My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3065: Sow discord


In the Demon League, one of the leaders immediately stood up, "Tian Bone, I don't want the Demon League! Seniors only need to kill the Ye Emperor and let us take the Supreme Wilderness Tool!"

The old lion tuo coldly glanced at the direction of the Motian League. For others, the light is unbreakable, but for the great power of creation, the light is like a virtual reality! The owner of this supreme waste tool is indeed difficult to provoke, it nodded after thinking about it-

Su Jin frowned slightly. It seemed that the trick of showing up to lead the battle was not good, but he did not give up, and said loudly: "King Suan, the old hero just died because of the Demon Alliance, aren't you angry? Now that they are seriously injured, it is a good opportunity for you to start..."

Not to mention it's okay, but the King Sui almost vomited blood!

If the reason for the fall of the ancestor is not because of the fake bone thrown out by your Yedi! Is he really a fool? ! Moreover, King Suan felt that the Ye Emperor opened his mouth and closed his mouth, calling his ancestors an ‘old hero’. This sounds a bit mocking!

"As long as you struggle, you will be cut off by Senior Lion and Camel! I declare! The Sustained Clan will give up the bones! After you die, I will invite the bone-splitters to help Senior Lions and Camel to strip your bones for free!" King Sushang panted and shouted angrily.

Su Jin has regrets--

Then Su Jin shouted again, "Come, come, your hidden powers, who can help me kill this old poodle, destroy the Demon Alliance and King Su, I don’t need you to peel my bones. I reunited it myself and offered it with my hands!"


Even Ye Di did not hesitate to abandon the bones of the sky, but also cut off these mortal enemies! However, this difficulty is not small, after all, the old lion camel is the same as the old ancestor Suan, with a fierce reputation, and the realm of creation is real!

The current battlefield has been emptied with the appearance of the old lion camel. Super powers such as the Era Temple, Guanmiao, and Tianchuan Palace, unless they are in charge, no one can compete with the old lion camel.

"Ye Di is really smart." The young man in Rupao thought about Ye Di's performance in this way, and was shocked that almost everyone was being routine. This kind of enchanting wisdom made people no longer able to despise it.

"The murder caused by a fake bone, you young people should learn something--" Liuyuan Tiansheng smiled contentedly. Now he is accepting the worship of all the disciples under his sect, and even Sect Master Xing shows great respect. .

"If it weren't for the seniors to stop, my Xingzong would definitely not escape this calamity! This favor we Xingzong remembered!" Xingzong lord arched his hand at Liuyuan Tiansheng.

"Yedi child, extremely despicable! My Era Temple is broken here, and afterwards, the Lord of the Temple will come personally to ask for justice!" The elder of You Epoch Temple said angrily.

"Your Era Temple has suffered heavy losses, but the blood beast ancestor gate is too close to the Heaven Swallowing Technique, and it has all been devoured. Who do they want to make sense? Don't blame others for being stupid--" Liuyuan Tiansheng mocked.

"Smelly monk, every day knows to deceive people." Yun Feiyao whispered, looking at the trapped night emperor, she was not worried at all.

Except for a few people, most of the living people in Chaos Sky Island want this Ye Di to die soon!

The old lion camel has a fierce reputation, with its super strength, shocking the world, many people think that the owner of the Tiangu is the old lion camel.

"Stop calling, calling again is just a desperate struggle, no one can save you--" The old lion camel walked towards the light prison step by step.

"I said the old lion dog, do you really think they would give up the bones? How many beasts of the Sushou clan died? How many people died because of the bones, just look, there are people who can cure you!"

Su Jin stood up proudly, pointed at King Susu, and said to the old lion camel: "Just before the death of the old hero, Su Jin used his spirit to concuss himself to pass on the true meaning of the swallowing technique to King Suan. This swallowing sky of the Suan clan Surgery, you fight to the end, can you still catch it?"

Ah ah ah-

King Suan was angry, "Shut up to this king!"

"Mao'er is blown up? It seems that this king is really looking at it in the dark, your family's Heaven-Swallowing technique is really powerful, you have to weigh it--" Su Jin said with a smile.

Sure enough, Lao Shituo looked at King Suan with cold eyes.

Just now King Suan threatened to give up the Sky Bone, but he didn't tell the message of learning the Heaven Swallowing Technique. Does this guy really want to make up his sword? !

"Senior! Don't listen to his nonsense! There are so many Daoists present today, even if I am shameless, I will definitely not do things that detract from the reputation of the family!" King Su Jinsheng can't wait to devour Su Jinsheng now. Clarified directly to the old lion camel.

"Hope, compared with a piece of sky bone, your family reputation is not worth mentioning." Old Lion Tuo said coldly.

Su Jin was happy, and immediately did something shocking. He simply sat down, flipped his hand and took out a purple spirit fruit, and took a bite.

This fruit has a fragrant and delicious taste. It was used by Fenqin Tianhe before he went to bury the ascending platform and picked it outside the valley when Fenqin Tianhe was not envying the immortal valley. It was originally intended to be used for making wine——

"Senior, we will remove the light prison now, but we have a requirement. Please make a guarantee, senior, to help seize the Supreme Wilderness Tool!" The people of the Demon Alliance shouted directly.

"You don't believe in the old man?" The huge body of the old lion camel leaned a few steps towards the Motian League and asked in a voice.

"No, no!" More than a dozen people in the Motian League only felt that the pressure increased sharply, "This supreme weapon is in the hands of the emperor. As long as he carries this treasure, there is the supreme mysterious power. We are for the seniors. It is also for myself!"

"Untie it--" The old lion camel hummed heavily, it didn't believe these nonsense at all! None of the people present has given up the Sky Bone. This Supreme Desolate Tool, it cannot help regain the Sky Bone before it gets the Sky Bone.

Off the court——

No one is not surprised.

Ye Di was still in the mood to eat fruit, and his expression was extremely relaxed, it really didn't look like he was going to fight a strong creation!

More than a dozen people in the Motian League secretly criticized Ye Di for being cunning. Based on their understanding of the lion camel tribe, the opponent has always been a tendon. As a result, the Ye Emperor just instigated the discord, which made the old lion camel's head seize the weapon. I'm afraid it's hanging!

But it doesn't matter! The scroll of "Emperor Heaven and Shen Jitu" was stowed away, and the light prison array surrounding Su Jin disappeared in a flash, and the giant twin pupils of the old lion and camel suddenly revealed the stunning magic!

"Ye Di, your life, my old camel took it!" The old lion camel stretched out his forelimbs and controlled the void. A yellow light condensed out of the void, and the void turned into a piece of divine soil!

In that divine soil, if you look at it from a condescending state, you will find terrifying earth-black bones in the middle. Each of the sternums of this giant bone is like fangs, and twelve pairs are arranged neatly——

And Su Jin happened to be locked in it!

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