My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3140: King, kneel!

"The ethereal heaven, the lawlessness, the emptiness and the lawlessness, the transcendent realm of these three gods and heavens, is far stronger than a country. This lawless heavenly emperor should be qualified to be worshiped by the king—"

"It's terrifying, this is the real power, this is the emperor of a starry sky, and the strength is far superior to God!"

"What kind of celestial bone is sealed in that grave of sentient beings, it actually attracted such a big man to come!"

The sound of horror abounds, and the entire palace is boiling one after another. No one imagined that the Great Moon Kingdom could be so capable, and the invincible power would come again and again!


Under the bright universe, a mysterious young man, carrying a heart of a thousand-meter radius, is walking towards the palace from the east. Although he did not step the palace under his feet, his breathtaking aura is unheard of!

King Otsuki and Emperor Wu Tian looked at each other--

"My grandfather asked me to get a bone from you." With every step the young man took, the kingdom of God was shaken, but his state when he carried the heart of the Fallen Chen, although not easy, but I don't know how long he persisted.

"Heir of the Tianji Divine Ancestor?" King Dayue was directly moved and said quickly: "Please!"

"I heard that God Ancestor Tianji has seen God." The Emperor Bengtian looked dignified and clasped his fists with emotion.

Unable to be the Emperor of Heaven, clasping his fists at a young man, this terrifying sight made people dare not even make a sound of the atmosphere--

"It's okay to take the bones. The little girl is also at the age of looking for the Taoist couple. The little brother has the blood of the **** ancestor of the sky. I welcome the **** ancestor to come at any time!" King Da Yue said solemnly.

"My grandfather, let me come to fetch the bones, but didn't let me marry a wife--" The young man threw up the heart of the falling star, and his body was shining with unique divine light, which actually contained the heart of the falling star in the ring. in.

"Yes! Yes—" King Otsuki nodded with cold sweat on his forehead.

These three waves of great figures have pushed the atmosphere of the entire imperial city to an unimaginable level!

Su Jin's expression was a little dignified. This young man was really strong, but he had never heard of God Ancestor Tianji. He was brewing in his heart, not knowing that he would fight with his opponent with all his strength and who would win!

"Brother Ye, that young man is from the Celestial Protoss. His grandfather was named the Celestial God by God, and the tribe was named after his title." Xiao Xianman said softly.

"Xiao Xianman, do you want to take a stroll in the palace?" Su Jin asked, lying in the ear of Xiao Xianman.

"Don't dare, it's a capital crime to break into this palace." Xiaoxianman shook his head repeatedly.

At this moment, a dozen golden unicorns came to the east! Behind more than a dozen golden unicorns, a shrine of gods and stones that has attracted worldwide attention is pulling!

"Huh—" King Dayue's face sank, but he was a little unkind.

"Emperor Dongtang, meet the Emperor of Benevolent Heaven." The Prince of Eastern Tang appeared with a smile on his face, and bowed his head towards the Emperor of Benedict.

"I saw your father when he was as old as you." The Emperor Bengtian gestured with a smile and said in a gentle tone.

"If you know that the Emperor of Heaven will come, the father will definitely come to see you." The Prince Dong smiled, lowering his identity.

"Go in." King Dayue said lightly.

Hearing that King Dayue had a bad tone, the Eastern Prince also closed his face, walked along with more than ten golden unicorns, walked not far from the side of the Emperor Bengtian, bowed his body to the Emperor, and showed his politeness.




The whole world, began to descend the golden glow!

The King Dayue was taken aback for a moment. If the Eastern Crown Prince came uninvited, the vision of the whole world at this time made him unable to distinguish who appeared!

"Who is this again? The king seems to be stunned!" Someone looked around, but did not see any power appearing!

"Buddha light! What level of Buddha light is this, it is so sacred and magnificent!" Someone shouted with excited expressions.

"Our king has always respected the Buddha. I heard that when the queen was pregnant with a phoenix, he would recite the scriptures and worship the Buddha every day, and finally gave birth to a stunning princess. The great fortune of bone!"

"Look! Our king is kneeling--"

"God, knees down! Our king is kneeling down on both knees, really!"

Some people cried bitterly when they saw this kind of scene. When the king faced the Emperor of Heaven, he was only half a meter in the air, making a gesture of worship, but he didn't expect to be like this, kneeling on the ground!

This is an act of losing the emperor's prestige!

It's scary!

Xiao Xianman's face was dull, she slowly raised her head to look at Su Jin, but saw that the Ye brother also showed the feeling of being one head and two big ones——

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The light of Buddha in the sky is turning into grains of golden rain, and every golden rain seems to have no roots, blooming in the void, blossoming golden Buddha lotus! !

I saw that above the palace, a tangled lotus quickly pulled out its branches, and a golden lotus leaf, set off against a golden giant lotus bud with a radius of one hundred meters, appeared in shock!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

Frey made nine consecutive beeps, and while the five golden lotus leaves swayed, the whole lotus bud began to bloom slowly——

Xiaoxianman's heart was tight at this moment, only feeling dizzy, and in a blink of an eye he saw himself appearing in a golden Buddha light!

She was just outside the ground palace! But seems to be among the giant golden Buddha lotus!

This scene shocked the world!

Countless eyes, watching that magical scene! This is far from over! I saw an infinite number of Buddha's shadows manifesting from all directions, and they walked into the giant Buddha lotus one after another. The area where the golden lotus was located seemed to have turned into a unique Buddha state.

"Samadhi--" The Emperor Wu Tian began to solemnly put his hands together, muttering in his heart!

But King Dayue could not kneel down! This kind of grand occasion is the same in the palace! The queen cried with excitement, even worse than King Dayue!

The infinite Buddha's shadow, raised the Buddha's arms high, under the golden giant Buddha lotus! This kind of scene is unique!


After the giant golden lotus blossomed, the infinite and far-reaching "Buddha Wheel" was reflected in circles, no less than a million layers, and spread out in... centering on a young man!

Next to the young man, there was a peerless girl in a daze, wearing a green dress!

"My Buddha is merciful!" The King Dayue was moved to tears and kowtowed again and again.

The surroundings are noisy! The warm atmosphere rose to the sky, and no one could believe that this Buddha could be so young!

"Five pieces of golden lotus, Fray nine sounds! This is the meaning of the ninety-five-five-year-old supreme! Our king is so happy--"

"Definitely the Ninth-Five Supreme! God is my God's Kingdom of Great Moon!"

"This Buddha power should be someone who can reincarnate and rebuild! Otherwise, how could it be so young and too sacred!"

"Nine-Five Supreme, Nine-Five Supreme!"

When King Dayue heard the noise of "Nine-Five Supreme" outside the palace, he glanced at the five golden lotus, thinking of the nine voices of Fo Lei, his heart was even more admired!

However, at this moment, the Eastern Crown Prince, as if suffering a thunderbolt from the blue sky, stared blankly at the existence of the golden lotus, he almost fell to the palace!

What is he!

What is he!

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