My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3188: Luohou, die!

Just as Luohou laughed, Su Jin's words were extremely ridiculous in his ears!

The Bing Profound Palace Master also doubted Su Jin’s words very much. Now Luohou is invincible for a short period of time. Unless it can be delayed for a certain period of time, this person will be extremely difficult to deal with—

Su Jin just wants to explain with practical actions!

Under the gaze of the Bing Profound Palace Master, Su Jin's body trembled, and the whole person was filled with dazzling golden light!

"Does he want to use the golden sacred dragon to kill Luohou again?" The Bing Profound Palace Master felt a little unbelievable. She felt that even if Su Jin used this trick, she was far from being able to contend against the opponent.

in the end--

Where is the problem?

The Bing Profound Palace Master wanted to persuade Su Jin very much, but the Ye Emperor had always been confident, even so confident that he was a little conceited!

"Golden dragon!" Luo Hou was obviously surprised, but soon he burst into laughter, "Do you want to summon the sky dragon here with the body of a golden dragon? It's ridiculous, don't be afraid to tell you! Even this The strongest rainbow dragon in the Pianlong Cave appeared, and could not escape the bombardment of this seat. Your abacus was lost!"

"is it?"

The golden dragon opened his mouth and Su Jin's voice came out. As soon as his voice fell, a golden dragon arm turned into layers of phantoms, shooting towards Luohou!

"Useless! You can't break the defense of this seat, it's just in vain!" Luo Hou didn't put Su Jin in his eyes. His current body is extremely huge and has invincible defense power, at least in Su Jin and Ice Profound Palace. Invincible in front of the two masters!


Luohou's face suddenly changed!

This golden dragon definitely has a problem! When its dragon arm got close, Luohou felt the pervasive aura of danger! How could this feeling appear on a little bug!

The rumbling noise gradually dissipated, and Luohou's defense was instantly shattered. The gods he condensed with the power of the demon god, just like tofu in front of the dragon's arm, are as vulnerable to a blow!

When this step was achieved, Su Jin disintegrated the body of the golden sacred dragon, and his eyes suddenly turned into a pair of fiery red colors through the cover of the golden brilliance during the disintegration!

not good!

When Luohou reacted, he only saw two pillars of fire, sweeping directly on him like rays. If it were a pure divine power flame, perhaps he was not afraid, but why this kind of fire could not be extinguished!

"Idiot, you have been soaked in corpse oil for countless years, and the corpse oil has even penetrated outside the meridians. What is the difference between this and the gunpowder barrel? This king said that you are stupid and praise you--" Su Jin stepped back to the ice Beside the Profound Palace Master, he said lightly to Luohou.

Sure enough, what was greeted was naturally the look in the eyes of Bingxuan Palace Master extremely worshiping!

At this level, even the Bing Profound Palace Master didn't even think of it! She didn't even think about that!

Luohou screamed, and the feeling of burning his body was not without pain. This cruel way even made him unable to die temporarily, and he could only keep rolling in the void!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Can't match the current pain!

The souls are all set ablaze--

Flesh, bones, soul, Luohou hate! Hate, why didn't I slap Su Jin to death!

But Luohou knew that he didn't have this opportunity at all. This flaw, as Su Jin said, was really too big, it was just a fire!

"I'm a ghost... I won't let you be a ghost--" Luohou screamed in the flames, and let out a curse voice.

"Come on, you have to worship this king if you are a ghost. When this king tells you to go east, you dare not go west." Su Jin sniffed.

This fire burned for half an hour!

From dying, to the death of his soul, and then to the flames dissipating, most of Luohou's body has turned into a handful of ashes, scattered in the void.

"His skull is still--" The Bing Profound Palace Master pointed at the skull, then threw out a blue kit, and put away the skull.

"Take it." Su Jin glanced at the dragon fishing boat, then looked around, thinking.

The Bing Profound Palace Master's heart sank, "The starry sky that can imprison such a strong man must be an invincible divine forbidden, and I just tried it several times, and I couldn't go out at all."

"Don't you have snow lotus? Try snow lotus—" Su Jin said lightly.

"But Snow Lotus has to be taken away. Now that Snow Lotus is in my hands, it will be trapped by this large formation and it will not work at all." said the Bing Profound Palace Master.

"That would be miserable." Su Jin walked to the side of the master of the Ice Profound Palace and grabbed her left waist.

"Uh, what are you doing?" The Bing Profound Palace Master felt that Su Jin really made her speechless, and always loves to take advantage of others, although this kind of behavior is nothing--

"Take you out." Su Jin sighed.

"Do you know how to get out?"

"I know--"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"The movement will be a little bit loud later, you first face me slightly--" Su Jin held a pretty waist, and then said: "Close your eyes, put your hands on my shoulders, and I will take you out."

This posture is weird!

The Bing Profound Palace Master believed it was true, and did what Su Jin said.

Su Jin's right hand quietly faced the starry sky in the north, and gave a slight shock!

A huge six-fingered palm of vain quality condensed, and Su Jin suddenly turned into a magical rainbow and followed it!

Six claws cover the sky, one palm breaks ten thousand forbidden! This is Su Jin's confidence, even if he is deeply trapped in the divine formation, it is the simplest and most direct thing to break!

Sure enough, a crack in the dark blue starry sky appeared from the place where the palm print passed, and Su Jin felt that the inexhaustible array patterns were flickering, and they did not close together for the time being——


The momentum is too great, the storm is blowing hard to open eyes! While the Bing Profound Palace Master was nervous, he secretly opened his eyes and found that she was holding Su Jin's neck with both hands, and soon she saw the starry sky of floating meteorites!

Su Jin's profile is a little handsome!

The Bing Profound Palace Master was embarrassed, with a red cloud face on his cheeks. This feeling was very strange, especially in such a delicate situation now!

At least, the Bing Profound Palace Master has never been so close to people--

"Is it out already?" Bing Profound Palace Master asked.

"Well, on the way."

"Then you still don't let me go?"

"Look carefully... who won't let go of who..." Su Jin's face was strange.

Under the words, the Bing Profound Palace Master flushed, loosened Su Jin's neck, stabilized his body, a little uncomfortable.

"According to the demon's statement just now, it should still belong to the Dragon Cave Starry Sky." The Master of the Ice Profound Palace stroked a bunch of blue silk in front of him, and continued: "We just cut off a demon. Time is running out— —"

"Don't move--" Su Jin suddenly said, causing Bing Profound Palace Master's heart to raise his throat.

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