My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3121: Sky Bone Secret

The slight wind blew in the ruins of the ancient **** city, the blood of the gods was burning, and everything was silent! The magnificent scene of the entire Taikoo God City is not at all comparable to the vast Secret Wheel!

Night Emperor——

People look up!

Di Qiubai's eyes were cold and sharp. He was under pressure when he saw Su Jin in this state, which made him feel ridiculous!

"I'm the descendant of a sage, you are afraid that you have never seen a real sage's divine will!" Di Qiubai was not afraid of Su Jin, and the whole person began to tremble. In his body, a kind of lethality also happened. Changes in the hair of the human back!

Pieces of black and red scales covered the whole body! His left shoulder slowly cracked, and a sarcoma grew out of it. The sarcoma had facial features, and he kept grinning and full of sharp teeth.


Two black and red barbs grew on Di Qiubai's arms, his hair was falling off, and the crystal-red jade horns were growing out of the blood scars!

"Are you really sure that Di Qiubai will win, and let Liu Yun marry him?" Empress Xingyue looked at Madam Zong curiously, with a strange expression.

"Under the world, the strong dominate, why not?" Madam Zong's expression was also a little ugly, but she insisted on nodding.

"Oh, just because Liu Yun was not born of you--" Empress Xingyue seemed a little unhappy with Mrs. Zong, and she didn't show mercy.

Mrs. Zong's eyes changed slightly. The Xingyue Empress relied on being in charge of the'Beast Palace', and now even she dares to tease! You know, in terms of qualifications and power, this Xingyue Empress is only a junior, she has only been in charge of the Beast Palace for nearly thirty years!

Ling Xuan felt that both parties had great tempers, but the relationship between the Beast Palace and the God of Fasect was not that strange. The Gods of Fa sect had only declined in the past five hundred years, otherwise, no matter it was his Yishan Fengyu Pavilion, It is still the Beast Palace and the Primordial Palace, they all have to bow their heads under the Fa Shenzong!

"Di Qiubai refined the virtuous will by virtue of inheritance, and Ye Di lost." Ling Xuan felt a pity in his heart slightly, and said to the two emperors Xingyue.

"The evil sage's divine will can enable Di Qiubai to make a qualitative leap. His current aura is still climbing, and he has already been promoted to the level of the gods. Although Ye Di is unique, the gap between the two will only grow. Big." Mrs. Zong smiled.

The Empress Xingyue stared at Su Jin in the "Wheel of the Secret of the Sky", and she felt a sense of cherishment in her heart. What a pity, the emperor was born at an untimely time this night, and everything in her body had to be used as a wedding dress by Di Qiubai. go.

"Hyun?" Su Jin felt extremely peaceful.

"I now have the feeling of holding God City in my hand and in charge of everything! A cultivation base like yours is no longer worthy of being my opponent!" Di Qiubai grew up, and the sound seemed to echo the entire God City. Shaking violently!

Su Jin looked calmly with his eyes--

Di Qiubai does have an arrogant capital. If it were placed before, Su Jin might be very disgusted and angry when he saw this face, but after experiencing all kinds of life and death, he could instead look at the other party with a more ordinary mood.

"The power of the evil sage may not be suitable for you." Su Jin said lightly.

"You are jealous! I am very eager but can't get it! You, aren't you afraid!" Di Qiubai noticed something that he cared very much about. When Ye Di was calm, he really disgusted him——

Shouldn't he be afraid of himself!

Shouldn't you kneel and kowtow and beg for forgiveness!

"Speak out if you don't believe me, I feel that the person I should be afraid of is you..." Su Jin was bathed in the divine light of the Sky Secret Wheel, and slowly looked at his palm, "I just felt a fit. A kind of harmony of Dao, law, and rhyme of life and death. My celestial bones seem to be far from as simple as I thought--"

"When I step on you, I will ruin your Yedi's face with my shoes, and then you will talk to me again!" Di Qiubai pointed at Su Jindao with a gesture of arrogance that requires sentient beings to look up at him!

"Come on then, let me see how powerful you are to take away the evil sage's divine will."

Su Jin spreads out his right hand and slowly lifts it to the front of him——

A line of starlight gradually condensed into a whirl, converged, and then slowly revolved into a small star swirl, in which the starlight began to be lit one by one——

Then came the second Star Swirl.

The fifth way.

Twentieth way!

"This person..." Ling Xuan's divine body was shaken, "This person's perception of Dao is so terrifying! He may have entered a certain level of perception just now!"

"This kind of breath--" The female emperor Xingyue had an incredible look in her eyes, "This is a kind of divine intent, derived from his bones!"

"Do you control the starry sky? As far as I know, there are some heavenly bones that can control the heavens and the earth, and the heavenly bones that can control the heavens and the earth must be the best!" Madam Zong's thoughts were a little shaken.

Compared to Di Qiubai, Mrs. Zong felt that the Ye Emperor was also very good. This kind of enlightenment is not as boring as breaking through the realm one by one. It requires the perception of the great road and the unparalleled affinity to do it!

"Ye Di, it seems a bit powerful." Although Ling Xia had a big opinion on Su Jin in her heart, strong is strong, which is useless to say.

"Ye Di's Sky Bone must be related to the Starry Sky Heaven and Earth——" Ling Xuan sighed. He believed that his daughter Ling Xia was already very talented, but compared with these two, this gap was immediately completed. Scum!

At this moment, Su Jin's thinking seemed to broaden a new world.

The Aotian Divine Will is not just as simple as it can be condensed into an ‘Aotian Divine Wu’, this divine will is very proud! There is a unique profound meaning that crushes the stars and the sea!

"Extreme Sky Bone--" Di Qiubai's eyes were startled.

The jealousy began to merge in Di Qiubai's blood! Why this night emperor can have the bones of heaven! Is he worthy? He is not worthy! Tiangu is only worthy of someone as strong as him to get involved!

"My celestial bones seem to have extremely terrifying secrets." Su Jin was shocked in his heart, as smart as him, only caught a glimmer of light, but the inspiration was so fleeting that he could not grasp it.

Di Qiubai's scarlet and vicious eyes flashed a little strangely, his figure walked into nothingness, and suddenly appeared on Su Jin's right side, a **** arm, blasted Su Jin fiercely!


I saw Su Jin's figure shifting, sometimes thinking long, and sometimes looking at his hands. I don't know if it was a coincidence or other factors, he actually avoided his blow!

Di Qiubai felt a little absurd! This night emperor actually enlightened him in a fierce battle! And this seems to be an extremely advanced realm of enlightenment, a hundred times more terrifying than epiphany!

"I don't believe it! It must be a coincidence!" Di Qiubai once again condensed the blood in the sky without believing in evil, and blasted towards Su Jin, trying to attract his attention! But the blood light only flooded Ye Di, and his figure was bathed in the blood light, motionless...

Do not invade!

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