My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3078: Woodcarving power

Ye Di is really bad!

The guest who watched the battle from a distance did not make a move. He was overjoyed when he saw that the palace owner of the skyship had the upper hand. It seemed that the emperor was still young. The true power of the sky bone came, even if both of them had the sky bone, the realm The gap between the two is irreparable!

Because Su Jin was too focused just now, he faintly felt that the "human-shaped wood carving" with his hands wrapped around it seemed to fluctuate--

what happened?

Su Jin escaped from a violent meteorite and glanced at the "Supreme Wilderness Tool", but he found the clue!

is blood!

Some of the blood that Su Jin vomited just now was contaminated on the "Supreme Wilderness Tool"! He seemed to grasp something in his mind, but he couldn't figure it out at all! At that time, when this humanoid wood sculpture was taken away by him, he knew that it could not be used with divine power. And his own blood caused a slight fluctuation in this treasure just now, which is very wrong in itself!

Su Jin worked hard, and began to observe the "human-shaped wood carving" carefully. The blood on it was disappearing bit by bit, and at this time he really felt the horror prohibition on the surface of the wood carving!

It is useless to use blood, this treasure belongs to the owner, and there is the original prohibition of the owner of this treasure! The scary thing is that if he hadn't sprayed blood on it, he would not have felt this restriction!

"What about the original prohibition, I will use it for the time being!" Su Jin suddenly realized, he almost didn't even think about it, raising his hand into a golden dragon arm claw, six-fingered golden dragon claw!


Six fingers cover the sky, sweep all restrictions!

That moment! Su Jin used his original power to madly infuse the "Supreme Waste Tool". The owner of this treasure was still alive, but after the original source restriction was destroyed, the free original source power was directly squeezed out by his overbearing power. Very small location!

The variables have begun!

Palace Master Tianchuan stopped smiling suddenly, and her body began to tremble. She saw her own void, a human-shaped wooden sculpture growing crazy!

However, in three breaths, the "human-shaped wood carving" has reached the point where its feet are stomped on the ground and its head has no sky!

"Supreme Waste Tool! There is the Lord's "Supreme Waste Tool"! Why can he use it?!" The Palace Master of Heavenly Boat was unwilling to believe what she saw before her eyes. This is too fake, it almost made her collapse!

"The Origin of Vulcan Dao"!

Su Jin stood on the shoulders of the huge humanoid woodcarving, surrounded by a halo of Vulcan Dao, gradually released by him, and finally fell to the waist of the woodcarving!

The surrounding temperature is soaring! The origin of the Vulcan Avenue was poured into the Supreme Wilderness Tool, so strong that it was beyond description!

The infinite meteorites that were originally driven by "Void Origin, Truth and Divine Will" began to turn red! In that instant, no matter the size or geometry of the meteorite, it all turned into a mass of magma!


It started to rain, magma rain!

The fire in the void is violent, and seems to want to burn all obstacles!

Even Su Jin didn't even think of this spectacular flaming lava rain! What is the origin of this supreme Qibao? It has such an extraordinary power!

Palace Master Tianchuan flushed, and she shouted in resentment: "Divine Will! Void Demise!"

Su Jin really wanted to release the suppressed anger in his heart. He had long wanted to completely clean up the Palace Master of the Heavenly Ship. Until now, this woman still doesn't want to give up, but still wants to kill him with the Void Sky Bone!

At this point, Su Jin raised his hand, he wanted to see the limit of this humanoid wood carving!

Originally, Su Jin stood on the shoulders of giant wooden sculptures, and he was extremely small. At this moment, he raised his hand, and under the blessing of the giant wood carving, a giant hand phantom that was magnified tens of thousands of times was condensed in front of the wood carving!

Su Jin slowly moved his hand, the huge virtual hand shadow, as if layered on top of each other, waved along with it, and there were countless layers of those shadow marks!

"I used "The Origin of Void Truth and Divine Will" to bring out the annihilation of my own void! This is enough to destroy your night emperor's divine body and shred your divine soul! Send your night emperor's divine soul fragments to'Du'e time and space', eternal suppression! "The Heavenly Ship Palace Master said loudly.

Boom! !

The void has changed color! A circle of stars and brilliance, as if containing the supreme mystery, directly encircled this piece of void, and the entire piece of void began to shrink within the condensed halo of Heavenly Bone Divine Will!


The Palace Master of the Skyship glared round his eyes and took three steps straight back! She can't accept it, she can't accept it at all! !

On the shoulders of the ‘Supreme Desolate Tool’, the emperor had shrunk the void, as if ignoring the Supreme Desolate Tool. The Ye Emperor was able to protect him, and he could not fall away with the destruction of the Void!

At this moment, Wan Lai is dead! The Palace Master of Heavenly Boat vomited blood, not from injury, but from being angry! Was vomiting blood!

"Let's go--" Yinyike's face was very ugly, and he directly transmitted the voice to the Palace Master of Heavenly Boat.

"Don't go! I won't go!" The Palace Master of the Skyship was a little frustrated. In front of the Shang Zunhuang Tool, she felt her own insignificance and felt powerless!

The test period of the gods is less than ten years! However, Yedi's Sky Bone is in front of you! As long as she gets it, the road to the future will be infinite! She is to be the Lord of the Endless Void, to be the God of God!

It is hateful, so unwilling to leave, it is better to die here, so as to sever her dream of leading to the "God Heaven"!

"Hurry up! Now that the general situation is over, you can go to find other heaven bones to replace your'shentian' test! Why should you stay and be beheaded for nothing!" Yinyike said anxiously.

"Ten years! It will be impossible to find the Sky Bone in ten years. I have decided! I will use the last blow to spell out hope!" The Heavenly Ship Palace Master took firm steps and walked towards Su Jin.

"You're thinking……"

The guest was frightened by the madness of the palace owner of the skyship, and quickly shouted: "No! If you do that, you will surely fall too! It's not worth it!"

"Destroy the divine body and compress all the power in the sky bones, and then I will explode the void sky bones and pull the night emperor together to die! By then, the two divine wills will definitely be entangled! Then, you hold my remnant soul and send me reincarnation Based on my understanding of "Void Origins, Truth and Divine Will", I may have the opportunity to grow two celestial bones in the body after reincarnation! One of them is the celestial bone of the emperor!" Palace Master Tianchuan muttered Tao.

"You will die in vain! Now that the night emperor is protected by the Supreme Desolate Tool, you can explode the bones, at most you can only splash his face with blood!" Yinyike angrily said.

"I can do it!"


"I want to try—"

"Stupid woman!" Lin Yike was so angry that he could not come back when he saw that he was really persuaded, knowing that he would be killed by this stupid woman if he stayed, so he turned around and ran wildly!

Once heard from the palace owner of Tianchuan, the celestial bones are not indestructible! As long as the research is thorough, there are no less than ten methods!

Blasting the bones, the palace owner of Tianchuan is not just talking about it! It can be done!

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