My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3144: Heavenly magic, indefinite flying ring!

For some reason, Princess Wuyou suddenly felt nervous!

Even though the other party is a super mysterious Buddha, she still belongs to a strange man. She grew up, except for her father and queen, and the emperor's brothers and sisters who dared to make contact.

Su Jin covered the back of Princess Wuyou with the palm of his hand. With his eyes closed, he could see this woman's entire pair of superb bones inwardly. This palm method was very special and the bones in the medulla seemed to be woven by a strange pattern. , Even he could not see through.

The precious body of the princess with golden branches and jade leaves, the scent wafted from her long dress and hair, and Su Jin smelt it carefully, feeling the divine will flowing out of her best celestial bones, so joyous and active.

"Although they are both top-grade celestial bones, this king's Aotian divine intent seems to be like a king in divine intent, capable of suppressing this woman's celestial bone."

In contrast, Su Jin has some extremely important understanding of his own bones!

At the dinner, Princess Wuyou was able to break through his superb Samadhi realm. If it were not for the Aotian Divine Will, how could she hold the'Heavenly Divine Will' in his hands, although there is a great contribution to the heavenly scriptures, but The Aotian Divine Will has the effect of suppressing, and it can make this Goddess Will obey——

"Monk~~~" Worry-free princess Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, and she watched the front, not knowing what was going on behind her, and couldn't help but remind her.

"You are covered with celestial bones, why don't you make good use of it." Su Jin burst into a circle of the ultimate Buddha light.

"How to use it?"

"Fine, this king will fulfill you once--"

"What do you accomplish?"

Princess Wuyou didn't understand, but then she couldn't help but snorted, feeling that her whole body was as hot as a steamer! Her face flushed, sweat soaked her back, as if she could feel the outline of Su Jin's palm more.

"Hold your breath, don't talk--"

Su Jin condensed the vast "Aotian Divine Will" in the skull and poured it directly into the body of Princess Wuyou with his arms and palms!

At this time, Princess Wuyou seemed to be shocked. She closed her eyes, and looked inside the whole body of the bones, actually seeing her whole body of the bones glowing! Really glowing! Was lit!

There was a sense of fear in Princess Wuyou. Her "Heaven Law and Divine Will" seemed to be trembling, and they all began to gather together. This feeling, like a king over the world, made mortals fearful!

"Your top-grade celestial bones are far from reaching the state of condensing divine martial arts. In other words, you have almost no combat power in addition to using monks' divine techniques that are weaker than yourself."

Su Jin said indifferently: "You will have the Heavenly Bone Shenwu soon -"

Princess Wuyou's face is pale, and she only feels that the sky bones that are lit up all over her body are madly relaxing the heavenly magic divine will--

Soon, Su Jin's expression suddenly changed!

Things seem to be far from simple, even beyond Su Jin's expectations!

Su Jin used the soul to enter the body of Princess Wuyou, and even he was a little surprised at the scene in front of him!

My own Aotian divine intent seems to be out of control, and Princess Wuyou’s ‘Heaven’s divine intent’ is crazily intertwined with Aotian divine intent——

"What are you doing! This is... This is divine will..." Princess Wuyou exclaimed.

Princess Wuyou looked inwardly with the soul, and she saw Su Jin's human soul body!

In the eyes of Su Jin's soul, the soul of Princess Wuyou seemed to be a weak group, far less powerful than him.

"You read that right, I also have the best celestial bone." Su Jin wanted to calmly deal with it, but the two divine intents were entangled, and his Ootian divine intent seemed extremely overbearing. This feeling was very strange...

Bang bang bang--

The primordial spirit of Wuyou Princess spread out the primordial aura, and directly collided with the aura radiated by Su Jin's primordial body. Both of them were shaken, and they trembled involuntarily!

The brilliance of the collision of the Yuanshen halo was extremely blazing, and the two different divine intents, under the subsequent intense interweaving, directly rushed out of the heavenly spirit of Princess Wuyou!

In an instant, an unforgettable scene appeared over the Tongtian Hall!

Two kinds of divine intentions are rising in the sky in the Tongtian Hall! For a time, the divine light was like a pillar, the dark blue sky, and the secretly colored ‘Heaven’s Law’. The two divine intents were rapidly blending together, opening up a special world in the sky in the state of two yin and yang fish!

God, shake!

As far as the King of the Moon, the Queen of the Kingdom, the Emperor of Heaven, Yun Lao. Down to the commoner **** cultivation, no matter how far away, you can see the vision displayed above the Moon Emperor!

"Worry-free -" King Dayue and the Queen stood outside the palace, looking at Tongtian Hall, with extreme anxiety in their hearts.

"The Buddha king should be helping Wuyou, don't worry." King Dayue comforted the Guohoudao.

"Daughter's heavenly law and divine will, you and I are very familiar, but this is another kind, but it seems to be dominated by the heavenly bones, domineering and unstoppable, could it be that the Buddha also has the heavenly bones." The Queen of the Great Moon Kingdom was somewhat surprised.

"When my brother Tiandi was in Yunlao's residence, Yun had long seen that the Buddha had an immortal bone. It was the bone that made the worry-free divine will obey the past. It was just that Yun Lao could not explain clearly at the time." His Majesty sighed and said.

"Buddha King has the power of Shiwei, and it is normal to have the best celestial bones. This is the best opportunity for us to worry-free." The Queen said moved.


At home and abroad, countless eyes condense that pillar of light--

That piece of the world opened up by the fusion of the two divine intentions is extremely vast, and it has begun to gather stars, and there are at least fifteen or six stars!

These vast stars collided together, the ultimate ray of light, I don't know how many far-reaching worlds they penetrate! In these crisscross rays of divine light, there is actually a small piece of secret blue substance!

Qiang Qiang--

A deep ‘Starry Sky Catalogue’, like the sea, appeared under the secret blue substance, blurry and dreamy starlight, glowing with layers of star waves, which was indescribable. And afterwards, the secret blue substance, under the concentration of vertical and horizontal rays, was changing its shape rapidly, as if it was an ingenious workmanship!

Two hours!

All sides of Tongtian Hall were martialized by the king! And two hours later, in the divine red light of the two yin and yang fish, a pair of secret light bracelets gradually fell down——

Princess Worry-Free has long been exhausted, her primordial spirit halo is dim and she almost fainted!

Su Jin sighed lightly, maybe this is fate, sometimes even if you don't believe it!

"Ding Ding—"

A pair of incomparably wonderful secret light bracelets gradually condensed in front of Princess Wuyou. She was a little confused. Under the shining of this secret light, her soul gradually grew and began to recover!

"That was something that can only be done between Taoist couples just now, right?" Princess Wuyou looked at Su Jin in confusion, her heart was a little hard to accept, because the identity of this guy is really...

"Sorry, I didn't expect the two divine wills to be uncontrollable and able to merge." Su Jin was not ashamed, because he hadn't expected it at all!

There was a little redness on Princess Wuyou's face, and she looked at Su Jin for a long time, then turned her head and stretched out her hand, watching the two bracelets gradually close on her wrists——

Even the princess of the Great Moon Kingdom, who has seen countless treasures, can hardly resist the charm of this pair of secret light bracelets. This pair of bracelets is too beautiful to describe in words, and it is worn on her hand. On, it feels like a part of my body——

"You can't publicize this matter." Princess Wuyou suffered a big loss, and her personality seemed to have undergone some changes. The feeling of the collision of the aura of the soul is a thousand times stronger than that of mortals. Stubborn, but not the kind of ignorant person, knowing that Su Jin did not do it on purpose.

"I'm here for the sake of the princess, so I don't need to make a public announcement at that time." Seeing that the matter had reached this point, Su Jin simply coaxed her. There was really no way.

"Don't mention this again!" Princess Wuyou was so depressed, she took a deep look at Su Jin and left from the'Tongtian Temple'——

If this person is not Fengtian Buddha and does not practice this way, it would be great...

Su Jin has a wry smile at the corner of his mouth. If you don't explain it now, it's the best explanation. Just walk and see, this woman will definitely be surprised!

This night, shocked the world.

Princess Wuyou gets a shocking opportunity and condenses her own "Heavenly Magic"!

Until dawn arrived, Princess Wuyou didn't sleep, and that face appeared in her mind all the time. She wanted to forget, but she couldn't forget it at all!

The mark of the soul of the soul, as if deeply into the bones of blood, princess Wuyou seeing the rising sun, it seemed like an extremely real dream last night, the dream has not disappeared.

Looking at her own magic and martial arts, Princess Wuyou was filled with endless joy, as if these were a pair of divine treasures that could make her forget her sadness.

"The world is unpredictable, and there are no definite numbers." The Princess Wuyou smiled again and said to herself: "From now on, you will be called "The Uncertain Flying Ring"——"

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