My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3049: Kunpeng Power

The entire sky is full of yellow light, this kind of awe-inspiring righteousness has turned into a picture of a **** covering the sky, firmly locking the black cloud formed by the spirit of the ghost king.

On the ground, the evil spirits that were originally transformed into death by the cultivators of the Tianyun Pavilion, when this picture shows up, all made a sharp howling sound. Every evil spirit's body seemed to be ignited, and the last life was wiped out. !

"A very weak force, dare to cross the galaxy and come to trouble this king? If you die, you have to die for me!" Su Jin's pupils are back to normal again, and he doesn't need Ghost King Avenue.

"Don’t worry, everyone, in the Second Era of the Heavens, our Sect Master killed the first ghost king in history, and this ghost king can only accommodate hundreds of billions of evil ghosts, even more than the ghost king at that time. It is dozens of times weaker, it is not a concern at all!" The voice of the elder of the Holy Heaven Dao Sect came from the void.

"Haha, look! This evil barrier doesn't even dare to use the power of the ghost king! It's scary!" There is a holy heavenly Taoist monk who is about twenty-eight or ninety years old and laughed.

Su Jin's face was calm--

He just slowly raised his head, looking at the golden glaze-like awe-inspiring **** picture, the whole person ‘swish’ straight into the sky!

Feng Qingtian wanted to stop Su Jin very much, but she didn't have the power to stop her, she could only look up weakly!

"Six fingers cover the sky, break it for the Lord!!" Su Jin's long howling sound spread to a very far place, and the golden light he transformed into, seemed to form a majestic golden dragon, and if someone looked carefully Go, you will see that golden dragon, born with six claws!

The momentum of this golden dragon was so huge, it was so suffocating. Almost everyone saw that scene. Su Jin used the front paws of the golden dragon to slap the sky-shielding god.


There was a terrible loud noise, people's ears were buzzing, and there was a huge hole in the picture of God in the sky!

One claw, broken **** map!

"How come!" A monk from the Holy Heaven Dao Sect exclaimed in disbelief.

"The formation that we formed is powerful enough to crush this ghost king Yedi, why... why the image of the gods of the gods will be torn apart, this is impossible! Impossible!" The elders of the Dao Sect of Saints were also puzzled.

"This ghost king is so cunning, he is not using the ghost king way at all. Our Holy Heaven Dao Sect has thoroughly studied the ghost king. We know that the ghost king is good at hiding and cannot eliminate its root cause. This ghost king must have used other means!"

"It should be! I think he is very weird. I didn't expect to be so strong without the power of the ghost king—"

"Don't be afraid! Our'Holy Heaven Dao Sect' refines Haoran's supernatural power. Haoran's supernatural power is born to be the nemesis of the ghost king. This ghost king does not dare to approach us at all!"


Afraid to approach--

Every monk of the Holy Heavenly Dao Sect has this view, and he is full of confidence! But this view was quickly beaten by the speed of light!

Su Jin's arms stretched out, and the entire sky trembled fiercely. Many people looked up, as if they saw a round of scorching sun rising. In a blink of an eye, a huge coercion seemed to weigh heavily on everyone's hearts!

"Kunpeng, that is Kunpeng!" Other forces in the Forest of Heaven saw a giant Kunpeng from a distance, condensing in the sky, how big is Kunpeng, even on the dark blue ground, anyone can see The wings exuding destruction--

"Emperor Ye has turned into a Kunpeng. He has no use of the ghost king's way. He actually wants to use Kunpeng to fight the people of the Holy Heaven Dao Sect. With this kind of breath, I feel that those people are going to suffer!" Others said.

"It's so cruel! I don't believe that the night emperor contains the Kunpeng bloodline. This should be the legendary Kunpeng magic, but I don't know how he practiced it!"

"Holy Heaven Dao Sect is playing big this time—"


The golden sky rendered by the **** map of the holy sky is very dazzling. Such a thrilling scene is difficult for many monks to see once in a lifetime. Although the **** map is strong, it is a **** map that has broken the hole, and the night emperor's Kunpeng , In the next second, it was directly reduced to a Kun state! !

That kun was too small, only the size of a mung bean, and it was this light spot that was still compressing crazily!

Feng Qingtian's face was completely bloodless. She shook the Hunyuan Zi Ling in her hand. This superb divine treasure that had once been'invited to the Taoist' played a great role at this time. The entire purple silk was like a living thing. She lived around, drawing a mysterious field of "not in the five elements"——

"Fellow Daoist wait a minute!" The elder of Saint Heaven Daozong, his face flushed, hurriedly called to stop.

"Ye Di! The ghost king we know, there is no other means other than using the power of the ghost king, I think something must be wrong with you, maybe it is not the ghost king, you and the assistant, we have something to say!" You Sheng The power of Tiandaozong also shouted in a panic.

"Friends, there must be some misunderstanding here—"

"Friends...If you are not a ghost king, please clarify. Our Holy Heaven Dao Sect never kills innocent people indiscriminately, so why bother with swords?"

"Ye Di, I see you look righteous, we righteous people don't beat our own people..."

All the monks of the Holy Heaven Dao Sect were panicked at this moment. When they came, they were full of confidence. Ever thought that Ghost King could play other tricks! Moreover, this Kunpeng divine art cannot be stopped by anyone present, and under this terrible threat, they have no chance to escape. No one knows when the Kunpeng divine art will explode. If so, they It must be doomed!

Su Jin did not rush to release his power, but was still compressing it. Although it was just a brilliance, the horror of Kunpeng's nine changes had begun to appear! The sky of the Forest of Heaven was shattered, and a deep galaxy broke out!

He is waiting for someone--

Feng Qingtian was unable to calm down for a long time when he had enough self-protection.

If you are waiting for someone, who are you waiting for?

Feng Qingtian was very puzzled, but the doubts turned to doubts, these Holy Heaven Dao Sect people are still shameless enough to say anything in order to survive!

The news of Yedi’s appearance soon spread overwhelmingly--

At the end of the Forest of Heaven, on the eighteen nine-color sky bridges, the Lion Camel Protoss is led by the patriarch, and the clan will come directly.

And on the third sky bridge, the brilliance was overflowing, and Sect Master Xing showed murderous intent. During this period, he saw the Lord of the Shadow Stream and learned that not long ago, there was a goddess of Baijing Lake who was one step ahead of the Requiem. Out of the Shadow Palace, such a close coincidence is naturally unusual. It is very likely that the'Shanzhen Mage' was transformed by the Ye Di and captured his daughter!

"The Temple of Era, Guanmiao, they have all set off, Ye Di has already appeared in the Forest of Heaven! Everyone, come with me in the past—" A young man with red lips and white teeth slowly sent out a paper boat with his hand, and then the paper boat swiftly Gets bigger!

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