My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3142: Heavenly law, divine intent, palm method, heavenly bone!

Huo Shenshi's face was pale and a little desperate--

In the middle of the night, the prince of the East Tang quarreled with himself, and the monk named Ye was actually transformed by the Buddha! !

"I..." Huo Shenzhu was so upset that he couldn't even speak!

"Envoy Huo, you invite the Buddha to place here, and you have unlimited credit! Why don't you ask for credit from above, there will be a boundless future in the future!" someone said.

"Shut up and shut up! No one is allowed to say anything about this--" The God Envoy Huo burst out loudly, "It is okay to burn incense and pay to the Buddha, but the news can't be spread, otherwise, don't blame Huo for turning his face!"

Huo Shencai was so scared to death!

Why is it so? God Envoy Huo knew that if the king knew that the Buddha King was arranged by himself in such a place, wouldn't he chop his head? Do not! Not to be implicated in the nine races!

This merit, God Envoy Huo would never dare to ask for it! And he can only pray silently, praying that Su Jin will not spread the matter out, otherwise he will not escape his death! Damn it, Huo Shenshi was very upset. It was originally a great opportunity that soared to the sky, but he had missed it!

God Envoy Huo actually has the right to arrange six palaces from the middle three palaces to the lower third palaces, but all those arranged in the palace are powerful children. Such a bad place is just a perfunctory matter. He just came after hearing the news, he might not even come again! After all, this place is already full!

Crying without tears——

Really want to cry without tears!

Many people saw God Envoy Huo leaving silently with tears and inviting the Buddha to enter the imperial city. Could God Envoy Huo be excited by this honor?

At night, the Tongtian Temple is not lonely——

Your Majesty, is actually going to fast with Su Jin! He took the queens and did not invite more people, only a few!

Unable to heaven, his own queen, and an old man with white eyebrows, even his Majesty King Otsuki himself, but four!

"Your Majesty, Princess Wuyou is asking outside the hall~~~" A great **** with a sharp voice came in and said on his knees.

"Father and Queen Mother!" A girl who was all in love with her ran in. She glanced at Su Jin who was sitting on the dragon chair and frowned slightly.

That position has always been where the father sits--

King Dayue smiled with joy, then solemnly said: "No worries, give the Buddha King a quick button."

The corner of Su Jin’s mouth can’t be smiled. What is this? He didn’t want to be so troublesome. Who knows that King Dayue is a decent person. This girl seems to be just seventeen or eighteen years old. It's so useful.

"He, he, why is he! I don't!" Princess Wuyou shook her head on her hips, reluctant to die.

After the Great Moon King and the Great Moon Kingdom, his expression suddenly became tense.

Su Jin's face was calm, and gently raised his hand to Princess Wuyou----

Princess Wuyou's expression changed slightly, she only felt the inside and outside of her body, bathing in a very gentle Buddha light, and immediately afterwards, her own Heavenly Bone Divine Will began to rejoice, and the entire Tongtian Hall was filled with Divine Will!

The whole bones--

Su Jin was secretly surprised. He could determine that all the bones on this worry-free princess belonged to the top grade, that is to say, the whole body was all top grade bones!

"Heaven's law and divine intent, palms the heavenly bones." Su Jin said calmly. No one knew. At this moment, his bodhichitta was trembling slightly, and he was quickly bathing the six-character Great Ming Mantra on his body, covering all his secrets .

This kind of bone is very, very scary!

If a monk appears in the eyes of Princess Wuyou, the magic, characteristics, and even scriptures that the monk has cultivated will appear in Princess Wuyou's eyes, but the shortcomings are also very obvious. If there is no guidance, this girl has the best Tiangu, but it is difficult to use other people's magic!

However, the greatest use of this top-grade celestial bone is cultivation! Worry-free princess can practice her own best celestial bones, and the divine intent obtained from it can even imprison other people's methods, and even deprive them of words when they reach the extreme!

This is the most terrifying part of the palm technique sky bone!

"Wow, I don't understand you anymore—" Princess Wuyou was very curious. Just now Su Jin was looking at her. Isn't she looking at Su Jin? First of all, she saw a hazy shore of the Buddha, the other shore of the Buddha. There is an endless sea outside, and there are lotus flowers full of sea.

"Worry-free! Don't be presumptuous!" King Dayue was so frightened that he quickly scolded.

"The other side of the Buddha, Samadhi, Bodhicitta? Ah, is that the Bodhi tree? There are so many scriptures flying in the tree, and my eyes are dazzled--" Princess Wuyou rubbed her eyes and snorted, "Except for this road , You have other secrets! You can hide this princess's celestial spirit, who are you!"

You know, she can read the treasures of the Godless Emperor clearly, with all the advantages and disadvantages in mind, but although she can see it, she can't learn it. It takes extremely long years of practice to achieve the realization, a thousand years For thousands of years, the fur is hard to learn.

The emperor couldn't make a bitter smile, and looked at each other with King Dayue——

"Please don't blame the Buddha! I'll ask someone to lock her up..." The queen was dumbfounded, and while respecting, she glanced at Princess Wuyou with some reproach.

Su Jin shook his head, "The bones of Princess Wuyou, if taught by an unscrupulous teacher, it will not be able to exert its power at all."

"Fake monk, you shut up this princess. Believe it or not, this princess accepted your Dharma——" Princess Wuyou was immediately unhappy, angrily trying to kick her feet, but the King of the Moon raised her hand to beat , Which lowered some arrogance.

"Oh? The princess, please cast the spell. If you can take away the light of the Buddha, this king should apologize to the princess." Su Jin is not surprised, he can see the princess's personality at a glance. It is also redundant.

"Okay, I have to be allowed by my father--" Princess Wuyou said.

"That's it." Su Jin said instead of King Dayue.

"You dead monk, you take advantage of me, you—"

"Shut up!" King Dayue could not bear it, reaching the limit. Fortunately, my Buddha was not angry.

Princess Wuyou, holding her gorgeous sleeves, immediately said: "What's the problem! This is what you said, as long as I take away the Buddha's light, I will apologize to me!"

"Hmm -" Su Jin nodded.

Princess Wuyou immediately raised her hand, and all the original and best spirits of her whole body gathered in her right hand. She looked around and finally saw Su Jinduan sitting on the dragon chair! It is a circle of Buddha wheels, the Buddha light is quite pure, and there are faint scriptures shuttled in nothingness.


Princess Wuyou scolded softly.

Xiao Xianman looked nervous, and the old man with white brows and muddy eyes was watching attentively! Only a ray of yellow Buddha light, wrapped in a strand of scripture, floated out gently——

There was joy on Princess Wuyou's face, but the eye-catching light of Buddhist scriptures stopped in the area between herself and Su Jin!

what happened! Princess Wuyou's eyes widened and she didn't give up. She immediately concentrated her whole body's celestial spirit on her palm, but the light of the Buddha's pattern remained unchanged!

Gradually, fine sweat appeared on the forehead of Princess Wuyou!

"What the **** did you do!" Princess Wuyou was so depressed, she hurriedly shouted at Su Jin, but she hadn't given up yet.


Even the old man with white eyebrows and muddy eyes was shocked--

The Godless Emperor, the King of the Moon, and the Queen of the Kingdom were all dumbfounded on the spot!

On the palm of Princess Wuyou, the transparent and slightly blue ‘Heaven’s Magic and Divine Intent’ slowly drifted away from the palm of his hand! Fly towards Su Jin!

Above Su Jin's fingers folded, the heavenly law and divine intent slowly turned, seeing this scene, even Princess Wuyou was sluggish!

Princess Wuyou couldn't believe it, she couldn't win the law, and her own heavenly law and divine intent were also taken by Su Jin!

This kind of sight is terrifying!

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