My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3046: Nine colors flyover

The primordial antiquity seems to have been reproduced within 100,000 miles in this area, even Fenqin Tianhe himself did not expect that the effect would be so good!

"If this array succeeds, it will be the strongest array I have set up in my life!" Fenqin Tianhe's pleasant voice was filled with excitement. This is one-third of the success. Go up and use the spirits of the four gods and beasts as the main eyes. Do not envy that the fairy valley will become a unique and invincible field in this beast forest!

"The effect is good--" Su Jin saw a Demon King squirrel walk into the ancient time formation, but after three breaths, it became old.

"Quickly, display your other three avenues, I want to start to portray the three barriers, and turn your three avenues into a world of heaven and danger!" Fenqin Tianhe urged quickly.

Su Jin nodded, and then a bright golden Buddha light gushed out of his body——

Fenqin Tianhe was shocked in his heart, that the power of Yedi is beyond her imagination. Even the big-ear Sanzang and the elder monks of Kongshen she knows well, seem to be less than 50% of Yedi. This guy is in the beast forest. The chance encounter is really too big.

"Void Condensing Sword, go--" Su Jin displayed the sword body avenue, and in the ridiculous years of time, the avenue charm was cruising in it. He pointed his eyebrows at the lightning mark, his eyes closed tightly, followed by a smear of black gas. After coming out, every trace of black air seemed to be turning into a silent black dragon, quietly blending into the spreading sword **** mystery.

"You are really so talented!" Fen Qin Tianhe felt the breath, and immediately startled.

In the charm of Su Jin's sword body avenue, he had some dead men's sutras in it. It was just the dead men's sutras. The level of this road turned into a level does not know how many people will be frightened.

"What's this..." Su Jin opened his eyes, gently raised his hand, Yaotian pointed, "Shen Luo Wanxiang!"

The surroundings seemed to be echoing. When the four characters of Sunluo Wanxiang appeared, the rifts connecting the plane of Sunluo with the void, like the crown of a tree, could never be closed again.

Not only that, Su Jin will integrate part of the Taoist Sutra into this barrier, which will have unexpected effects in the future, and as he has a deeper understanding of Aotian's divine will, this Sanluo Vientiane will become a nightmare for the enemy, Sen. The plane of Luo will be the bone burial ground for mortal enemies!

Fenqin Tianhe was already dumbfounded, and when she reacted, she took a breath, and then she understood what Su Jin meant, and immediately said: "In the Sunro Vientiane Array, I will carve thousands of them. Teleportation gate."

"There is no return, the one-way kind--" Su Jin confessed to her very seriously.

Fenqin Tianhe swallowed fiercely, then nodded heavily...

Su Jin really made Fen Qin Tianhe look at her with admiration. His city mansion and ruthless methods made her secretly fearful, and she even began to thank herself that Emperor Tong Ye was a friend and not an enemy.

Within the range of one hundred thousand miles, the enemy will first face the reduction of lifespan vitality. Although some powerful lifespans are difficult to dry up, as the trapped time is long and vitality is damaged, the strength will be greatly reduced, and this Only the first level, the second level is to welcome the Buddha formation, the sword body death formation, and finally step into the sun!

Of course, if there is a peerless power that can break through the Senluo Vientiane Array and return from the Falling into the Senluo Plane, the Sifang Divine Beast Array will welcome him! The last thing is not to envy the fairyland of Xiangu!

Su Jin watched quietly--

The operation of the Fenqin Tianhe is not easy. This array of arrays is simple to say, but the arrangement is extremely exhausting, and it cannot be wrong. Once it makes a mistake, it will waste time to rearrange it!

From day to day, gradually turning into night——

Fenqin Tianhe photographed four four-color altars, and they were submerged in the surrounding area of ​​Buxian Immortal Valley. She spit out soul fire and sprayed it on one of them. A mini-version of the sky crane phantom suddenly appeared in the flame.

"Golden Ancient Ape King, Bloodmarked White Tiger, White Eyed Mountain Venerable! It's your turn!" Fenqin Tianhe looked north, and saw three radiances rushing from the distant void and directly submerged on the other three four-color altars. The fire suddenly ignited at the same time!

Su Jin nodded lightly. He didn't know how much time it would take to burn Qin Tianhe, and he didn't care about it. He just looked to the east now, and before the purple sun rose, he would leave--

Immediately, Su Jin sat down on the spot, he wanted to make sure that he would not have any problems and that he would maintain his heyday! Tomorrow, he will... have a good fight!


At the end of the Forest of Heaven, there are eighteen nine-color flyovers, which are exceptionally dreamy in the starry night. The blood tide that obstructs the forest of the sky has faded. I don't know what the old 狻猊 has the ability to do this. These eighteen nine-color flyovers To the island of chaos!

"The bloodline incident has disturbed the old lion in my family." The lion camel's patriarch's face has not been pretty. At this moment, he is about to step on the Nine-Colored Overpass and go to the chaotic island of the Suan Clan.

"Last night, the Lord of Shadow Stream, swore with the God of Creation, saying that someone impersonated him, this can be believed to be 80%--" Sect Master Xing took a deep breath.

"This nonsense is good for you, how about you? Your old fellow from Xingzong will not come?" Patriarch Lion and Camel snorted and asked.

"No, my father gave Yaoyao a divination. He has no worries about his life." Sect Master Xing raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully: "Your old lion is coming. Could it be that something happened to your inheritor?"

"Something went wrong." The head lion camel was a little discouraged.

More than discouragement? The lion camel patriarch now wished to find the instigator and smashed the opponent directly! It's so angry, no one knows what's going on now, or who did it!

"The shadow lord said that the Requiem is true, she betrayed the shadow palace, but who controlled her specifically, even the shadow lord has no clue." Sect Master Xing laughed: "Don't worry too much about Patriarch Lion and Camel. , You look at me, you are calmer than you."

The lion camel sighed and looked at Sect Master Xing with a very depressed look. Although he didn’t say anything, the meaning was already very clear. After all, your little princess was counted out and it’s okay, but the little lion in his family was born No one can see the dead or the dead--

Many powerful men are powerful, walked across the nine-color sky bridge and disappeared in the forest of heaven——

The Eternal God Sect, the Era Temple, and other powerful forces have advanced to the chaotic Tiandao. This time, the grand gathering caused by the Tiangu has attracted countless powerful forces!

"I really don't know where the emperor of the night came from. It is possible that so many powerful people can flock to him and come for him with just one person." Some monks were a little bit emotional. They were also outsiders, hearing the news from the outside world, and rushing Come to the Forest of Heaven.

"Tian Bone, who doesn't want to get it! Hush, look at the star boats in the sky, those are the star boats in the Skyship Palace, this force is very mysterious, I didn't expect it to come too—"

"With so many powerhouses, let alone a night emperor, even a hundred night emperors will be beheaded alive and stripped of their celestial bones."

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