My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3117: Give you a death

As the ancient bronze coffin slowly rises, a **** magic light fills the sky above the ancient city of God!

As the Patriarch of the Primordial Palace, Di Shuangning’s father, Di Chang now has to turn his attention away from Ye Di. Although his daughter-in-law and young daughter were arrested, as long as the Ye Di does not leave, he can guarantee Yedi will always stay in God City!

"Kun Jie said this is the evil sage god's coffin, I didn't believe it--" Di Chang looked like a middle-aged man, dressed in a gorgeous nine-headed dragon robe, and looked at the bronze coffin with sharp eyes, his face gloomy. .

"Master, do you have a countermeasure?"

A middle-aged scholar, holding an eight-treasure fan, appeared beside Di Chang.

"This coffin is unknown! Have you notified Fa Shenzong?" Di Chang asked slowly.

"Fa Shenzong is sending people to rush over, but such a big event has happened in the'Prime God City', and I can't hide it. There has been movement in the Beast Palace recently."

"You run one more time and invite a heavenly Buddha to come over to the land of glazed glaze, and suppress the evil spirits!" Di Chang suffocated his stomach and was still suppressing, the entire Primordial God City was destroyed like this, even if it was the coffin of evil sages. He must do his best to suppress it!

"Yes--" The middle-aged scholar turned and disappeared without hesitation.

Di Qiubai's face is now hideous. Seeing Su Jin insulting his Di family so much, he shouted at Di Chang: "Father! The one who crippled me is the emperor of the night! Don't you take the younger sister and Liu Yun from He rescued it!"

Su Jin looked at Di Chang coldly...

Is this middle-aged man the master of Taikoo God City? The **** of the Di family?

Di Chang is now more angry than anyone! Although Di Qiubai is the most talented **** son of his Di family and is loved by the family elders, now that the evil sage's coffin is coming, the series of things involved are not all done by this son!

How can the treasure be injured if you don't go to the ancient land of the generals!

Without provoking the emperor, how could the evil sage coffin descend into the ancient city of God!

If you don't provoke Ye Di, how can your daughter-in-law be arrested? Even his only daughter is in the hands of Ye Di!

All in all, Di Chang feels powerless now!

"Shut up!" Di Chang was furious, staring at Di Qiubai fiercely!

"Father--" Di Qiubai was taken aback for a moment, in the impression that his father had never been so harsh on him.

"The people of the Fashen Sect will come soon, so you still think about how to explain to the people of the Fashen Sect!" Di Chang sternly shook his sleeves, "If the marriage contract is dismissed, Liu Yun will no longer have anything to do with you!"


Di Qiubai felt like he had been pierced by a steel needle. He had forgotten that with his current body, it is impossible for Shenzong Fa to still agree to this marriage!

Ye Di! Di Qiubai roared in his heart, if it weren't for him, how could he always suffer!

Su Jin looked at Di Chang a few times and found that the master of the palace had a strong city, and this forbearance alone was beyond the reach of others, but what surprised him more was the elder Yuanzhi and the **** general!

These two people fought against the nine great elders. Although they couldn't fight, they could hold these nine people!

The coffin of evil sages, is there really sages in it? Su Jin thought about what happened before. The evil sage in this coffin couldn't be alive. If he didn't live, he would be a ‘sage corpse’, and this evil sage must have had a deep hatred with the ‘shentian’ before his death!

"Idiot--" Di Chang stepped up into the void, and he condensed a big white hand, and slapped it at General Blood Spirit!

The nine elders are extremely ashamed, and they are all powerful people with perfect creation! Can't even take the blood spirit general and the elder Yuanzhi who is an evil demon!



The blood spirit general used the ancient sword to block it, and Di Chang's palm actually shook the surrounding laws, causing the blood spirit general to stagnate and was directly bombarded!

Elder Yuan Zhi culled! Di Chang didn't panic. He raised one hand and waved his robe sleeve. The nine-headed dragon robe was hunting!

"Naughty animal!" Di Chang's sleeves, a ring of golden light shone, and the blood scales on Elder Yuan Zhi's body were making strange noises!


Di Chang couldn't believe it. He was so dignified that he couldn't even take a Yuan Zhi who was a demon! This method is completely the manifestation of the law and luck, let alone a Yuanzhi, even if it is the other nine elders, he has the confidence to take it all!

"Patriarch! I'm in your Di's house and have worked hard for countless years! Why did your Di's treat me like this!" The blood-scaly claws of the elder Yuanzhi condensed a circle of blood-red animal heads. Eyes and Di Chang looked at each other, resentment!

"There is an evil sage in the coffin who transformed you into a demon. It was not my palace that abandoned you!" Di Chang was heartbroken. There were only a dozen great elders in the palace, and the loss of any one cannot be measured by value.

"Evil sage...that is also sage! Under the world, the strong is respected! The lord of the coffin can give me more powerful strength! My Yuanzhi! It will not be long before I can be promoted to God like you! , Be a god!" Elder Yuanzhi rushed towards Di Chang with a grin, and started fighting with him!

Su Jin is still watching--

This evil sage's coffin, I don't know how it will be a catastrophe, red light spreads everywhere, and the entire Star and Moon of the Primordial God City is shrouded.

"I remember you reminded me not to follow, do you know the identity of the evil sage in the coffin?" Su Jin whispered to the murderous Wu Zun, quietly said.

"It was buried in the ancient land of the generals, and its identity has always been a mystery. Not only the people of the gods and heavens have investigated, but even the other transcendent worlds are puzzled." Killing Wuzun said: "There was speculation at the time. Huang' related!"

"When I was in the famine, I came across a girl by chance. She came from the Yishan Fengyu Pavilion." Su Jin hesitated slightly, "When she was talking to a tree spirit king, I heard that the master of the Yishan Fengyu Pavilion. , Just came back from the endless border shortage."

"Yishan Fengyu Pavilion!" Killing Wu Zun was suddenly startled, "This force, I am afraid that it can crush the'Prince Ancient Mansion' now, are you not offended?"

"What if it is offended?" Su Jin asked back.

"Well, in short, you can't get too close to the evil sage in this coffin, you have to retreat in time." Killing Wuzun said: "You are just a chess piece in his hand. I can see that he wants to kill you. ."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised a curve--

Killing Wu Zun thinks like this, is he not!

When Su Jin pushed the coffin in Buxian Valley, the primordial **** arm began to cover blood scales. At that time, he understood that the evil sage in the coffin wanted to attack him, but the other party did not succeed!

"Is there any way you can leave from the heavens of God--" Su Jin asked.


"That's good."

Su Jin's heart was set, and his expression became calmer.

At this moment, when the elder Yuanzhi was fighting with Di Chang, a huge imaginary light and shadow gradually appeared in the back of the Primordial Palace. This light and shadow manifested an old man with a solemn expression and raised his terrifying arm. , Descended from the blood light a finger prison comparable to the size of half a **** city, and moved toward the suppression of the ancient bronze coffin!


The ancient bronze coffin was firmly grasped by the finger and kept shaking!

"My ancestor, grant you a death." The lid of the bronze coffin creaked, and the coffin was half opened, and a dry black arm was stretched out of it!

That arm refers to the palace!

"No!" Di Chang suddenly turned his head, shook off Elder Yuanzhi, and rushed directly towards the ancient bronze coffin!


The entire palace began to ignite blood, and the walls, the ground, and the trees all seemed to be cracking. From a distance, countless traces of blood were cracked!

Behind the palace, an extremely powerful aura suddenly seemed to go out and disappear completely!




The nine gods including Di Qiubai and Di Yufan all roared in grief. No one had thought that the existence in this ancient bronze coffin was actually speaking, and one finger destroyed the strongest Di family ancestor in the palace!

Click, click, click——

The ancient city of God, at first seemed like purgatory, the void was cracking red scars, the same was true of the earth, red blood was flowing everywhere!


A Buddha's name made this **** world seem a little more sacred.

"The heavenly Buddha in the land of glazed glaze is here!" There was joy in the ancient **** city, and the gods of the city stood on the blood-colored ground, seemingly no longer hesitating!

"Look at the southern sky! The'Shen Sect' is here!"

"They are with the Beast Palace! There are more than ten divine beasts in the Beast Palace breathing!"

"Yishan Fengyu Pavilion! There is also Yishan Fengyu Pavilion!" There is God Xiu who could not conceal his excitement, holding his face and crying, the ancient God City, once purgatory, I am afraid it will be difficult to rise again!

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