My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3147: Pinched to death!

Lord Mobat is extremely looking forward to it. He wants to swallow this human beauty, refine her everything, and even capture the power of those two flying rings——


Hope is beautiful, but reality is cruel!

An extinction crisis bred in the heart of Lord Mobat, and under its huge body, a blue palm outline gradually appeared!

This palm is too big, its imaginary quality is beautiful, and it is extremely dazzling in the dim void!

"Heaven, Heavenly Secret!" The Lord Mephit was so frightened that his soul flew away, desperately wanting to escape with his remains! But what it didn't expect was that no matter how hard it tried or struggled, it seemed that it could not fly out of the palm of the hand that covered the sky!

The originally desperate Princess Wuyou, although her pink pupils are beautiful, her heart is clear, and she watched herself slip through the gap of the blue hand——

This sky-covering hand actually grabbed the Lord Mobat from bottom to top!

"Who is your excellency! Your excellency..." Lord Mobat wanted to sue for mercy, but the hand slowly smashed, and it couldn't even open its mouth in the end, feeling everything about itself was turning into ashes!

Princess Wuyou saw the most real thing. She couldn't speak, couldn't control her body, but she could clearly see the ashes drifting away in the hands of Zhetian!

Immediately afterwards, one hand wrapped her waist around—

"Is it fun?"

It's the voice of a strange man!

Princess Wuyou was almost crying. She had already met with other people's souls. According to the level of the monk, she was already a person with a Taoist companion. This man actually hugged her waist!

"Let go of me--" Princess Wuyou said indifferently.

"You can't move, I'll help you get rid of the poisonous smoke."

"Don't touch me! I have a companion!"

"Oh? Who is your Taoist companion?"

"I--" Princess Wuyou was speechless, she was very strange, why didn't her indefinite flying ring attack this person? Could it be that the poisonous smoke was too powerful? Shouldn't it, Tian Bone Divine Will can also be held hostage by poisonous smoke?

Su Jin slowly straightened her body and looked at each other, Princess Wuyou's mind was blank, staying on the spot!

The worry-free princess is incredible!

OMG! What is he!

No, the reason why he is unfamiliar with Su Jin’s voice is that Su Jin has always maintained the state of Buddha King, with the blessing of Sanskrit, even his voice has become extremely majestic, and Su Jin now is no different from a normal monk. This is what His most original state!

Su Jin raised his hand, snapped his fingers lightly, and wisps of powder smoke began to float from the body of Princess Wuyou——

"You used the hand that covered the sky just now?" Princess Wuyou returned to normal, avoiding her eyes and pushing Su Jin away.

"Do you think who can happen to come to this place to rescue you?" Su Jin asked rhetorically.

"Huh! So you have been following me--" Princess Wuyou felt that she had no freedom at all, and her tone was a little unhappy.

"It's true that your whole body is top-grade celestial bone, but it's not invincible. There are too many ways in the heavens to control you." Su Jin said coldly.

Princess Wuyou has no way to refute!

"In your eyes, I have to stay in the palace and let me come out until the day I can protect myself from invincibility." Princess Wuyou looked a little confused, and continued: "Sometimes, I was thinking, if I were an ordinary person, I should How good, husband and child, even if you can’t practice—"

"Go." Su Jin said lightly.

"Go back?" Princess Wuyou immediately regained her savage tone. She was taken aback and shook her head again and again, "Go back as soon as I got out? You...Will you take me to stroll around?"

"I didn't say to go back either -" Su Jin sighed, and shook his feet slightly, a virtual sword shadow gradually solidified, and he sat down.

"Then where are we going?" Princess Wuyou walked to Su Jin and squatted down, holding her pink cheeks, looking at Su Jin and asked.

"Look at the graves of all beings--" Su Jin looked directly at Princess Wuyou.

"Haha, let's have a good time and go back. By the way, please, don't tell my father what happened just now, please please." Princess Wuyou pleaded.

Su Jin nodded weakly, "From now on, you must stay close to me, understand?"

"Yeah! I promise!" Princess Wuyou said: "That's right, how can you have a secret secret! That thing is rarer than the bone, and it is still a terrible secret secret!"

"This explanation is unclear--" Su Jin felt there was no need to explain to her.

"Then tell me! You don't need Buddhism, without the power of Buddhism, how can Zhetian Mi smash and kill the Lord of the Bats!" Princess Wuyou feels very strange, without the blessing of Buddhism, Tian Mi can only be useless. !

"The Lord of the Bats is indeed very powerful just now, but all his magic scripture techniques have been taken away by you, and they are half disabled. They don't even have the ability to escape. It is too easy to kill it with the hand of the sky." Su Jin said.

"It seems to be like this--" Princess Wuyou really thought of it.

"Princess, I heard that you will also participate in the bone-snatching event?" Su Jin asked casually.

"Yes, I want to occupy a place, and then I will lose 10% of the possibility of Tian Bone recognizing the Lord! But I don't worry too much, if there are a few female nuns in the top ten."

"Have you seen that celestial bone?" Su Jin asked without a trace with a thought.

"I've seen it! Why haven't I seen it? Under that celestial bone, the best celestial bones in this princess's body dare not exude divine intentions, so I affirm that no one can conquer that celestial bone! Absolutely not!" Princess You looked at Su Jin with sly eyes.

"So powerful?" Su Jin said, but he was secretly shocked in his heart——

"Of course." Princess Wuyou stared at Su Jin with a bitter expression on her face, and continued to help her cheeks: "Our matter, the father and the emperor don't know yet~~~ he and the mother and the queen are both looking for a horse, you Long snack bar—"

Su Jin:...

Seeing the meaning of Princess Wuyou, did you faintly accept reality?

There was an inexplicable smile at the corner of Su Jin's mouth--

"Still laughing, is it so funny?" Princess Wuyou got up, sat with Su Jin, watched the imaginary sword cruising to the edge of the graves of all living beings, and said quietly: "You are the person I can't see through. How nice is not to practice Buddha?"

Princess Wuyou found that she seemed to be talking to herself! The man next to him did not respond!

She turned her head, and suddenly saw Su Jin's solemn expression--

Su Jin's gaze is looking into the graves of all beings!

In the distant center of the tomb of sentient beings, the void above it seemed as if the heavens had opened its big mouth, an infinite magical shadow gushing out, and the seal of the entire sentient being's tomb was emitting fine light!

"I see your father, and Mr. Yun." Su Jin said calmly.

"Where? Why didn't I see it?" Princess Wuyou glanced around.

"In the graves of all beings--" Su Jin said lightly: "It shouldn't matter if there are clouds and old people."

"These endless demon gods are too bold and will incur the anger of the entire gods. The tombs of all living beings are the place of eternal life, sacred and inviolable! Those devil gods have touched the bottom line of the gods——" Princess Wuyou said.

Not far away, there were thousands of demon gods with tentacles, coiling around a seal, and actually pulling out that seal platform directly, hissing everywhere!

"Do you want to meet?" Su Jin asked.

"No! My father is very clever, and I can definitely guess that I ran over without permission and can't let him see me." Princess Wuyou shook her head repeatedly, "You know, there are rumors that there is a very transcendent existence in the endless wilderness. Shentian collectively referred to them as demon gods. Once, many demon gods reached the realm of evil sages, but in the end God was angry and sages~~all disappeared—"

Su Jin controlled the Void Excalibur and walked westward along the edge of the tombs of sentient beings. More and more blood demons blew themselves up, blood-staining the sealing platform of the tomb, and the scenes were shocking!

"Hmm." Su Jin replied perfunctorily.

"Hey! Are you not afraid that someone will let Tiangu recognize the Lord this time? Even if I don't recognize the Lord, my father and queen will find me a good marriage. Are you not worried at all?" Princess Wuyou stared at Su Jin curiously .

"I can't answer." Su Jin was full of bitterness. What does this make himself say? Say that he and this woman are nothing, the princess still can't call him irresponsible, fight with him?

Princess Worry-Free pouting her mouth, staring at Su Jin, she didn't speak anymore, sulking!

"Why don't you go vulgar! Modify other avenues--" Princess Wuyou couldn't help but said directly.

"Uh, what if I can build other avenues?" Su Jin pretended to make an expression that I didn't understand.

"You're stupid, after you practice other Dao Dao, you can propose a marriage like your father-" Princess Wuyou gave Su Jin a white look, "Then we can be together."

Su Jin laughed dumbly and shook his head self-consciously.

While cruising unintentionally, all the seals of the graves of the sentient beings that Su Jin paid attention to were cracking! Su Jin's face changed slightly, his Aotian divine intent, unexpectedly, unconsciously, condensed into a group, no matter how he urged it, it could not be released!

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