My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3184: Thousand Ge contends

Su Jin nodded to the Master of Ice Profound Palace----

Immediately Su Jin overlooked the boundless Yanhai, and he stood on top of the Yanlou! The undisputed number one!

"Ye Di is the number one again! Although he has four teammates this time, there is no doubt that it is he who has stood on the top of the Yanlou with his own power against the six inheritors of Sea King Jiyou!" People are cheering, and the whole kingdom of God seems to be much happier. After all, standing in the first position, there is also the worry-free princess of their Great Moon Kingdom!

"The trident combination is indeed amazing, and the future can be expected because of Shi Yi's poor character--"

"The most unlucky thing is the gods of Taixing, who are not in the top ten! Watch their rankings later! They should be disappointed."

"I really want to know what happened to the Ye Emperor in the past. Such an enchanting performance is by no means comparable to the elder sons of some big families, and the young Huang Emperor feels that he has more secrets-- "


Yanlou, void.

A spar screen showed the ranking of everyone, a total of four thousand people, two thousand eliminated!

Needless to say, the top ten, it’s just that the rankings of the gods of Taihang and Jun Wudao are surprising-

23rd place!

Among the two thousand people, although the ranking is not low, this ranking is definitely a shame that can never be washed away for the Taihang **** son!

The son of Taixing was full of resentment. If it weren't for too much power loss, how could he let those people be so rampant, everyone could suppress him! He was very dissatisfied. Looking at Su Jin, Emperor Huang, and the six strong Shijia experts, the jealousy in his heart was burning!

This was originally his glory!

Bai Fan appeared in the void of Yanlou, and said lightly: "Now those who can stand on Yanlou are all promoted. The number is 2000. The test of the fifth level is quite special. Here, Bai needs to remind you seriously, fifth level. There is a real risk of falling, and it will not be sent back to the imperial city. If you choose to quit, you can leave here directly—"

Really fall!

Just die--

In the last level and the third level, if it was a real world, Su Jin would kill all people if he knocked on the "Wang Gu Long Xiang Yi", this is no joke!

But now, from a few million people to the current two thousand people, who is willing to leave?

It will be the fifth level soon, that is to say, one step closer to that piece of superb bone!

Bai Fan glanced at all those who participated in the test and said, "After communication with the old man of the kingdom of God, I decided to open the first battle of the fifth level in this fifth level! You participate in the test, nothing more than two things, one is for fame and wealth. , The second is for the bones of the sky. This time, your chance is here! The location of the fifth level test is an "Ancient Starry Sky"! That starry sky is the closest to the Demon Land of "Endless Frontier Wilderness"!"

"Ah? How did you change it? Didn't you hear that you have been to the Disillusionment Cave in the fifth stage?" Among the two thousand people downstairs, Yan whispered.

"It may be related to the previous endless frontiers invading the graves of sentient beings——"

"Is this going to behead the devil?"

"It's wonderful! The test is not important, we have to kill the demons to prove the Dao, after all, we are only two thousand people, and it is dazzling enough in the gods! Everyone has a bright moment and is paid attention to by everyone!"

"Mr. Bai, I am not for fame and fortune, and I am not for the bones of heaven, I am here to marry the princess!"

Someone shouted, but it caused a burst of laughter.

Bai Fan laughed lightly when he heard the words, and nodded: "Everyone! Although the fifth level has the risk of falling, the benefits are also not small. There are many rare and exotic treasures in the ancient starry sky. Whoever gets it! The test of this level is nothing. From the beginning of the inheritance, you two thousand tianjiao have a great opportunity to obtain it!"

Inheritance without beginning——

The scene and the gods all over the world were all silent--

Among the most famous sages and sages from ancient times, there is no doubt that the Emperor Wu Shi can be ranked among them! Back then, the saints and sages died, and the emperor without beginning could not escape, so he chose to disappear in that ancient starry sky!

In the imperial city, there are many people who regret not taking part in the test! This is an endless inheritance. If it is obtained, it is much more powerful than some top grade bones. This is no longer a test that can be blocked by any danger!

Bai Fan didn't explain much. He quickly flipped the magic brush and drew a ray of starlight around the Yanlou. In these dense starlights, one line after another gradually swam out and connected into a star map!

"Fifth level! Open this dusty ancient starry sky, you cherish it!" Bai Fan swipes lightly, and 2,000 people only feel that their bodies are being pulled by inexplicable power, and then the scene changes drastically!

A void, split into a deep galaxy, with a full two thousand starlight gathering ships, braving the wind and waves, and heading to the fifth position!

"You'killed' me in the third stage. I may not be able to pass the fifth stage. Can you protect me?" The master of the Ice Profound Palace transmitted to Su Jin with a little embarrassed tone--

"We will all be separated. Looking at this galaxy, the thousands of rivers will flow to other areas in the end. Some people may not be able to meet until the end of the fifth level." Su Jin was slightly surprised, and spoke to the master of the Ice Profound Palace.

This is not within his control--

In the third level, Su Jin was able to track the Mo Hongyu with his **** pupils. There was 40% luck, and this galaxy obstructed the line of sight. If it flows to other areas, there is a distance of hundreds of millions of miles. How can he See this woman?

"You bring this snow lotus, and I can appear by your side--" The Bing Profound Palace Master smiled and released the blue and white snow lotus.

Su Jin grasped with suspicion, this snow lotus left around the Bing Profound Palace Master, and unexpectedly began to fold into a flower bud. This woman was too careless to avoid being too careless.

This flower is extremely vigorous and falls into the hands of other people. It is no less than a superb medicine. How can it be returned?

"Brother Ye, see you where there is no beginning!" The young Huangdi watched Su Jin stepping on the starlight ship and began to swim far, arching his hands.

"Goodbye, Brother Ye!" Ji Tianao also nodded his head.

"Soon, you have to be careful." Su Jin responded.

"Damn, I can't control this broken ship!" Princess Wuyou looked at Su Jin away angrily.

Mo Hongyu has been silent, looking at the back of Su Jinxingfenghunting, but there is a complex flash in the depths of his eyes, silently said in his heart: "You and I are destined to have different paths, whether it is here or in the eighth level. Behind the graves of all beings—"

A full two thousand directions, the endless depths of the galaxy spread like a luxuriant sacred tree, opening up countless tributaries, sending two thousand people into the ancient starry sky.

The starlight ship under Su Jin's feet gradually disappeared, and the surrounding area was pitch black, and a breath of vicissitudes of ancient years permeated.

Too lonely, like a flat boat in a sea, no one, no life, no light——

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