My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3076: Shame is genetic!

The sky full of Buddha, after sweeping the eight statues, showed an arc wave, illuminating the world!

It turns out that Buddha can be so strong!

The creation of the Buddha has subverted the cognition of most people outside the field. Many people can hardly resist the power of the Buddha King that shocks the world. They can't help but raise their sleeves to cover their faces, and instinctively make a posture to hide. This shows how powerful the old monk is ——

Palace Master Tianchuan was extremely annoyed, she finally waited until this moment, but Yedi had a Creator Buddha to help! This feeling made her very uncomfortable.

"Ye Di! If you are still a man, stand up and fight me dignifiedly! What is the ability to have the blessing of the Buddha?!" The Palace Master of the Skyship yelled at Su Jin somewhat irrationally.

"Palace Master Tianchuan, now everyone in the world is looking at you, you'd better be polite when you talk to this king! But since you are so angry, I am not used to you, just now you regarded me as weak and small, where would you put me? In your eyes? As a strong creator, you united with the other two creators and wanted to get rid of me! At that time, you were just like you, why can't you say this!"

Su Jin recovered with all his strength, and the nine auras rose and fell. Although he did not open his eyes, he still had time to respond!

The Lord of the Skyship Palace bit the silver tooth, what's wrong with her Heavenly Bone!

Without the bones, one cannot be led to the gods! That was the ideal she had struggled for all her life. Now that the Emperor Ye has the help of the Buddha, she is one step away, one step away!

How to be willing!

"This woman's shamelessness is definitely hereditary--" In a corner of the Forest of Heaven, a few mysterious monks secretly communicated.

"She is only allowed to unite the two creations, but the enemy is not allowed to be able to help, where is there such an irritating truth in the world?"

"Are the people in Tianchuan Palace so thick-skinned?"

"What kind of person, I still admire the lord of the palace, who knows he is a shameless person. I am weak. What's wrong with me? If you are strong, you must control the life and death of being killed? Ye Di! This **** took it!"

"The Palace Master of the Skyship is really speechless. It's not that no one hasn't made progress. The ants in your eyes today may be able to crush you in the future. Don't speak too much to offend people--"


Palace Master Tianchuan was panting and breathing, what can she do if she is desperate! Taking the bones of the sky, and soaring immediately, she will be aloof! Why care about what the world thinks of her!

"Palace Master of the Heavenly Ship, give me a hand." Liu Yuan Tiansheng took a step, and actually walked into the void belonging to the Lord of the Heavenly Ship, he was finally about to make a move.

At first, it was Yun Feiyao, the daughter of Sect Master Xing, who became entangled with the Ye Emperor, and forged an alternative opportunity. Then it was the old monk of Kongshi. Now the Kongshi is the same as his six-yuan Tiansheng, and is a powerful creation. ! Moreover, it is still the rarest Buddha's creation, even if you just entered, your status will not be comparable to Kongshi in the future.

Liu Yuan Tiansheng didn't want to miss the opportunity anymore and chose to walk out.

"You Eternal God Sect also wants to help him!" The anger of the Palace Master of Heavenly Ship burst out!

"It's not what I think, but it is compelling." Liuyuan Tiansheng solemnly said: "The disciples of your Tianchuan Palace have been there for a long time. You can ask them if I made a guarantee in the Forest of Heaven. Before King Suan's battle, keep him safe!"

Palace Master Tianchuan felt desperate, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ye Di was really going to make a move, King Suan was no opponent at all, and now the Six Yuan Tiansheng found a famous excuse to make a master, he was more shameless than her!

"I have always regarded you as a senior, don't force me!" The Palace Master of the Skyship was a little angry, and some wanted to desperately destroy this cunning old dog.

"The time for you to reach the creation is still too short. Although you have the heavenly bones to help, if I want to hold you back, you won't even want to meet the Ye Emperor in another month." Liuyuan Tiansheng said: "Give up, soar. Shentian may have other ways."

"No! You are too bullying, I'll kill you and the old monk of Kongshi!" The Palace Master of the Skyship yelled, the Star Wing behind her shook fiercely, and he already rushed in front of the Six Yuan Tiansheng!


Liuyuan Tiansheng is worthy of being a powerful creation of the older generation. At such a critical juncture, he did not see the slightest panic. His right hand was behind him, and a transparent light and shadow could vaguely see his outline, which actually rushed out of his head. !

"This is the avenue of refining the gods of the ancestors!" The disciples of the Emperor Shenzong were all excited.

"The formation of divine consciousness is the eternal divine essence! Only the refining road can refine divine consciousness. This road is lost in the direct blood of the ancestors and cannot be inherited! It can be said that he is in this state. , Is comparable to two creations!"

"The ancestor is too strong! The ancestor is invincible!"

"Our Eternal God Sect is about to forge a good relationship with Ye Di! As long as Ye Di does not die, the "Eternal God Sect" will be glorious in the future and shine to the heavens!"

Every disciple of the Eternal Gods Sect is very excited, and they unconditionally fully support everything the ancestor did! After all, the super power that came to Chaos Sky Island this time, only the Emperor Shenzong was intact!

Palace Master Tianchuan has never fought against Liuyuan Tiansheng. Even so, she still knows the power of "Avenue of Refining God". Her star wings turned, and the whole body "The Origin of Void Truth and Divine Will" urged to the extreme. A figure turned into a flash of brilliance and collided with Liuyuan Tiansheng's divine body!

Bang bang bang bang! The terrifying clash, mixed with destructive power, turned this void upside down! Even a trace of aftermath escapes, it will turn into a silent crack, I don't know how many miles of sky have been torn apart!

Liuyuan Tiansheng became more and more frightened as he fought, and he vaguely felt wrong--

The power of "Void Origin, Truth and Divine Will" should be more than just this little power, this little girl has a problem!

After Liuyuan Tiansheng realized it, the divine consciousness body stopped in the sky, and when he looked at the palace master of the skyship, his heart sank fiercely.

When did the ship palace owner move that day! She didn't move at all, just now this was the body that she condensed with a divine mind after mastering the void!

If this explanation makes people wonder, then he is standing now, letting the beam of light shine through his body, without any damage to himself! This divine will is a bit mysterious! As long as the greater the power he exerts, the greater the power created by the divine will, and the vicious circle continues, and it is definitely him who will die in the end!

"What a little girl, the old man almost shot you!" Liuyuan Tiansheng was ashamed to die.

"I won't kill seniors, but I hope seniors don't do too much! The time for Banzhuxiang is almost here, when I will fight him alone, I don't want anyone to intervene!" Palace Master Tianchuan said coldly .

"All right, fulfill you." Su Jin suddenly said, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Liuyuan Tiansheng hesitated, nodded, and quietly transmitted: "Be careful of her "Void Origin Truth and Divine Will", I feel stronger than your Aotian Divine Will!"

The implication is that there are two top-quality celestial bones, the palace owner of the Heavenly Boat is better——

"Is it more powerful than Aotian?" Su Jin said silently in his heart...

You have to really compare it before you know it!

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