My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3119: Di Zi Cheng Mo

Caught Sister Shuang Ning and Sister Liu Yun!

Ling Xia's eyes widened, and immediately said with her arms akimbo: "I'll go to him for it!"

The female emperor Xingyue just wanted to hide her eyes!

"Now that the ancient **** city is turned into a magic city, let's listen to your father. People in the palace don't know if one can come out. Di Shuangning and Liu Yun are with Ye Di. Maybe it's not a bad thing." Xingyue Empress Stopped quickly.

"This guy is a catastrophe!" Ling Xia hummed: "You will be unlucky wherever you encounter it!"

"you recognize?"

"Why don't you know! Brother Qiubai was the one who killed him. If he hadn't killed the trapped General Blood Spirit, then the Blood Spirit General would not beat Brother Qiubai...

Ling Xia blushed slightly, "Now I have brought another sacred coffin, and the blood has burned all over the ancient city! Do you think he is a disaster star!"

"The dispute between monks depends on their ability, no wonder who--" The Xingyue Empress gently shook her head, it seemed that Ling Xia had no idea of ​​the sinister world of cultivation.


Su Jin's face is very solemn now. This Primordial God City was descended by the evil sage's coffin, and the entire God City was bathed in devil blood. Some monks had already been affected. For example, in his eyes, more than a thousand people were already stained with red scales!

"That heavenly Buddha--" Su Jin looked up, and the awe-inspiring Buddha light shone across the sky above the ancient **** city, and countless Buddhist scriptures shuttled through each monk!

The blood scales are all gone! This Buddha has an extraordinary origin!

"My ancestor asks you! Can you dare, Tu Shentian!" The evil sage in the ancient bronze coffin suddenly grabbed Di Qiubai in the wheelchair with his black arm, and strangled his throat deeply, almost killing Di Qiubai.

"Pre..." Di Qiubai seemed to be frightened, he himself was seriously injured, and now his life is completely in the hands of the God of Heaven!

"I will send you a shocking good fortune, and will pass you all the inheritance, you will become a demon king, and take the head of the night emperor—" Blood erupted on the dark arm of the **** of heaven, his thin five fingers tightened tightly. Holding Di Qiubai's throat, soon red scales appeared on Di Qiubai's neck!

Di Qiubai's eyes are already red!


It seems that power stronger than in his heyday is constantly being poured into his meridians!

"Give me! Give me strength!" Di Qiubai's eyes were completely covered by hatred. He now desires to become stronger!

"Enough, let's go!" The heavenly demon **** just wanted to stop, but he was panicked, Di Qiubai was so courageous! He even hugged his dark arm with both hands!

"Give it all to me!" Di Qiubai's eyes were red, and a scarlet wind swirled around his body, constantly drawing the power of the heavenly devil to himself!

"You're looking for death!" The demon **** of the sky suddenly drank, and fiercely shook Di Qiubai away. Ten percent of his virtuous intent was taken away. This kid is very strange!

Di Qiubai stood directly in the void, looking up to the sky and laughing——

A roar shakes the situation! A vortex of red clouds gathered in the sky!

"You keep saying that it will be passed on to me, but you want me to do things for you and arrest Ye Di! You...bad intentions!" Di Qiubai almost laughed, "You won't have any power. Waste, all will be occupied by me in the future!"


The lid on the ancient bronze coffin suddenly closed.

Elder Yuan Zhi and General Blood Spirit joined forces to blast Di Chang away and walked directly onto the bronze coffin. The coffin of the evil sage shattered the boundary wall of the Primordial God City and swept away its domain in a sudden!

"Older is stupid." Su Jin looked deeply at the direction where the bronze coffin was flying away, his expression cold.

As early as in the famine, Di Qiubai went for this coffin. This Di family **** son might have been prepared long ago, and he might even know that an evil sage was buried in the coffin!

From the time when Di Qiubai absorbed the power of the Demon God from the sky, he could see that this person had planned for this long ago!

"Ye Di, you dare to fight!" Di Qiubai's red scales gradually disappeared, but this did not completely dissolve the red scales. If you look closely, you can still see faint scaly marks.

The city of God has been destroyed, and the family ancestor has fallen!

Di Qiubai was not only not angry, but on the contrary he was very happy! Except for the inability to marry a wife, all the injuries of the treasure body have recovered——

And when Di Qiubai lifted his palm, there was a ray of red light lingering at his fingertips, which belonged to the sage of the **** of heaven! Evil sage god!

Su Jin appeared from a state of wordless Tian Mi, scanned the audience, and said lightly: "It seems that the battle between you and me is inevitable."

"Yes! I win, everything about you will be gained by me! Tiangu, Tianmi, everything!"

Di Qiubai couldn't hide his madness, and then said: "If you win, this city belongs to you!"

On top of the wood carving behind Su Jin, a mass of murderous aura appeared slowly, and the murderous Wu Zun appeared as a child, smiling at Di Qiubai and said, "If you lose, even your fiancee, sister, and night are gone. ?"

"It's just a woman--" Di Qiubai said proudly.

"You're so generous." Killing Wu Zun finished talking to Di Qiubai, and immediately put his two little hands on the back of Su Jin's head and frantically tossed his hair, "Quick! What do you want if you don't run? "

Su Jin:...

"I'll fight you." Su Jin didn't care about killing Wu Zun, and said, looking at Di Qiubai.

"Boss! This Di family **** son has turned demons and still possesses evil spirits! Your head is not showing up, right?" Killing Wu Zun was taken aback and hurriedly persuaded him.

Su Jin ignored the murderous Wu Zun, feeling that the blood all over his body was tossing, full of fighting spirit!


Di Qiubai crossed his arms in front of him and appeared at a distance of less than fifty meters from Su Jin. He immediately said: "The enemy of the general ancient land, you are bad for me. If you don't set you down today, I am not the son of the Di family! "

"If you want to fight, then come!" Su Jin's body suddenly turned into a cluster of starlight, and after flashing several times, a blue hand covering the sky fell from the sky!

"Secret of the sky?" Di Qiubai was not afraid, he raised his head to look at the sky, raised one arm, and a shocking **** palm greeted him!

In the city of Taikoo God, awe-inspiring!

Ling Xuan was outside, and slowly said, "Di Zi became a demon. I don't know how to use it to retreat the corpse in the coffin. This Di family really has some means."

"Shenzhen Fazong has formed a marriage with the Taikoo Prince's Mansion, I am afraid that we will not count it." The beast palace Xingyue female emperor said lightly, and the lady of the ‘shenzhen sect’ chuckled.

"Why don't you count? If Di Qiubai wins, the marriage remains the same, if he loses...then there is no way--" Mrs. Zong said with a smile, Huazhi trembling.

"Brother Qiubai is so strong! With his current strength, he can definitely kill this bad guy!" Ling Xia quickly cheered up and shouted, "Brother Qiubai, come on!"

"Not necessarily, this night emperor, someone who is not my **** and heaven, seems to have a lot of methods." Xingyue Empress said: "Besides, he has the bones of heaven, this battle may not be easy for Di Qiubai."

The voice just fell!

The scene that appeared next caught Ling Xuan, Xingyue Empress and others by surprise!

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