My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3171: Yan Lou!

At this time, Su Jin was no less than a super idol in the eyes of Princess Wuyou! It's hard to help her little fan girl!

Su Jin nodded calmly, looked at Emperor Huang, and said lightly: "Brother Huang has something to gain?"

"Quite abundance." The young Emperor Huang responded gently.

"Brother Huang thinks that at the last level, will the best celestial bones choose you and me?" Su Jin hesitated, and there was a rumors about how powerful the best celestial bones were, but he hadn't seen it before, so it's hard to judge. true and false.

"No, neither you nor I are qualified to make it recognize the master." The young Emperor Huang said truthfully.

Su Jin was secretly surprised. If there was a mysterious presence, Huangdi might even crush the red fish. It is rumored that he crawled out of a tomb of sentient beings. His origin is unknown. He was born as the peak of Tianjiao, but even this mysterious Huangdi Emperor, there is no trace of confidence to make the bones recognize the Lord that day——

Seeing that Su Jin didn't speak to herself, Princess Wuyou walked to Mo Hongyu in the state of red clothes instead.

"Sister, you are so beautiful, Wuyou still don't know your name?" Princess Wuyou glanced at her lantern, wondering why she changed her clothes after being with Ye Di.

"The beauty of the princess is known to all. My name is Mo Hongyu."

"But he still left with you just now." Princess Wuyou murmured, and immediately became cheerful, holding her hand, chatting for a while.

Su Jin talked with Emperor Huang, and at the same time knew the name of the young man of the Tianji God Race, the grandson of the God Ancestor of Tianji, named Ji Tianao, who personally gave the ancestor a surname.

"Bai Fan--" Ji Tianao's voice reminded Su Jin and Emperor Huang that Bai Fan suddenly appeared not far away.

"Everyone, please go through the door to the clearance and enter the fourth test." Bai Fan stretched out his hand to write and drew a door in front of several people with a magic pen.

"I want to walk with Brother Ye, to prevent him from harming me--" Ji Tianao carried the'heart of the meteor' as if he was afraid, and Su Jin took the lead and walked in.

Looking at the figures of the three boys in Su Jin, Princess Wuyou shrank her neck and whispered, "Ye seems to have changed her temperament, which puts a lot of pressure on her..."

"Do you feel this way too?" Mo Hongyu asked in surprise.


"If you can get to the last level, the three of them are the most likely to get the Lord of the Heavenly Bone." Mo Hongyu hesitated a little: "There is also the Taixing **** son, who is very amazing. I even feel Among the five hundred, there are still people hiding their strength—"

"Don't worry, that piece of sky bone will never be able to choose a master, and" Princess Wuyou shook her head, dragged Mo Hongyu together, and walked through the gate.

Just came out of the portal.

Su Jin felt a wave of heat coming!

The place where the five people stood was actually on a black mountain range. Like many people, there was a half-meter wide crystal red iron chain in front, and a rolling sea of ​​red and yellow lava at the bottom!

"It's him who made me'dead' in pain!"

The appearance of Su Jin attracted attention among four thousand people!

"Emperor Ye is the Buddha King in the Tongtian Hall. He is only an incarnation participating in the battle. Only an incarnation has such a fighting power. Let's stay away from him!"

"The Tianji God Clan Ji Tianao, the lantern woman, and Huang Di are all on his side. This combination is too strong, and there are few people who can match it!"

"How about Taihang God Child? He just seemed to have won many Tianjiao evildoers. With regard to his 100-man lineup, it is very likely that he will challenge Ye Di, a five-member team."

"The gods of Taihang were all killed by Yedi in the third stage just now, and appeared on the imperial city teleportation formation just as humiliatingly as us. His killing intent against Yedi is probably the strongest among others."

"Everyone is in danger at this level, be careful of those teams, as long as you want to clear the level, you must join the camp!"


The endless lava sea, the heat wave is difficult for people to control, where the soul is banned, and the scene at the end of the red chain cannot be seen. The situation makes people feel very uneasy.

Bai Fan glanced at everyone--

"The fourth level, Yanlou Pass, there are 108 chains in this black mountain range, leading to a building of natural flames. When you step on the chains, you will face the double test of your mind and perseverance!"

Bai Fan went on to say: "Seeing may not be true. Be careful of your teammates and the'Fire Spirit Charm' that may appear at any time. This level will eliminate two thousand people! The existence on top of the Yanlou should be the first One... I announce, the fourth level... now begins!"

This will eliminate two thousand people!

It seems that a large team is not a good thing! If some people have bad intentions, don't they want to slay their teammates to get rankings?


A series of five Vulcan auras circled five people including Su Jin.

"I'm walking in the forefront, clearing the way for Brother Ye!" Ji Tianao carried the'heart of the falling star', stepped on the red chain, and began to march towards the center with difficulty——

Su Jin feels okay, but the heat wave here has already exceeded his estimate. Even with the blessing of the Vulcan aura, Princess Wuyou and Mo Hongyu are still a little unbearable, and sweat drips out of their foreheads.

Mo Hongyu's strength is far higher than that of Princess Wuyou, but she least likes heat, especially when she steps on the fire lock, the mental and physical torment is far better than any hot zone she has ever encountered.

When no one in Su Jin came to a node, he suddenly realized that the fire locks were distributed in the shape of spider webs, and there were already rushes in other places!


A big crystal red tiger shook its giant body, spreading out an endless wave of heat, and slaughtered another red chain, among which more than ten monks in the first position, suddenly lowered the magic!

Suddenly there was dense lightning, blasting towards the Jinghong God Tiger!

Rumble, when the crystal red **** tiger roared low, there was actually a treasure mountain seal above it, hitting the crystal red **** tiger!

Seven of these small teams of more than ten people were swept to death, but the crystal red **** tiger was also smashed by the huge Baoshan seal, turning into drops of heat and falling into the terrifying magma sea.

"Ah—" Someone collapsed. As soon as his feet left the chains, he felt a horrible suction. This is a monk walking alone. He just saw a monster snake coming up from the red chains, and he was suddenly dominated by fear.

Su Jin frowned secretly and glanced at the man——

When the demon snake with a prudent pattern forced the solitary monk to open the chains, the void directly suppressed the person. This person could not even use his divine power and could only fall into the magma sea.

"The other teams are all facing the beast-shaped fire charm, why are we encountering the human form?" Ji Tianao cried out, looking at the crystal red figure dozens of steps away.

This sparkling charm is just a human form! It wears a crown, like a woman, it even melts the void behind it into black!

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