My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3107: Scarlet Moon

The mysterious bronze coffin is slowly descending!

Although only half of it was exposed, it could already cause terrible thunder and lightning! Moreover, the reason for the silence of the audience was not the mystery of the bronze coffin, but the moment when the divine coffin appeared, there was an unimaginable pressure, just like a huge mountain pressing on everyone's heart!

This is Yedi's method--

Confidence by means of one enemy and one hundred!

Killing Wu Zun is like crazy, constantly laughing crazy, the boss's trick is too cruel, he never thought it would be so! He was originally wondering why the bronze coffin left from the ancient place of the general, and it has not disappeared until he followed it, but now he sees this situation, he vaguely understand!

The ten ancient emperors of Yuanshe Realm, as well as Li Longji and the real person of Silent Speech are all waiting for them!

This kind of scene is really weird, a wooden sculpture can draw out a giant coffin from other worlds!

"Do you know the origin of this coffin?" The ancient emperor Yuanshe asked the other great powers quietly.

"I don't know, in the distant Bronze Age, there are countless giant coffins like this, and the number remaining so far is still very large. Not only here, even I know that five places have sealed several bronze coffins." The real man said with a solemn expression.

"Everyone must be careful, the surrounding space has been sealed by the emperor! Those black scriptures are "Dead Man Sutra", you should be very clear about what it means—"

"Yedi wants to use this divine coffin to deal with us? Is there a monstrous corpse in the coffin?"


Now I don’t know the hundreds of people who are trapped can be surprised and puzzled!

After a period of silence outside, I dare not speak loudly! The only place is laughing happily, this place is where the seven exquisite gods are!

"Look at eldest sister! Just because you still want to compete with Yedi, you see how good the choices made by the other six sisters are, and you don't have to take the risk!" Lu Linglong's bright eyes are really eye-catching and beautiful. Fangwu.

"Emperor Ye's move closed the door and hit the dog, so that the ancient emperor Yuanshe and the others were not surprised. Fortunately, we quit in time, otherwise I am afraid that we will really be splashed with blood!"

"Don't be proud of you. Anyone can condense this kind of bluffing scene. Although the bronze coffin is mysterious, its power has to be tested in actual combat." Although Chi Linglong said so, her face was already betrayed. The true thoughts in her heart!

Yedi, sure enough, there is something for you!

"It's really smart, let that little kid wave the flag to surrender, take advantage of others, circle more than a hundred creations in it, block the world, and some have fun here!"


That bronze coffin was no longer the way Su Jin pulled the coffin into the waste space!

Killing Wu Zun pointed to the bronze coffin when he laughed wildly and shouted: "Boss! I am convinced by the murderous heart that you have unlocked the curse of the divine coffin. In vain, I waved the flag and surrendered to these little guys, you so bad!"

At this time, the bronze coffin was about eight hundred li long, and its width and height reached a terrifying point. When the entire coffin body was exposed, the white smoke rolled upside down, and there was a faint bronze divine flower bursting everywhere!

In this dark and thunderous world, this coffin has become the focus of the audience!

"There are people on the coffin!" Countless spectators began to shout out loud, pointing frantically at the young man standing on the coffin!

This is the first time that Su Jin has used the body of the soul, appearing in the beast forest, not envy fairy valley! His soul was shattered, and in order to prevent accidents, he left the fragments pasted on his body again in the distance, that is to say, he is now the soul of the battle!

"What do you look at, teach these creations a lesson--" Su Jin glanced at Killing Wu Zun.

"My murderous heart, how many grievances I have endured over the years! No! This battle, I want the world to know! Boss, you call out my handsome and invincible name! My body was shocked, maybe Frighten these creations!" Killing Wu Zun said suddenly.

"In that case, won't you transform yourself?" Su Jin asked quietly through voice transmission.

"Transformation is only a matter of probability! But sometimes it's okay to transform." Killing Wu Zun slowly said.

"Well, murderous Wu Zun!" Su Jin said lightly.


Killing Wu Zun directly turned into a cloud of blood mist murderous air, and then a group of slug-like evildoers appeared.

"Change!" Killing Wu Zun had the heart to die, shouting again and again.

"Killing Wuzun!"

"Killing Wuzun!"

"Killing Wuzun!"


After a few consecutive calls, Wuzun Killer was almost stupid. He turned from a pig, a big yellow dog, a mouse, and finally into a giant sandworm. It was not until a melodious wolf cry appeared that he told Su Jin to stop shouting. Own name!

Su Jin took a serious look at Killing Wu Zun, and had to say that this second brother made him a little surprised——

"Wow~~~~" Killing Wu Zun transformed into a wolf, swimming with wonderful patterns all over his body. The eyes of this wolf are God Sun on the left and Haoyue on the right. This wolf is extraordinary!

The entire beast forest began to be rendered by a layer of murderous blood mist, these murderous auras glowed, and even the thick blood tide not far away was dispersed! Gradually, a round of blood-red stars shook open the void, appearing high in the battlefield within five thousand miles! Sprinkle the blood!

"Sirius?" Su Jin muttered to himself in silence.

"Scarlet Moon! This is the strongest means in my murderous changes. Today I will accompany the old man to fight!" Killing Wu Zun looked at Su Jin with magic eyes, the wolf power emanating from his body was very special.

Su Jin nodded, really feeling very different. If you look closely at those who are strong in creation, you will have a deep understanding!

More than a hundred creations, including the ancient emperor Yuanshe, are bathed in the light of the "scarlet blood moon" at this moment, and the strange trails can not be distinguished by what power. As long as they are bathed in this light, they will be irritable, murderous, and chaotic. All negative emotions will show a hundredfold increase!

"Not bad." Su Jin praised Wuzun Killing Heart.

"Of course not bad! The boss can let go of this coffin magic, you have martial ambitions and are not affected by the evil moon's divine will! But they are different, I am afraid that the weaknesses may not be able to bear them, and they will turn into killers!" Killing Wuzun proudly said .

"Have fun!" Su Jin shouted in a low voice.

"Together! Fight!" Killing Wu Zun was also affected by Su Jin's fighting intent, and a substantial black and red murderous aura condensed around Sirius' body, bursting out!

"Friends of Taoism, strengthen the Taoist heart! I cast the Taoist Cleansing Heart Mantra, blessings, etc., don't panic!" The real person of Silence put **** together in front of him, and a turquoise circular Taoist figure condensed behind him impressively. The light of the Purifying Curse!

"Kill—" Li Longji couldn't bear it for a long time, and he took the brunt and rushed to the bronze coffin!

Su Jin smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Are you in such a hurry? Well, this king will give you a ride first!"

"Arrogant!" Li Longji's body is covered with willow-like totems, and he swells up suddenly, as strong as him. Earlier he had the intention to compete with the Golden Ape King, but now, he is more willing to tear Ye Disheng into the eyes of the world!

Su Jin shook his foot slightly, his body tilted sideways, and the right hand of the body of the soul had already grasped the corner of the "bronze standing coffin"!

Tap it!

The huge body of the bronze coffin stands like a light wooden board, constantly turning over and directly hitting Li Longji!

Li Longji was shocked. After all, he was a strong man in the mid-stage of creation. He was calm at the critical moment, and he wanted to dodge—


The body of Su Jin Yuanshen, with the help of the bronze coffin to block other people's vision, with one foot firmly behind the coffin, the speed of the coffin was suddenly increased tenfold!

Bang bang——

Li Longji was smashed into the air and vomited the blood of creation. This impact was so powerful that he could not imagine it!

"Be careful! There is a curse on the coffin!" Li Longji was hit on his left shoulder and chest! But at this time, all the clothes on the chest were melted, a burst of white smoke appeared on the flesh, and a large piece of veins protruded!


Ancient Emperor Yuanshe and other great abilities were all secretly horrified. This does not mean that as long as the Emperor Ye is on the bronze coffin, they can't cut him close?

"You despicable villain! You are the emperor! Shameless! You dare to resolve my curse and fight like a man!" Li Longji's face was instantly pale, he had to sit down and use the power of creation Resist the curse!

The outside monks who watched the battle outside all became angry.

"Master Li Longji is right, this night emperor will use some insidious tricks, such as the use of the power of the gods, curses, and other small tricks, which do not exist at all!" A cultivator of the Hundred Flowers World said with an injustice.

"There is also an ancient bronze coffin. This coffin can protect the Emperor of the Night. Now our creations are somewhat passive. If you are cursed in close combat, I am afraid it will be very uncomfortable!"

"I didn't expect Ye Di to be such a person. If he uses his true strength, it is estimated that even Master Li Longji can't beat him with one hand."

"Emperor of the Longevity Palace? I pooh—"

"Our hundred creations must have a way! This Yedi won’t be able to laugh long! His current body, our ancestors said, is the body of the soul, which is extremely rare, but it is not impossible to deal with. This body of the soul is very, very fragile. !"


Su Jin faced doubts and even saw that there was a creature on the other side that looked down on him. He couldn't help but look at Li Longji and asked, "You want a face? If you want a face, more than 100 creations will be combined to grab my bones. ?"

"You!" Li Longji almost died of anger. He was really affected by the scarlet blood moon high in the sky. He was a little bit open-minded. This time, they only played one night emperor with one hundred creations. They were indeed unfamiliar and somewhat unreasonable.

"In this way, since you say that I am shameless, then I make a bet with you, just because you are afraid that you will not be the master."

Su Jin looked at Li Longji, and continued to speak quietly: "I solved the curse on you and restored you to the peak state. You and I make the life and death oath. I will fight you alone with this soul body! No need for a bronze coffin! No need for anything. Things outside of the body! If I win, you hundreds of creations apologize to this king, bow their heads and admit their mistakes, and then swear that they will never enter the beast forest. If I lose, I will hand over the bones and Taoism to you and explode this soul Body! Can you dare?"

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