My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3167: Bone God Temple

Su Jin watched the stunning figure, until he disappeared, he was still wondering——

"Don't look at it, she is indeed not a person of God and Heaven." Murder Wu Zun heard the sound.

"You know?" Su Jin asked indifferently.

"You can't tell. The boss of this kind of people needs to stay away, instead of blindly wanting to get into the house, otherwise the catastrophe will not be known yet." Killing Wu Zun's voice is extremely serious, without a hint of joking.

The wind in the night became even colder. Su Jin looked up at the distance for dozens of breaths before closing the desk and walking in the direction of Mo Hongyu——

I don't know when, the whole star began to be covered with a layer of hoarfrost. Su Jin came to the other end of the star, looked at the sea of ​​stars, and saw an incredible sight.

There is a huge white star that is completely white, like a rising moon, coldly attacking people, the speed of this rising is actually so fast that people can observe it with the naked eye!


White light disappeared on it, and the participating monks were eliminated. When this snow-white star passed Su Jin's footsteps dangerously, the void was frozen!

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin's complexion changed drastically, and more than a dozen stars trembled one after another, as if there was an invisible big hand fiddled with!


In the frozen void, holes were opened up inexplicably, and the color in these holes was blue!

"Take the starry sky as a nest, feed on living creatures, and use flesh and blood to make living monuments." Killing Wu Zun took a breath, "Among the heavens, only the graves of all living beings can nurture the stunning bones. The power of this kind of sacred formation has definitely evolved the history of the formation of a tomb of sentient beings——"

"What's in the hole?" Su Jin opened the eyes of Maha Town's prison, only to see a misty scene, which could not be completely broken.

"All things mother qi——" Killing Wu Zun paused: "The spirit demon nourished by all things mother qi, I have planted sky bones several times, but the quality of the bones is not high, so I choose some The tombs of all beings that cannot grow the bones of the sky."

"Go on!" Su Jin's face was solemn. In these starry sky lairs, there are immeasurable sojourners, even if it is him, it is extremely likely to be eliminated at any time!

"The mother qi of all things can transform all the spiritual essence, but it is also the most magical existence. They will kill all living beings, swallow all things, and finally wither into a sealing platform, condensing living monuments."

The words of murderous Wuzun aroused Su Jin's vigilance. He swept a half circle with the eyes of Maha Town Prison, and finally found Mo Hongyu's figure.

Under a broken wall, Mo Hongyu quietly opened the rune mechanism on the stone wall and walked in——

She didn't know that shortly after entering, there were several testers who followed.

"Although this is a test place for evolving the tombs of sentient beings, I always feel that it is not that simple." Su Jin opened a void passage and landed directly outside the fragment.

The symbol of Broken Wall was shining slightly, and there were red silhouette patterns around the remnant wall. These patterns seemed to be mysterious.

"Shenyin unites the corpse, this is the ancient god's forbidden to seize the house." Killing Wu Zun was a little surprised. Technology evolved."

"Do you think that the tomb of sentient beings evolved here is related to the one that contains the best celestial bones?" Su Jin asked.

"It's possible!" Killing Wuzun hesitated a little, "The great power of the **** array may have passed through the tomb of sentient beings to evolve the third level of test. Some of the hidden mysteries, even the **** It is very likely that the Array will not know it."

Su Jin patted the rune mechanism on the stone wall, and it disappeared in a flash.

"Tick, tick."

The underground space is equally cold, and a piece of colorful stalactites are covered with a layer of ice. Unless there is a heat wave sweeping down here, the ice on the stalactites would not melt.

"Those ancient gods of the pond are called'Blood Soup'! This is the Bone God Hall." Wuzun Murder was shocked, "The lost Bone God Hall, how did Mo Hongyu know this place?"

Mo Hongyu urged the lanterns, and the secret light was cast down. One after another, blood-colored soup pools, as if being catalyzed, began to gush out one after another.


Every blister shattered, and there was a strong **** corpse qi floating out!

"Brother Yan, what is she doing?" A tester who quietly followed in was quietly talking to her companion.

This is an eight-person team. The tallest person is Yan Yufei, the arrogant of the "Supreme Mansion". This person has achieved good results in the first and second levels, ranking in the top 15.

"Brother Mu, Brother Jiang, Brother Ji, you are ready to besiege this woman." Yan Yufei said lightly: "Snatch this woman's divine treasure lantern first. This lantern can protect her to the last pass. If she loses this treasure, she is a lamb to be slaughtered, nothing to worry about!"

"it is good!"

"It's really lucky to see her. The ancestor Yu Chanzi said that this woman was related to the tomb of the sentient beings. I didn't believe it. She was so familiar with the place. Who would have thought that under this ruin, there is something unique. Mystery Mansion!"

"Here is the evolution of the power of the gods, the gods can't be taken away, but when you encounter the scriptures, you must use jade to engrave them. It is the inheritance scripture of the first generation of bone gods. Very high price—"


Mo Hongyu walked all the way through the blood soup sacred pond, she looked back and saw that there was nothing wrong, and walked to the end of the Bone God Hall——

In the high hall of the hall, there is actually a chair carved with a dragon, with a bone sitting on it!

Mo Hongyu glanced at the ring on the second finger of Dry Bone's right hand, and just about to stretch out his hand, he felt a force of murderous aura emerge!

"Who!" Mo Hongyu turned around and looked at the opposite side of the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ‘blood soup pond’!

"Unexpectedly, I was discovered--" Yan Yufei spoke lightly, showing a figure.

Su Jin had already restrained his breath and looked at the pattern on the stone wall of the passage. He saw that the red arrow was pointing inward, and the ancient characters on the wall were mostly ‘soup’ and ‘tian’!

"Raising a corpse like soup and farming?" Su Jin looked into the distance, and the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine blood soup pool was really like a field, and he could even see each of them with the eyes of Maha Town. The corpse of the **** is soaking in the bottom of the pool!

Mo Hongyu frowned and looked at Yan Yufei and the others across the blood soup pool, feeling faintly--

"Supreme Mansion, Yan Yufei." Yan Yufei reported to his family.

"Danyang Sect, Jiang Wuyi."

"Nantian Daomen, Ji Hanye."

"Wu Clan Song Family, Song Tianyun!"


As the eight people reported their names one by one, the eyes in Mo Hongyu's robe and hat were extremely hostile. These eight people were definitely going to kill her when they reported to the sect!

"Hands! Heavenly Dao Wu Ban!" Ji Hanye turned over and smashed a stone slip!

Mo Hongyu was suffocated, she found that she could not move!

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