou was taunting him and despising him because of his toughness and the strength of his clan! Although he was not at a young age, he had to admit that the other party successfully aroused his bloodiness!

"King Suan, where is your family's land?" Su Jin looked at each other coldly, his voice even more unspoken or humble.

"I live in'Chaotic Sky Island', why, you are a little night emperor, still want to go to my clan holy land? Are you going to beg for mercy and apologize? Are you worthy?" King Sui said this confidently, because he Sui Su This clan is one level stronger than the golden holy ape clan, this is confidence!

Outsiders hear this kind of dialogue, although most of them are not of their own concern, but they also hear the scalp numb and sweat!

At this moment, the world is silent, whether it is the snake man, the people who do not envy the Immortal Valley, or the golden holy ape clan, the countless lights that are secretly watching in the beast forest, all are guessing how Ye Di should respond.

No response, weak! The blockbuster Ye Emperor will be ruined by this!

"Then listen carefully." Su Jin pointed at King Suan calmly, and said in an icy tone: "In three days, you are the first Suan clan I will destroy!"

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