My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3112: The price of pushing the coffin?

In the whole world, there is a very strong and strange atmosphere——

The emperor pushed the coffin and brought out the unknown signs, so that the dignified elder Yuanzhi of the ‘Prince King’s Mansion’ was contaminated with evil spirits! This is so weird, so weird that makes people feel hairy!

Fenqin Tianhe, Golden Ancient Ape King and all the great abilities, their faces are not pretty!

"Yedi's arms are also covered with blood-colored scales--" Liu Yuan Tiansheng took a breath, and forcibly lowered the horrified voice, unwilling to believe his eyes.

"This ancient bronze coffin itself contains a curse, and the white smoke that envelops the coffin is the power of the curse, but...what are those **** scales?" Fenqin Tianhe swallowed, and his mind was full of blood. The sight of scales.

"In the coffin, something is unknown!"

In the fairy valley, Yao'er, Feng Zifei, Qiu Dakui, Xiaotongtian Guru and others came and talked to Yao'er. At this moment, the Shennong Ding she was carrying was trembling. This is the Yedi pushing the coffin. It's strange!

Liu Yuan Tiansheng slowly widened his eyes, watching Yao'er hugging Cauldron in front of him, and said in surprise: "This is... this is that person..."

"Well, Ye Di knows it too." Yao'er nodded.

"The saints and sages are all dead, this is a supreme saints medicine cauldron, remember to keep it intact." Liuyuan Tiansheng said the medicine.

"Blood phosphorus is spreading! Is this the price of opening the coffin?" The golden ancient ape king muttered to himself, a little distressed for Su Jin at this time.

"The elder Yuanzhi just touched the virtual coffin, and his body was beginning to be covered with blood scales just like the night emperor!"

"Huh! Look! The blood scales on Yedi's arms are retreating frantically--"

"He has God's curse..."


At this moment, when Elder Yuanzhi heard the words of other elders, he felt very uncomfortable. His cultivation of Dzogchen was not easy!

Now Elder Yuanzhi is quite sure that he just touched the virtual coffin and there was a big problem, but he didn't notice it!

Di Kunjie's face became more and more gloomy, and there was no Confucian temperament. In his eyes, Elder Yuan Zhi had turned into an evil demon! An evil demon with blood scales and red eyes open!

"Stop him--" Di Kunjie gave the order immediately!

"No!" Elder Yuan Zhi was shocked and angry. When he raised his hands, he shouted: "You made a mistake! You must be a mistake!"

But in the ears of others, this scream of elder Yuanzhi is even more evil! It has already transformed into an evil demon, with its blood scales, red eyes, and the whole being, it has a faint tendency to suppress other elders!

The other nine great elders have sad faces!

Suddenly, a red gun body flew directly from the hands of the elder Yuanmo, and hit the elder Yuanzhi's chest in the blink of an eye!


When the sparks splashed, this red spear could not penetrate the blood scales on Elder Yuanzhi!

"My'slaughter demon' can't even break his defense!" Yuan Mo yelled loudly, "Let's shoot together!"

Yuan Zhi doesn't understand why!

Originally, the trip went smoothly, as long as the night emperor was captured and taken to the Palace of God and Heaven! But now he is attacking him! He was terrified, helpless, and confused!

All kinds of negative emotions swarmed, and he began to see the red light from his pupils, and his strength was growing wildly!

I... so strong!

Elder Yuan Zhi clenched his fists, raised his head fiercely, and directly shifted his shape into shadows, turning into several shadows, and blasted him on the spot!

Elder Yuan Mo didn't want to contaminate the blood scales on his body. He condensed the'Devil Slaughter Spear' in front of him with both hands, but under the bombardment of the opponent, there was still a five-finger palm print on the spear!


At this moment, Su Jin pushed the coffin upright without expression, looking at the bronze coffin one-third of which was already open, he couldn't help but gently raised his hand, condensing a blood-colored giant hand, and plunged into the coffin——

Scalp tingling!

Really numb scalp!

More than half of the people who saw Yedi make this move! Some of them even covered their faces and screamed!

Just now, the elder Yuanzhi turned into an evil demon because of the coffin, and his combat power was already above the other great elders, even elder Yuanmo could not break the defense! It is enough to show how mysterious this bronze coffin is! Now, Yedi actually condensed his arm and stretched his hand in!

"Ye Di's hands were originally covered with blood scales just now, but those blood scales have mysteriously retreated. Why?!" Someone muttered and looked at the scene, his mind was blank.

"Emperor's opening of the coffin may bring about an unpredictable catastrophe! Even people from the Primordial Palace would be caught off guard by such a terrifying scene, and I don't know how to respond!"

"As for anyone, I am afraid that he will be like Yedi. Knowing that he can't fight alone, he took the risk of trying to open the coffin to resist the powerful enemy!"

"Hundreds of creations, the blood of the gods has not been dried, and now the elder Yuanzhi, who came from the gods, has also become an evil demon!"


Everyone is watching Ye Di closely, watching his every move--

Even the three brothers and sisters of Di Kunjie from the "Prince King's Mansion" are the same!

Di Shuangning was a little nervous, and said to the two elder brothers: "Can Elder Yuanzhi recover? This Ye Di, what are you going to do?"

"The ups and downs of the virtual coffin cannot be touched, especially the bronze coffin. The coffin has been opened, and the Ye Emperor is looking for opportunities!" Di Yufan said with shocking eyes and eagerly said.

"Damn night emperor! People here call him so terrible--" Di Shuangning was puzzled.

Di Kunjie kept flying around in his mind, and his gloomy expression contained a sly smile that was hard to detect.

As the first heir to the Taikoo Palace, some people really took too many things from him! This time, Ye Di smashed the Ninth Brother Treasure, which is far from a bad thing for Di Kunjie!

Di Shuangning and Di Yufan usually approached the ninth brother, Di Kunjie saw it, where did they not know? ! In the entire Taikoo Palace, from the ancestors to the servants, which one did not hold the nineth brother Di Qiubai to the sky! These people really didn't put his big brother in their eyes--

He is the master of Taikoo Palace! Future master!

This time, I borrowed the anger of the younger sister and the eighth brother to set off for God! Unexpectedly, Ye Di gave him such a big surprise!

"This kind of power, I don't know if Ji Dao can suppress it." Di Kunjie whispered, "Little sister, eighth brother, you get out of the way, I want to use "Bafang Qianyuan Shenggong" to suppress Ye Di——"

"No!" Di Yufan shook his head directly, "The eldest brother's "Eight Fang Qianyuan Sacred Art" has not been repaired to the level of transformation, let the younger sister, she uses the'Shake Ice Source' to perform the forbidden method, which can ice all here seal!"

Di Kunjie's face was "angry", "If something happens to my little girl, can you bear it?!"

"I'm here--" Di Shuangning gritted his teeth gently, "I can only use the forbidden method once, but it is enough to seal Ye Di with a coffin and seal it all."

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