My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3114: Is there a good person today?

Evil sage corpse!

Di Shuangning now sees her elder brother Di Kunjie's face ugly, her eyes are very dazed, and a light sigh from the coffin just now seems to have passed countless years before the coffin was opened.

On the **** corpse cover, a scarlet divine cloud exuded, and the scarlet cloud bloomed over the beast forest! Almost no more than ten breaths, a pour of blood began to erupt!

"The gate of the sky!" The nine elders, including Yuan Mo, saw that the elder Yuan Zhi was worshipping the bronze coffin, and they immediately acted with all their strength to open up the sky to a road leading to the "shentian"— —

"No! Why not!" Elder Lin was so frightened that the power displayed by the nine great creations couldn't open the door of the sky! Although Shentian is very far away from here, it can be put in normal, and the four great elders can do it!

Elder Yuan Mo shouted: "Try again!"

"That piece of corpse cloth has sealed off all the void, and I can't even move it!" An elder tried it, his face changed color successively.

"With a piece of corpse cloth?"

"Who is buried in this coffin--"


Di Kunjie is very calm. He knows that the more he gets to this juncture, the more he needs to be calm. Since he rushed to the present, he would never have seen such a situation!

Immediately, Di Kunjie asked loudly at the bronze coffin: "Dare to ask if there are any wise men today?"

Saints? But all the monks who heard the word ‘xian’ suddenly stunned--

At this moment, Fenqin Tianhe looked at Liuyuan Tiansheng and the others with very puzzled eyes.

"It can't be a sage. I have felt the divine will of a sage no less than dozens of times. However, since the opening of the bronze coffin, I have not felt the sage's righteousness!" Liuyuan Tiansheng denied the sage's statement.

"Evil sage." The old monk of Kongshi said with a red face, "Sages are eternal enemies. Since the beginning of the era of heavens, there have been many sages in the world. Saints represent righteousness, but evil sages are different."

"Yes, there is a record in the'Masalu'." Daer Sanzang solemnly said: "The evil sage can eat the spirit of life, blood and essence, and can be transformed into a great **** and demon. The former Amitabha, on the other side of the Buddhist path, cut several evil sages. "

This is the first time that the leader of Xiaotongtian and others have heard of "evil sage"! But they already understand that evil sages are as powerful as sages!

"Emperor Ye lifted the evil sage's corpse cloth, the evil sage uttered a corpse, the world is going to be in chaos." Sect Master Xing sighed.

"Not necessarily, the evil sage wanted to turn the night emperor into an evil demon, but he didn't succeed. The blood scales on his arm just disappeared, which obviously has the effect of restraint!"

"Who knows, as soon as the evil sage comes out, I don't know if it is good or bad, you inform Feng Qingtian and let her be prepared--" the golden ancient ape king said slowly.

"Yeah." The leader of Xiaotongtian began to send a voice message to Feng Qingtian to inform her of the seriousness of the matter.

The blood rain is very thick, just simply condense the divine power to the whole body, and it will not be exposed to the rain. This is what all spectators do!

The sky is raining blood, and the situation on the battlefield seems to have returned to the moment when the gods and demons were in the beginning!

The bronze coffin was trembling. Di Kunjie's words seemed to cause memories of the mysterious existence in the coffin, but strangely, apart from the sigh, it could no longer transmit the sound!

"Senior, when I wait for this trip, I don't intend to offend, so I will return to the heavens, and never collapse the beast forest and the earth--" Di Kunjie slowly cushioned the bronze divine coffin and arched his hands, but his eyes flickered.

Di Kunjie thinks he is smart, after all, since there are corpse words in the coffin, then the other party must be able to understand where he comes from! I hope that the two words ‘shentian’ can shock this ancient coffin!


Strange to say, after Di Kunjie finished speaking, the nine great elders suddenly felt divine power suddenly and cheerful, and the entire sky gate was draped in the sky!

The gate of the sky! opened!

"There is no doubt the evil sage in the coffin! Quick retreat——" Di Kunjie transmitted the sound to the nine elders, and his eyes were secretly regretful. His plan to remove the thorn in his eyes had already failed.

"Evil sage!" The nine great elders were shocked, "Go! Go back to the palace!"

"Go! If there are evil sages alive in the coffin, we are not opponents at all!" An elder said repeatedly.

"It can't be a living evil sage! The evil sage buried in the divine coffin is uttering a corpse. This is afraid that it is the legacy of the evil sage!" Elder Lin immediately denied the claim that the evil sage is still alive.

"It doesn't matter if it's an evil sage! Reporting the name of God and Heaven, isn't it about letting us leave--"


Di Yufan looked at Su Jin unwillingly! The enmity of the ninth brother, I am afraid it will be hard to repay today!

"Go back and report to Ming's father, this generation has a virtuous--" Di Shuangning also didn't want to stay any longer.

"It's a pity that I lost a great elder." Di Kunjie's expression was sorrowful, and then he stepped back and quickly approached the door of the sky!

Elder Yuan Zhi's scarlet eyes, with inexplicable evil intentions, some people looked at him and laughed, but they didn't know why they were laughing!

The nine great elders urged Di Shuangning and Di Yufan to rush to the side of the great god! Behind is the Gate of the Sky!


The entire bronze coffin was shaking. Su Jin's expression changed. He saw that the ‘cover corpse cloth’ was suddenly taken into the divine coffin, and a circle of mysterious blood floated under his feet.

"Dare you, Tu Shentian--" The existence in the coffin of the gods actually heard a faint sound floating in Su Jin's ears.

"Senior, the fragments of my soul have not recovered yet, so I can't live in the body!" Su Jin said lightly with a chill in his eyes.

The brief silence made everyone nervous...

Su Jin's lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what he was talking about in the coffin, but it was almost certain! He can communicate with the evil sage in the coffin! !

then! Countless pairs of incredible eyes, staring at Su Jin's soul body!

The huge wooden sculptures are shrinking rapidly, and pieces of soul and soul are floating out from the waste tool space, shining like countless fireflies!

Su Jin's expression was unexpected. He looked at his own soul shards, those fragments of souls were being engulfed, like a pile of sand, each piece was glued to the surface of his own soul!


From the initial prototype to the human form of the soul, Su Jin's soul began to glow with glory!

At the same time, in the Immortal Valley, Su Jin's golden robe deity suddenly disappeared from the jade pond and appeared in front of the soul out of thin air!

Su Jin's eyes are crazy, his soul! Recovered!

In just one step, Su Jin walked into his body, how wonderful the feeling was!

"Boss...Don't follow him..." Killing Wuzun had already hid in the woodcarving space, but was inexplicably blocked when he was transmitting the sound, and the last word ‘Go’ could not be said!

At this moment, the blood-scaled elder Yuan Zhi and General Blood Spirit suddenly lifted the ancient bronze coffin that was tens of meters in size, and Su Jin stood on the coffin with a wooden sculpture on his back!


The bronze coffin shook and smashed the door of the sky!

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