My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3095: Return of the Ape King! (4 more)

Vientiane Dragon Emperor was shocked--

At present, the golden ancient ape king was stepped on by it, and he should die soon, but at this time, four gods and Buddhas came to Zhou Tian, ​​and their positions were unclear, making him a little confused! It has long heard that in the battle of Chaos Tiandao not long ago, Xu Wang, the **** of war, wanted to attract a Buddha to the heaven. Could it be that this Buddha did?

With such a powerful Buddha power, the audience almost focused on the old monk of Kongshi.

"Don't look at me, I can't do it--" The old monk Kongshi glared at Liuyuan Tiansheng.

Can't do it.

One can't do it!

With a smile on Liuyuan Tiansheng’s face, he slowly transmitted his voice to Fenqin Tianhe, "You two come back quickly, these people won’t be able to laugh--"

Fenqin Tianhe and Bloodstained White Tiger were very surprised, but they also noticed this situation, that Wanxiang Dragon Emperor seemed very nervous!

"It should be the old monk from Kongshi." Fenqin Tianhe hurriedly let the white tiger retreat. Seeing that the four Buddha statues were almost solid, they should have extraordinary combat power.

"You didn't make a move!" The blood-stripe white tiger who withdrew back to the spot almost fell off when seeing the old monk of Kongshi!

"Buddhas can't be said." Daer Sanzang guessed something, and the old monk with Kongshi smiled knowingly, without explaining.

The four Buddha statues approached the golden ancient ape king, and the dragon emperor of Vientiane spoke from all directions, and said softly: "Which Buddha can make a move, please show your position!"


Vientiane Dragon Emperor only felt severe pain in the dragon body! The huge dragon body was swept away by a Buddha palm!

The four Buddha statues looked at the Dragon Emperor in Vientiane, and they seemed to have profound meaning. Then each Buddha statue stretched out the right arm of the Buddha, centering on the golden ancient ape king, from the east, south, west, and north to gather the vast Buddha power!

A monstrous and terrifying sight, as if it could be imprinted in the hearts of everyone forever, appeared magnificently!

Above the head of the golden ancient ape king, under the combined force of the four Buddha statues, a huge slowly rotating "swastika" was condensed, and strands of the scriptures fell from the "swastika", continuously sinking into the body of the ape king!

"Did you see it! Someone is saving the Ape King!" Fen Qin Tianhe cried with joy, pointing to the shocking scene.

"The Ape King will get a great opportunity--" Kongshi old monk slowly laughed.

"Old monk of Kongshi, you have a deep connection with the Buddha, and your footsteps are all over the world, do you know who did this?" The blood-stripe white tiger asked equally excitedly.

"I said it was the night emperor in the dark, do you believe it?" Kongshi old monk asked rhetorically.

Fenqin Tianhe and Bloodmark White Tiger shook their heads at the same time, "It can't be the Emperor of the Night."

Why not? After the blood-stripe white tiger finished speaking in the Kongshi old monk, he glanced at the primordial spirit and found that the night emperor's Dao body soaked in the jade pond was still there, nothing unusual.

But at this moment in Buxian Valley, Feng Qingtian's brain is completely blank, and the condensed "swastika" of the four-sided giant Buddha is not too familiar to her!

At that time, in the Snake People Clan, this Buddhist character "swastika" that covered the sky and sun was just protecting the Snake People City and hanging above his dojo! It was Ye Di who used it at that time!

"It's not Ye Di." Cang Shanxue came from Yuchi and said something that disappointed Feng Qingtian. She went to see Ye Di's Dao body just now, and she was still there!

"What if it is--" Feng Qingtian always looked forward to the eclipsed face.

"Absolutely not! If you don't believe me, go and watch it yourself!" Cang Shanxue said coldly, and she found that Feng Qingtian missed Ye Di and had hallucinations.

Feng Qingtian fell into silence immediately.

just now! There is still silence around the deserted ages! Where did the four Buddha statues come from? They were able to shoot and fly the Vientiane Dragon Emperor who is a powerful creature!

The brilliance of the golden ancient ape king that had just faded, after the unpredictable Buddhist scriptures was integrated into the body, turned yellow and yellow, as if it was recovering——

Wanxiang Dragon Emperor looked at it bitterly, but it was not injured, but the aggrievedness was true. I thought it was still trampling the ancient king under its feet one second before, and then it was beaten into the air one second later. .

"The murderous soldiers I raised with my dark teeth are so well healed. No matter how strong the Buddha is in the world, it cannot heal its wounds. Unless they have maintained the vitality of the Golden Ape King, once they lose the Buddha's charm, It still cannot escape the death of the Ape King!" The Wanxiang Dragon Emperor was very clear about his methods and sneered to himself in his heart.

But as time passed, this ‘Lord of the Dragon’ began to feel bad!

The blood on the back of the golden ancient ape king no longer overflowed. Instead, the blood spilled on the ground began to glow with radiance under the wisps of Buddhist scriptures, and began to fall into the wound of the ape king!

Due to changes, it is difficult for the ancestors of the Five Elements to break through the formation. The appearance of the four Buddha statues in front is so strange that even the dragon emperor in Vientiane can be knocked into the air, and the origin is unknown.

The golden ancient ape king seemed to have a big dream. There were still tears on the edge of the giant pupil. It should have died, but when it could see again, it noticed the strangeness!

Own strength is soaring!

what's the situation!

He was sneak attacked on his back by the Dragon Emperor of Wanxiang, causing huge injuries. That evil soldier even cut off the spine in its back, why did his strength soar?

"My shackles came across once ten thousand years ago! The magic medicine I prepared at the time was missing a taste of the'Qimei Qingta', and I ventured to try and failed to break through without the medicine. Since then, this Stepping into the shackles of creation, I have never encountered it again!" The golden ancient ape king felt that the meridians around his body began to expand, as if it had expanded from the original trails and streams to the river Shenhai!

The monks on the periphery of the Years and Moon Divine Formation all looked nervously at the Golden Ape King——

This ancient king should have died! Why, with the blessing of the four Buddha statues, the momentum began to rise rapidly?

The golden ancient ape king carefully observed the surroundings, it did not know why these four Buddha statues appeared, and when it saw its own hair, it felt a little shocked!

From the outside, the golden ape king's surface looks like Huang Chengcheng, but if you distinguish it carefully, you will find that every hair of his is already more than half of the blood!

"Return to the ancestors--" Fenqin Tianhe looked from a distance, and immediately panicked.

"This is good for returning to ancestors. If you change to another race, it may be a big bad thing, but what do you imagine, what is the ancestor of the Golden Sacred Ape?" Daer Sanzang was excited instead.

"Fuck... trough..." The **** white tiger was shocked to death, and the ancestor of the ape king was a violent ape!

Although the violent ape clan has lost its bloodline defense magic ‘Golden Pillar of Heaven’s Suppression’, the ape strike technique is still in the blood of the violent ape! Now that the ape king is returning to his ancestors, that doesn’t mean--

"The Ape King has always had regrets. Although the Golden Sacred Ape has obtained the unparalleled defense magic, it can only passively defend. Without the ape attack of the ancestor's violent ape, this is its long-term pain!" Da Er Sanzang laughed.

Fen Qin Tianhe said excitedly: "The Ape King will follow the Ye Emperor! Become the second existence to complete the Great Perfection of Ape Strike Technique!"

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