My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3186: The dragon body is a ladder, Luohou!

When the strands of blue tentacles escaped, the fishy smell around them was more than three times stronger!

The corner of Su Jin's eyes flashed sharply, raised his robe sleeves, pointed at the top of the cabin, and yelled softly, "Come on!"

The Master of the Ice Profound Palace was shocked, and he saw a series of sword marks sacred in the void silently. In these sword marks, there was a giant divine sword faintly surrounded, and each condensed divine sword was like a mountain. The size!

Not only that, Bing Xuan followed Su Jin's instructions to the princess and saw a circle of dazzling sword marks vortexes, which were manifesting above the stone pillars——

Sword embryo?

The Lord of the Ice Profound Palace didn't know how to describe the magic weapon revealed in the whirlpool. This feeling was very strange. He said it was a sword embryo, but the sword embryo had a sharp edge!

The faint light gradually flickered, and the faint blue tentacles surrounded the entire cabin, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense!

"You...obviously can escape..." The weak voice, like an aging old man, came out weakly.


The entire stone pillar burst into pieces, Su Jin and Bing Profound Palace Master's body, all propped up a divine glow to avoid being affected!

A pale youth floated on the ground--

The Bing Profound Palace Master was a little surprised. The person who spoke just now was obviously in that old voice, but now he looked like a young man! The young man's clothes were ragged, and his body was full of gloomy stench and shiny——

"Who are you?" Bing Profound Palace Master asked boldly.

"Who am I? I have forgotten it myself." The pale youth, as if remembering seriously, then he looked at Su Jin and said: "Just now you said one thing is right, the oil will only light up. Withered, these corpse oils can keep my youthful body from aging, but... I still can't resist the invasion of time—"

"The voice of aging, the soul of aging, do you want to keep the two of me by these means?" Su Jin asked, squinting.

"This is different from other places. This is the dragon cave starry sky of the dragon in the sky. It is difficult for you to go out. And I only need to seize you to be able to glorify the world!"

The young man looked at Su Jin and the Bingxuan Palace Master with greedy eyes, and continued: "Seize you, and then **** up her primordial yin divine power, this seat can get out of trouble——"

The corner of Su Jin's mouth was raised, and his finger was lightly swiped, a imaginary giant sword light cut across the young man's position!

Whoosh whoosh——

Pieces of sword light, each with a width of hundreds of meters, cut across in an instant, and even chopped off the top of the entire warship to dust. But strangely speaking, the speed of this young man was so fast, as if it were him. Jian Guang actually jumped into the void!

"It's amazing!" The Bing Profound Palace Master felt that this young man was a little unusual, and she was a little anxious, but she didn't seem anxious at all when she looked at Ye Di.

Su Jin’s fingers gathered in the sky with countless giant swordsmen, these huge swords like mountain faults were slowly leaning, but when his palms were slowly held lightly, those huge swords were all slashed towards the youth!

"Da Luo Shendao, Heavenly Dragon Throne!"

The young man realized that it was not good, and he raised his head fiercely in the void, his eyes filled with silver, and his fists were clenched, and the broken clothes on his upper body suddenly turned black and gray——

"He has words on his body! Colorful scriptures!" Bingxuan Palace Master shouted.

"I'm not blind, you stay away." Su Jin said calmly.

Seeing that Su Jin stabbed Lou Zi, the lord of the Ice Profound Palace even dared to speak calmly, pretending to be calm, and immediately raised her snow-white lotus arm, injured another spar snow bow, and said, "No, I want to help you!"

It was the first time for Su Jin to see such strange scriptures. The colorful scriptures on this young man's body were like curtains, slowly drifting out of the surface of the skin, and quickly swirling around!

"I remember, I am the demon Lord Luohou!" The young man was surrounded by countless colorful handwritings. These colorful ancient characters gradually gathered on the soles of his feet and became a huge compass that evolved the path of heaven!

Color compass!

After the formation of a colored compass that radiated a billion miles of void, Luohou's body shook again, and he rose rapidly, and his divine body quickly grew!

Ten thousand heads of dragon corpses form a ladder, and a total of 10,000 dragon heads are piled up behind a terrifying ‘throne’ to form a dragon’s head pagoda!

The dragon corpse is a ladder!

Boom boom boom! Countless giants like a mountain of God soldiers, in the divine power emanating from the colorful compass, were directly shattered, and even a single sacred light was crushed!

"Have you pretended enough?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"You two met this seat, awakened this seat, and will soon become the prey of this seat. This is your chance and an honor as well—" Luohou said with emotion, condescending, looking at Su Jin Said.

"Oh? Then what are you going to do?" Su Jin looked at the spectacular colorful compass, then looked at Luohou, always feeling something was wrong.

"I will occupy your body first, and then use your body to form a good companion with her. In this way, it will be cheaper. You kid--" Luohou laughed strangely.

Ice Profound Palace Master Xia Fei's cheeks, raising her hand to draw the bow, an ice arrow shot Luohou directly!


Luohou gently lifted it with his giant arm, and this ice arrow seemed to be only half an inch long in his hand, and was directly broken by his fingers.

The Bing Profound Palace Master showed a shocked expression, this... how can this fight?

"Hahahaha—" Su Jin looked up to the sky and laughed uncharacteristically.

Laughing wildly at this time, even the Master of the Ice Profound Palace was a little inexplicable!

"What are you laughing at!" Luohou smiled strangely and asked coldly.

"I laugh at you as stupid, this king is just an incarnation now, the deity is still far away, you can't even see this, where can you go?"

Su Jin smiled happily, and pointed to the Master of the Ice Profound Palace, and said in a very serious tone: "Friend, why don't you take her away, experience the difficulty of being a woman——"

The master of the Ice Profound Palace trembled softly, she really forgot about it! At this moment, Su Jin's deity is in the Tongtian Temple of the'Great Moon Imperial City'. This avatar may only have the primordial spirit in charge, and it is impossible for the opponent to seize his avatar!

Luohou's face was dumbfounded-

Boom boom boom!

Not only Luohou has opened a few divine eyes on his brows, and even the ‘Dragon Head Tower’ piled up by ten thousand dragon heads behind the ‘Dragon Throne’, all the dragon eyes are opened, staring at Su Jin!

how come--

How can there be no flesh and blood!

Luo Hou was a bit unwilling. He waited for countless years, trapped by the sky dragons in this starry sky, almost hopeless to get out of the trap. This is the opportunity he finally waited for.

"The Tao fruit I have achieved for thousands of years has allowed me to take away the female cultivator!" Luohou looked at the Bing Profound Palace Master, almost vomiting blood! Is this a destiny destined to be?

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