My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3161: Wannian second, young Huangdi!

Everyone regrets--

Sure enough, with understanding first, you can't go to the end.

"It's a pity that the Yedi player has experienced a huge gap from the sky to the bottom, and won the last place." The person with the imperial city sighed.

"What is the relationship between Princess Wuyou and him? Why don't he share some materials from the Martial Arts Temple? Is this a voluntary waiver? It is simply puzzling!"

"The young man who crawled out of the graves of all living beings won the first place in the second level, and it can be displayed on the screen immediately! This young man, the princess who excluded cheating, is actually comparable to the night emperor in understanding!"

"God of Taihang, don't be too shocking to see the sight of him carrying a stone boat, but God of Taihang can only be second. No one can shake the young man called ‘Huang'!"

"From the relationship between Princess Wuyou and Yedi, Bai Fan has been slow to announce the result. Is there something tricky in it?"

"do not know!"


Bai Fan sighed lightly, he did have intentions of selfishness and dragged a dozen breaths, but the miracle still did not happen—

Su Jin said loudly: "Since the time is up, why not announce the result?"

Mo Hongyu was slightly startled, she was very puzzled, did Ye Di want to leave the scene so soon?

Bai Fan nodded, and gently brushed a giant spar barrier not far away! Under the divine power flow, the situation that appears is surprising!

The screen is shaking slightly!

The figure shown in it turned out to be...Ye Di! !

After a brief silence, the ensuing noise erupted, as if the atmosphere of the entire event had been pushed to its peak! How is this scene possible!

Only the youth of the Tianji Protoss, Taihang God Child, Huang, and dozens of others were paying attention to Su Jin's situation. Just when Bai Fan showed the screen scene, Su Jin's palm was suspended with a faint color. Guanghua!

"Is this screen broken? Either Master Bai Fan cheated, or how could it be Ye Di!" Someone thought of the previous scene where Wu You Gong mainly distributed materials to Su Jin and directly complained.

"Ye Di is number one? I'm not convinced! He has been fighting with Di Qiubai, and at the very beginning he stood still and didn't make a move to dig treasure! Where did he come first!"

"Conspiracy, Princess Wuyou, as a peerless beauty, plus her majesty’s beloved daughter, it’s fine to cheat, and it’s no problem to protect her until the end. Why is Ye Di from the bottom to the real first? ?"

"Black box operation!"

"The Great Moon God Kingdom gives an explanation—"


Many people are emotionally excited and unwilling to accept this fact. If the second level is a conspiracy, it is a black-box operation, then the first level of comprehension level, Ye Di takes the first, I am afraid it is fake!

However, at the scene, Huang just glanced at the red-faced **** son of Taihang, and said lightly: "It seems that the reputation of the emperor's ten thousand year old second is settled."

The whole Shentian thought that Princess Wuyou cheated, and the first level agreed that Huang was the second, which also caused him to laugh at himself!

But why does he say that!

Isn't this tantamount to acknowledging that the emperor is number one?

Bai Fan took a deep look at Su Jin and said lightly: "Ye Di's achievements are real and effective. If my guess is correct, the treasures that Ye Di has obtained are a symbol of the Martial God Temple, right?"

The symbol of Wushen Temple!

Su Jin raised his hand, and the two colors floating on the palm of his hand were getting brighter and brighter. This was actually one red and one black, two intense colors!


The two kinds of gods shattered slightly, and one of the slap-sized round **** beads appeared. The red and black blended together, and the material was inexplicable!

"The Martial God Temple Pearl was found by me in the secret realm of the Martial God Continent with my primordial spirit. This pearl has absorbed the essence of the sun and moon of countless years, so it is reflected in two colors of red and black." Su Jin said calmly.


This explanation is simply perfect!

Princess Wuyou looked at the "War God Temple Pearl" floating in Su Jin's palm, and then at the pile of rotten wood she picked up again. She wanted to cry without tears. This guy is too much~~~

Mo Hongyu tilted his face to one side, his figure trembling slightly, his face was a bit lost! She just wanted to laugh at Su Jin for winning, but because she knew the true identity of the other party, she didn't have a good way to say it, but who would have thought that she was so proud of herself!

"It turns out that you chose to stay still, looking for a secret realm!" The Taihang divine son was a little annoyed, and now he can't wait to show his full strength and kill the night emperor on the spot!

"Yes -" Su Jin glanced at the Taixing Godzi with indifferent eyes, "Who would run stupidly for thousands of miles to find Shi Bao back."

"Don't be proud! This **** son is not afraid of you!" Taihang **** son wanted to burst out his suppressed anger.

"I think you are familiar with Xiongtai--" The Tianji Protoss youth carefully looked at Su Jin. Originally, he still had strong hostility, but it is rumored that the Buddha King in Tongtian Hall will also participate in the test. Seeing, thinking carefully, fearing, and seeing Princess Wuyou's actions towards Ye Di, he is already convinced that the probability that Su Jin is the Buddha King is close to 90%!

Bai Fan seemed to be a little annoyed by the Taixing **** son, and immediately said: "Look at your own rankings, the first is the night emperor, the second is the Huangdi, the third is the Taihang god, the fourth is the inheritor of the Tianji **** clan, the fifth... …"

In the end, Bai Fan only read the top ten in the second level, and immediately, the rankings of the others were all revealed!

Fa Shenzong, Jun Wudao, the 232nd place!

Boy in the beast palace, fifty-six!

Yishan Fengyu Pavilion, a group of six gods, and the six found the treasure together, ranking behind 103!

Mrs. Zong was almost jumping in the Prince's Mansion. If this was in her Fa Shenzong, she might have destroyed several halls!

"Jun Wu Dao!!" Madam Zong's expression was a bit distorted at the moment, extremely hot.

For a long time, the Beast Palace and the Fa Shenzong have been secretly competing, the Xingyue Empress ridiculed all the way, watching a game in the Prince's Mansion made Mrs. Zong feel like sitting on pins and needles!

In the first level, Jun Wudao lost to the Beast Palace Youth. But fortunately, it ranks much higher than the Liushenzi of Yishan Fengyu Pavilion, which is a bit of psychological comfort.

But now!

In the second level, even the six gods of Yishan Fengyu Pavilion are ranked higher than Jun Wudao!

"Mrs. Zong was full of confidence when she came, and she had the momentum to win the grand event." The Xingyue Empress smiled and said: "If this continues, can Jun Wudao reach the fourth level?"

"There are only eight levels in total, and the last one is the tomb of the sentient beings. Starting from the second level, there is a limited number of places." Ling Xuan felt the pressure, and then he said: "Ye Di won two firsts in a row. I heard that in the eight levels, The rankings are added together to get the top ten in each level, and the final ranking will be evaluated by the king, the Emperor of Heaven, and other powerhouses. If the emperor of the night takes the first place..."

The Xingyue Empress said lightly: "The third pass is the life and death pass. Many arrogances will fall here. This pass is extremely dangerous! Moreover, the **** son of Taihang has already produced murderous intent against Yedi."

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