My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3103: Haven't seen the pretty boy?

The powerhouses such as Liuyuan Tiansheng, Sect Master Xing, and Big Ear Sanzang all looked at Fenqin Tianhe in surprise!

"Why solve the formation?" Sect Master Xing's scalp is numb now, and his face is gloomy to the extreme.

"If you don't understand the formation, this formation can still resist for a period of time--" The Kongshi old monk was naturally very puzzled.

Fenqin Tianhe continued: "Don’t get me wrong, this is what the emperor meant! Although the ancient time formation is unlocked, there are still multiple formations next to it, and I expect that except for the creation, the others will not dare to step into the battlefield. !"

Hearing that this was the explanation from the emperor, Liu Yuan Tiansheng and other strong men's expressions improved!

Sure enough, the rhyme of the ridiculous ages scattered all around, the cultivators of the sixty-three realms, not only did not take a step, on the contrary, they retreated a very long distance like a tide!

Everyone knows it! In Buxian Fairy Valley, creation is the main force! Even if they are powerful masters, it is not enough to see how many of them are in front of the several creations in the valley! Besides, there is also a person in control of the Supreme Wilderness Tool!

Now that there are more than a hundred creations in the sixty-three realms around them, these people will naturally step in, cut the creations of Immortal Valley, and smash the body of the emperor's waste!

The strange scene caused a brief panic——

No one knows that the sacred formation here will not be solved by itself for no reason! This may even be the conspiracy of Yedi!

Under the sky, that lonely wooden sculpture, as if it had just appeared, has not changed at all, but it is this human-shaped wooden sculpture that has shocked the power of the sixty-three realms and dared not venture!

Now the Golden Ape King is a little crazy-

The entire ancestral body of the violent ape exudes endless blood. It is too powerful. After thoroughly exerting the power of the ape strike technique to the extreme, the right arm of the ancient **** man’s sky bone fell suddenly, the **** man Underfoot, the earth cracks!

"You are a little different--" The ancient gods and men were full of splendor in their eyes, and three types of celestial brilliance were shining all over their body. Its bone arms shook fiercely. The golden ancient ape king roared and was shaken away, and the huge ape body jumped. Constantly use the ape-strike technique!


When the golden ancient ape king's double fists were smashed for the fifth time, the ancient god-man body turned into nothingness and appeared behind the ape king. His hands slowly raised, and the sharp edge of his fingertips forced a three-zhang rainbow. Cut the Ape King's back again and again!

Qiang Qiang--

When the sparks burst, the cold sweat that many watched cultivators were watching!

"The golden ancient ape king of creation is so terrifying! This is an ancient god-man, besides, his right arm bone is still the sky bone, this kind of defensive power can't even cut the sky arm bone!" Someone was trembling with cold sweat. Said with a voice.

"The size of the violent ape has always been its advantage, but it is also its biggest disadvantage. They are too large and are natural warriors. They are a family. The disadvantage is the speed. The huge body makes them far less flexible than other races. It is almost difficult to avoid any strong attack from behind. This situation continues until the ninth-generation Violent Ape that activates the bloodline magic technique—"

"The golden ancient ape king who possesses the perfect'Ape Strike Technique' has unparalleled defenses. Although the Zhentian golden stake is not used, it is really hidden in its blood. Look closely, the claws of this ancient god-man swept repeatedly. Cut, but the claw marks on the back of Queen Ape are filled with yellow light—"


Only a golden ancient ape king can contend against the powerful and mysterious gods and men! This scene stunned a lot of world master-level creations!

The ancient emperor Yuan She is paying close attention to the war. In this case, there is a Ye Emperor who is still in the air. If whoever steps into the battlefield first, it will damage the battle strength at least, and may even fall!

This is no joke!

"The golden ancient ape king has transformed perfectly and has become the only violent ape in the heavens. The ape-strike technique is fused with the'Golden Pile of Heaven', this person has been difficult to solve." Yuan She ancient emperor said indifferently.

Ten ancient emperors walked out of the Yuanshe Realm, it is impossible to return empty-handed, but the other creations now show no signs of wanting to make a move——

"The ancient emperor still wants to wait any longer? The creations of the world have already contacted me and waited, and they must look forward to the ancient emperor's horse head! Only after the ancient emperor's order, one hundred and two creations will directly step down and not envy the fairy valley!" Li Longji's eyes were full of killing It seems to be impatient.

A sturdy creature like Li Longji actually wants to go forward and compete with the Golden Ape King. He wears a golden ring in his nose and looks fierce. He is a long-famous killer, and he has even eaten it with his hands. Many of the same clan powers.

"Since the ancient emperor is waiting, naturally there is a reason to wait. Some people covet the bones of the sky, but want us to take the lead, with bad intentions——" The real man of the word held a'Secret Star Whisk' and glanced at Li Longjidao.

"The emperors from the Netherworld are still watching. How can we in Yuanshe Realm be responsible for ordering the creation of the world?" The ancient emperor Yuanshe smiled slightly and shook his head.

"During the night of the emperor, our seven sisters were still in retreat in the lotus seat. We haven't seen his brave side yet. Thinking about it now, it's a pity." Lan Linglong said in Linglong Tianxian.

These seven ‘Linglong Tian’ celestial beings should be made of natural materials. At that time, the colorful **** lotus contained them, so their names were quite simple and beautiful, represented by seven colors——

They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

"I heard that the emperor can descend the eternal legend of the "Eternal Life Hall". This palace has only been recorded once in history. If the night emperor does not fall, the future will be infinitely radiant in the heavens!" Little Tianxian Zi Linglong looked at the wooden sculpture Shi's eyes were stunning again and again.

"It's a pity that the light is too bright, and the sky bone is dyed. The secret of this person is probably more than that of the sky bone --" Chi Linglong said slowly.

"Look, the emperor from Netherworld has moved!" The brilliance in the eyes of the real person of Silence skyrocketed, but he saw three dazzling divine lights rising from the southwest. The target was the human-shaped wooden sculpture!

"Of the three ancient emperors of Netherworld, one of them is an alchemist." Among the ten ancient emperors of Yuanshe Realm, some were very surprised.

"That is Li Yue, the Great Alchemy Lord. It used to not exist in the'Netherworld', but the illegitimate daughter of the Nether Lord outside. She initially practiced the alchemy Dao in Yuehuazong and was later found back by the Nether Lord——" Ancient Emperor Yuan She nodded.

Great Pill Lord, still at the level of creation!

Alchemy is more knowledgeable than refining tools. If you want to break through the creation, you have to try a variety of earth-shaking alchemy. For example, the pill that Li Yue refines through the creation is an earth-shattering'annihilation re-creation pill. Dan is not afraid of life and death, as long as he takes it, he can instantly restore his peak, which is equal to one more life at his peak!

At this time, even though the "Desolate Ancient Years Formation" was taken down, those who dared to come in were the ancient gods and the three ancient emperors in the netherworld!

"Is it coming?" Su Jinyuan's body instantly controlled the humanoid woodcarving, and a cold wind swept over him. He didn't feel it, and the entire body of the waste tool didn't move.

"Actually, if you hand over the Tiangu, you will be safe, and you can even let other people fight for the bone. But I didn't expect you to be so stupid and want to preserve the Tiangu. We forced the three of us to kill you first." The emperor Qi Fan's face was sullen, and he hovered directly in front of the human-shaped wooden sculpture not far.

"The Emperor Wu Qicheng."

"Pan Huang Li Yue."

Li Yue looked at Su Jin curiously. Although she had heard of Ye Di’s majestic appearance earlier, she was also prepared when she came, but what she never expected was that what she had to deal with now was a wood carving. .

Killing Wu Zun is now scratching his head, he is such a ‘big’ person, are these people blind? I even ignored him!

"Hey, you are not qualified to talk to my boss now! If you want to fight with the boss, pass me first!" Murderous Wuzun is anxious, thinking that he won't live for a long time, all the people in the world give him forgotten!

This is okay! Killing Wu Zun couldn't bear this tone at all!

"I will deal with them." Su Jin said with a blunt wooden carving.

"Only three little guys! When the deity is ranked in the heavens, their grandfather's grandfather is probably still changing diapers! Boss, don't worry about these three people!" Killing Wuzun fought with Su Jin .

"Well, you can leave it to you, but you have to listen to my command when it's critical--" Su Jin said indifferently.

"No problem!" Killing Wu Zun looked at the Three Nether Emperors viciously, and found these three talents staring at him, and couldn't help but angrily said: "What do you look at? Haven't seen the pretty boy? Be careful of the long needle eyes!"

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