My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3173: Someone has reached the top!

That's right! Sitting cross in the void!

The King of Flame Dragon only reached out his head, most of his body was still in the endless magma sea, and his size was already higher than Su Jin's position!

Different from other giant dragons, every scale on the body of the Flame Dragon King is all in the shape of flames, which will give people a more overbearing and powerful feeling——

"What will Ye Di do--" Mo Hongyu became nervous and hesitated, and said to Princess Wuyou: "Do you think I should help him?"

"How do you help?" Princess Wuyou asked with a hot look at Mo Hongyu.

"I can limit the King of Flame Dragon from ten to twenty breathing times! This is already the limit!" Mo Hongyu estimated.

"It's useless, the King of Flame Dragon is full of precious scales, which is not comparable to other dragon races. Even the **** weapon can't break its defense. A dozen breaths can't help it!" Princess Wuyou said, shaking her head.


Mo Hongyu just wanted to speak, but suddenly she couldn't speak anymore...

In the eyes of everyone, Su Jin's figure gradually turned into golden lights, these golden lights seemed to burst out suddenly, like golden fireflies in the night sky!

The king of the flame dragon seemed to have sensed it. The dragon's eyes shrank like billowing lava, his body like hiding the clouds and the earth, leaning back slightly!

The atmosphere fell into a strange sense of tension!

Those golden fluorescence gradually formed a golden oval shape in the void!

On the other side, the young Huangdi took the monstrous water in his hand and continued to pour it around the Queen of Fire. It had no choice but to condense a fiery red war halberd and constantly sweep towards the Huangdi. This young man who crawled out of the grave of all living beings could deal with it. With ease, there is even time to look back at that oval golden light!

In the golden light enclosed in the void, it was like a hole. Gradually, there were inexplicable heartbeats around——

"Dragon Cave?" The young Emperor Huang had a strange look in his eyes, and he was distracted by it, and his body happened to avoid a diagonal sweep of the Queen of Fire!

Bang bang bang bang, the entire void seems to have a heart, every time it beats, it arouses fear!


In the oval golden light, an oriental golden dragon slowly raised its head!

Qiang Qiang! The dragon claws spread out among the clouds, and they were born with six fingers!

The golden dragon head emerges from the dragon cave, and every scale belonging to the golden sacred dragon seems to be able to brighten people's eyes! Give off an amazing light!

Wan Lai is dead! Until the entire golden sacred dragon's dragon body was manifested, many people discovered that the size of this dragon was far from enough compared to the king of the flame dragon!

The King of Flame Dragon is roaring, his momentum is not weak, at least he still has the courage to look directly at this golden sacred dragon, seems to want to discern whether its sacred dragon bloodline is pure!

"The Buddha King Yedi evolved a golden sacred dragon! Obviously the King of Flame Dragon didn't believe it--" Many people began to whisper in the imperial city.

"Evolution is evolution after all. There is only one golden sacred dragon in ancient times. It is the emperor of the entire dragon family. Where is it so easy to encounter, the trick of the night emperor is afraid that it will not work in the king of flame dragon."

"But it looks so realistic. Look carefully, you are still born with six claws—"

"If the King of the Flame Dragon can't tell the difference, he can tell the truth from a spit of heat. Look carefully, it has a tendency to move around!"


Everyone is paying close attention, the dragon power of the king of flame dragon is too horrible. Compared with it, the golden dragon that Su Jin transformed into is just the size of an insect!

The king of the flame dragon seemed unwilling to wait, and the supreme Wang Wei gave it enough courage. The mouth of the dragon that could hold the next city opened, and a ball of tumbling dragon flames began to condense into a ball!

"Try it--" Su Jin's extremely indifferent voice came from the golden dragon. He stood in the void. Although the dragon's body was not enough for the opponent, the golden light was more eye-catching than any existence!

The King of Yanlong's eyes were furious, and the dragon's body that had fallen into the lava sea was revealed, and the dragon's flame in the dragon's mouth was also extremely violent!


The King of Flame Dragon sprayed out the heat condensed in his mouth, but then, he saw an unbelievable scene!

The front paws of the golden sacred dragon seemed to glow with azure blue, one paw smashed the tumbling heat to pieces, and turned into ashes, but the king of the flame dragon did not even react, a golden six-finger dragon claw Brazenly caught on its head!

The fiery red dragon scales, on the head of the King of the Flame Dragon, were scratched with blood marks by the gradually hardening golden claws, and the defenses as strong as the King of the Flame Dragon could be broken!


Su Jin used the other dragon claw to directly grasp the dragon horn on the left side of the King of the Flame Dragon. This golden sacred dragon, which was far different from the King of the Flame Dragon, seemed to have an inexplicable mighty force. The king's dragon horns shook the entire huge dragon king body!

Accompanied by a loud bang, the King of the Flame Dragon was severely smashed into the black mountain range, smashing twelve black sacred mountains in an instant!

"My king is true forever, the eternal sacred dragon! The little dragon offends the sacred dragon, it is a death crime, and the sin deserves a million!" The king of the flame dragon shed a terrifying dragon blood on his forehead, and there are millions of cracks on the dragon's horns. Swim into the void tremblingly, afraid to look directly at the golden dragon body.

Su Jin's golden light dissipated and transformed into his original appearance, with a faint finger, the King of Flame Dragon with his head down was arrested.

"Take us to the Yanlou." Su Jin leaped with his hand and stood on top of the Yanlong King.

"Meiji, retreat—" The King of Flame Dragon screamed, the huge dragon body moved slightly, breaking several red chains, and the dragon body floated beside Princess Wuyou and others.

The Queen of Fire Enchanted glanced at the King of Yanlong hesitantly, she was still a bit unwilling to Emperor Huang! But now that the Dragon King is surrendered, it can only bow its head!

"Brother Ye is really a good method." Huang Di didn't want to embarrass the Fire Charm Queen. He stepped forward and stepped on top of the King of Flame Dragon, standing side by side with Su Jin.

Mo Hongyu, Princess Wuyou, and Ji Tianao are still in a daze, embarrassingly stepping onto the dragon's spine. This kind of experience of driving the King of Flame Dragon has never been experienced before!

"The Yanlou, someone has climbed to the top." Su Jin's tone was slightly calm. When he had just turned into a golden sacred dragon, he faintly saw the Yanlou rising from a sea of ​​magma, with someone standing on top.

"God of Taihang?" Huang Di asked in surprise.

"No, there are several people—" Su Jin shook his head.

"It seems that there are a lot of guys who hide their strength." Huang Di's tone returned to calm.

The three Mo Hongyu were on the dragon's spine, unable to move at all. After leaving the chain, the surrounding restraints made the people breathless.

With Su Jin's hand, Princess Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief, and the three of them were led by a big imaginary hand, and were directly caught to their side.

Mo Hongyu had just heard Su Jin's words, his tone was also extremely surprised, and he wondered: "Who is it that rushed to the top of the Yanlou so early?"

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