My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3087: General Gudi

The girl seemed extremely excited. The garland divine treasure that she threw out gave out seven colors of phantom light, and she actually pulled out thin willow branches from it, entwining them towards the'Yuanling Xukun', but she didn't notice that there was a group of weak spots at this time. The primordial spirit is watching her closely——

Su Jin didn't want to meet the people of Shentian for the time being. He knew the risks and wanted to leave.

"Animal!" The girl's red face faded quickly. Although the wreath **** treasure caught the Yuan Ling Xu Kun, the opponent's violent power was unexpectedly strong, and directly broke the wreath and rushed towards her. .


The girl scolded, her snowy jade arms interlaced in front of her, her fingers pinched her fingerprints, her temperament was impressive, but when she looked closely, a silver rune slowly lit up at the center of her eyebrows, condensed from her feet. A magnificent pattern——

Compared with the "Yuan Ling Xu Kun", the girl's body is like a slender willow leaf, fragile!

The ‘Essence Spirit Void Kun’, who is now in a violent state, was unceremonious when he bumped into it, but strangely speaking, the girl didn’t even mean to dodge!

Su Jin was a little surprised. In his vision, a silver-green bamboo forest suddenly turned around the girl. At the moment when the Yuan Ling Xu Kun hit, those strange and beautiful divine bamboos cleverly bounced this behemoth out!

God's method?

Su Jin opened his eyes somewhat.

"The tree spirit king! Hold it for me, this lady will lead it back, and then dig out its Yuanling Kundan, and cook a pot of fresh soup!" The girl gently shook the flying ring on her wrist, and there was nothing in the air around her. An oval gate appeared, and a human-shaped old tree jumped out of the gate. This old tree seemed to take roots in the void. It uprooted one step at a time, and packed the roots to restrain the Yuanling Xukun!

"Miss Ling Xia, the pavilion master has already returned from the endless border half a month ago. He said that disasters in the heavens are about to start, so that the young lady will return to the sect soon." The tree spirit king looked at Ling Xia, seemingly spoiled and somewhat spoiled. Helpless.

"What's the point of Huizong? You asked him to promise to take me to the Endless Borderlands, and I'll go back with you--" Ling Xia inserted the willow waist, shaking her head like a rattle, and refused.

"Naughty! The endless frontier is full of evil light, and it is said that there are thousands of heaven-shaking gods and demons who have recovered. There is no way to say that it is you. Even if our'Yishan Fengyu Pavilion' is all dispatched, it is difficult to survive." Tree Spirit King Angrily said.

"Okay, okay, let's collect the Kun, I don't know if he brought the barren beast that my father brought." Ling Xia said with a smile in her eyes with different colors.

"You are not allowed to run again when you go home--" The Tree Spirit King lifted the roots of the tree. The Yuan Ling Xu Kun in it had been suppressed to less than ten meters in size, and his body was shining with spiritual light.

"Be careful, it will explode!" Ling Xia repeatedly reminded.

As soon as the voice fell, with a loud noise, the tree spirit king was blown up in a bright liquid! And a peach-sized Kundan rushed towards Su Jin directly!

Su Jin was slightly surprised. Could it be that his own ‘Kunpeng Technique’ caused the Yuan Ling Xu Kun to find himself?

Su Jin did not panic when he was in danger, quickly rolled up Kundan, turned around and left!

Then Su Jin didn't know if he could do it, and silently called the ‘None’ word Tian Mi in the primordial spirit, and in a blink of an eye, a circle of gray and blue lights enveloped his primordial spirit! And the primordial spirit wrapped Kun Dan is also falling rapidly in the white mist!

"Where did you go?" Ling Xia was already familiar with the aura of Kundan, but the current situation made her a little dumbfounded. The whole Kundan seemed to have evaporated out of thin air!

"Forget it, miss, it's just a Kunpill, I'll find you a superb divine pill when I go home, there is no need to find the materials for refining by myself." The tree spirit king said slowly.

"Grandpa Ling, it’s hard to come out once. I want to go home again in a few days. Don’t worry, Sister Liu Yun of the Fashen Sect and Di Qiubai, the **** son of the Taikoo Palace, are still waiting for me in front of Dayufeng. Are you optimistic? Okay--" Ling Xia looked at the Tree Spirit King pitifully, and said coquettishly.

"No!" The tree spirit king looked a little dignified, "Di Qiubai's purpose of this trip is to general the ancient land. The blood spirit general in the general ancient land can't even deal with me. You will undoubtedly go to die!"

"Not only us, there are many others, huh!" Ling Xia was a little angry and turned her head directly.

"Okay, go to the general ancient land, when you are in danger, you call me and I will show up in time—" The tree spirit king stretched out a branch and touched Ling Xia's face, and the young lady who provokes a smile grinned. , After saying that it disappeared into the void.

Ling Xia pouted her mouth, glanced around, and finally gave up Kun Dan and chose to go and meet Liu Yun.

In the vast sea of ​​fog, a group of brightening souls is quietly nourishing and growing!

It was this little Kundan that made Su Jin a little excited——

In this famine, only the powerful soul can condense the soul pill! And this Kundan, don't come too timely! Su Jin knew that the sooner he escaped from the limitations of the Supreme Sovereign Tool, the risk outside would decrease by one point. At that time, he was led away by Hun Yuan Zi Ling. He naturally knew that this was Feng Qingtian’s work. He was worried that the opponent would treat him. Bringing the divine body back to the fairy valley, so as to ask for help such as the golden ancient ape king, that is a terrible disaster!

Su Jin got rid of distracting thoughts and paid close attention to the Kundan in the soul——

In this famine, he has seen a lot of Yuan Lingxiu in human form. If his Yuan Shen is refining this Kun Pill Queen, he can transform it into a human form.

But Su Jin feels little hope.

"I haven't started refining, just wrapped in the soul, can make my soul grow ten times, what exactly can this Kundan make me reach!" Su Jin began to meditate on the "Sudden Heaven Sutra", then immediately I saw a wisp of detailed scripture cruising out.

The shell of Kundan was hard, but when the Sutra scripture was submerged in it, the whole Kundan began to crack slowly, and a strange fragrance filled Su Jin's soul!


Su Jin's primordial spirit suddenly broke out, and his body was soaring at a terrifying speed!

Even... a faint aura of the soul appeared! Su Jin's "Sutra of Heaven" is very overbearing, after almost a dozen breaths, he plundered Kundan to the point where there is no scum left!

Not bad!

Su Jin is a little regretful. He can feel his own soul metamorphosing. In the recent past, the soul is hundreds of thousands of times larger in terms of toughness and size. What a pity! When he just wanted to condense the human form soul, the whole soul almost broke apart. This is not enough toughness!

"I don't know if "Kunpeng Nine Changes" will increase its power because of Kun Pill--" Su Jin silently thought, looking at the direction that Ling Xia was leaving.

To go or not to go

Just listening to the dialogue between Ling Xia and King Tree Spirit, it seemed that the Blood Spirit General was not so powerful, and there were many gods and gods who would attack this powerful soul. It would be hard not to be discovered when he went.

Su Jin doesn't want to waste time in the "Heavenly Desolation", he must go! If the soul of General Blood Spirit is plundered, he will transform into a human form! It is even possible that after returning to the world of the Supreme Wild Tool, one's soul can instantly recover!

Before long, Su Jin felt the crisis——

He just walked along the road that Ling Xia had walked forward. After a few days of walking, blood began to rain in the void. The continent in front of him, thunder and lightning were rampant, and hundreds of divine treasures kept overflowing with amazing light, that continent On the top, there are tens of millions of armored soldiers, lined up, encircling a barren mountain in the center!

The barren mountain seemed to be no more than a large hill, and it was very simple. When Su Jin saw the patina exposed on the hill, the primordial spirit was shocked!

This piece of patina was actually a huge copper ring exposed from the hill! Su Jin is almost certain that the source of this copper ring is a bronze coffin!

Tens of thousands of iron-boned soldiers are falling down, dozens of figures are constantly bombarding with divine treasures. In front of the hill, an old corpse in broken armor is closing his eyes, sitting on the stone platform, his right hand holding a Ancient bronze sword with a handle, the tip of the sword sank into the ground!

General Blood Spirit! Too strong!

Su Jin suddenly felt that perhaps the real purpose of these people was not this terrifying soul, but to look for opportunities to pull out the bronze coffin buried in the hill!

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