My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3074: I can still fight you!


One died.

Su Jin couldn't support it suddenly, and the phantom of the Palace of Longevity disappeared. He was now in a half-squatting posture with one leg, looking like a start, but this was not a start! But he is really unsustainable!

Just when he was killing the Thundertop Giant, the dying guest and the power of the forbidden law also caused a counter-shock force. This effect was directly blessed on him. The divine bones on his body were at least 1/3 broken!

That's right!

If it weren't for the support of will, he wouldn't even have the ability to stay in the void!

"Hahaha! It's worth it! It's worth it!" Su Jin's mouthful of blood flowed out as he spoke, his face was full of madness, and the surrounding void, under the'Void Origin, Truth and Divine Will', seemed to have a master, Layers of emptiness seemed like floating curtains, everything in it was blocked.

Silent on all sides--

Whether it's the hidden creation master or the animal forest paying close attention to the existence of this battle, they are all speechless. Although the Yinyike and the Thunderhead Giant are only seriously injured, they are real creation powerhouses!

With one enemy and three enemies, Ye Di used the "Eternal Life Palace" to kill a strong creation!

"It's too strong." After a few breaths, the people in the Forest of Heaven began to whisper sporadically.

"Does the old lion camel help the Ye Emperor? If it weren't for the fact that it had injured the three creations with the sage not long ago, the Ye Emperor might not have had this result when he used this longevity hall.

"Strong is strong, don't find other reasons—"

"It's a pity, it's a pity that there is also an incomparable palace lord of the skyship! When she used the'Void Origin Truth and Divine Intent', the result was already doomed! This kind of divine intent can tame the starry sky, and now that piece of the void is equivalent to having a master. This is far more terrifying than the methods used to create the world. No one can live in that void, even creating things."

"Yedi didn't even have the strength to stand up, and was severely injured! The current Palace Master of the Skyship is equivalent to a void. Even if there are strong creators hidden around, he will never enter the battlefield to **** it."

"The Heavenly Bone will eventually fall to the Palace Master of Heavenly Ship and be injured. From now on, she will achieve the achievement of having two top-grade Heavenly Bone! Ye Di, will be erased by her in her void--"


Su Jin's body was shaking now, and he couldn't help shaking. He looked at the palace master of the heavenly ship, and he was not unwilling to kill a creature. He knew that the world of monks was so cruel that he could not crush everything. , It may be wiped out by others, nothing to regret!

"Miss Palace Master, your eyes are so beautiful now~~~" Since Su Jin couldn't stand up, she simply supported her with both hands and looked at the Palace Master in a supine and half-lying position.

With blue eyes and streaming firefly, Xingyu is aloof, Su Jin really didn't expect to be able to enjoy this beauty before he died——

"When death is approaching, I dare to make a mistake! I will solidify this void first, and use the power of the void step by step to squeeze you, crush your flesh and blood, grind your divine bones, and use your endless pain to pay tribute to Thundertop !" The Palace Master of the Skyship crossed his arms in front of him, and the snow white catkins lingered with a strong spirit.

The current Palace Master of Heavenly Ship, how can he die if he wants Ye Di to die! Kill him directly, lest he is too cheap!

"Miss Sister said so scary, but are you so sure that you can kill me?" Su Jin smiled.

What do you mean? !

Palace Master Tianchuan's eyes condensed, could it be that the Ye Emperor had other tricks? Impossible, now Yedi’s body's divine bones are broken a lot, this is absolutely impossible to hide from her, how can there be power to resist her in this state?

"My Sky Bone Power hasn't really been used yet. Don't worry, Miss Sister, I can still fight with you--" Su Jin said, his tongue seemed to be unsuccessful!

Palace Master Tianchuan cried out that it was bad, but it was too late!

Almost under everyone's eyes, Su Jin's body began to diffuse a touch of orange light!

"No! Quickly cut him!" The extremely injured Yanyi Ke, unable to take into account his own injuries, directly yelled.

The orange light on Su Jin began to condense!

"Town, Zhentian gold pile?!" The palace owner of Tianchuan was taken aback.

The Zhentian Golden Pillar is the talented magic of the Golden Sacred Ape Clan in the Beast Forest! How could this kid!

The most famous user is the ancient king! Golden Ape King!

Although the Golden Ancient Ape King did not reach for creation, it was already infinitely close to creation. This ancient king had heard of a great name when the Lord of Heavenly Ship was very young!

Moreover, if the Zhentian Golden Pile were deployed by the Golden Ape King himself, I am afraid that even many powerful creators would be helpless! To be honest, the talent of this golden holy ape clan is a bit dependent, unless the opponent dismisses it by itself, or waits for the power of the magic to disappear, otherwise you can only stare at it!

Palace Master Tianchuan was a little dumbfounded--

Su Jin's smile solidified with the shaking gold pile, and his whole body exuded a peculiar yellow light, isolating everything, as if he was in this world, and as if he was not there!

"I don't believe it!" The palace master of the skyship gritted his teeth, and the extremely gorgeous wings suddenly bent in front of him. When she spoiled and lifted the blue star wings, a galaxy storm suddenly condensed! Roll directly to Su Jin!

Boom boom boom -

The sharp sparks were cut out by the galaxy storm, but a shocking scene appeared! Ye Di seemed to be like a hard rock, not shaken at all! Not to mention being broken!


The voice of the Sky Forest began to boil!

"What the **** is Ye Di! You won't die after all this?" Someone blushed, really unwilling to believe what they saw!

"Zhentian golden pile! Zhentian golden pile! I heard that the ancient king will step into creation within a hundred years. By then, this innate magical skill belonging to the golden holy ape tribe will be the most defensive in the realm of creation. Invincible magic! No one!"

"Ten thousand years ago, the golden ancient ape king transformed into a monstrous body, standing upright, using this technique to prop up a vast star field vision, avoiding the catastrophe of the destruction of the animal forest! Now this divine technique has continued the life of the emperor. He is not dead yet!" someone shouted excitedly.

"But what's the difference between this and waiting to die?"

"Look! The Buddha's light is beginning to fill up on the night emperor! How could this be... you know that once the Zhentian golden pile is used, apart from thinking, he cannot mobilize half of his power, like a dead thing, let alone heal his injuries. But the Buddha's light that appears seems to be different, and it can resonate with Yedi's own Buddhist way!"

"Someone help him!!"


Palace Master Tianchuan panicked, looking around, hoping to find someone to help Ye Di!

Not to mention that in this place of the beast forest, even if it is in the surrounding thousands of realms, with such a vast Buddha power, it is definitely a ‘Creation Buddha King’!

That is the Buddha who reaches creation! I haven't even seen the Palace Master of Skyship!

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