My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3197: Cliff, bury the three sages!

More and more people began to gather in this starry sky where the beginningless saint emperor disappeared.

When the confluence with Emperor Huang was less than half of the incense, almost half of the five thousand testers in this level came!

Su Jin stayed with Emperor Huang, naturally because he had to wait for Mo Hongyu and Princess Wuyou——

"Brother Ye, Brother Huang!" Ji Tianao carried Ba Yue Kaitian Divine Sword with one hand, and walked slowly in the envious eyes of many people. Although he was wearing the ragged clothes lent to him by Emperor Huang, he was outstanding. His appearance and distinguished family background are still very eye-catching among the testers.

"We are here!" Princess Wuyou kept beckoning, and together with Mo Hongyu, turned into a long rainbow and descended.

"Ye Di, you..." Mo Hongyu focused on Su Jin at first glance.

Mo Hongyu felt that Su Jin had changed a little, whether it was temperament or strength, there was a sense of inexplicability, in short, this guy might have another chance.

"Evil, Evil Phoenix!" Princess Wuyou smiled sharply. She always felt that the black-clothed beauty next to Su Jin was a bit familiar. After thinking about it, she suddenly determined the identity of the other party and quickly went backwards.


Mo Hongyu inhaled slightly, she didn't see it! I really didn't realize that this black-clothed beauty was the terrifying evil-hearted Phoenix!

This news broke out and exploded directly in the crowd of testers!

"The evil heart phoenix, together with the dragon demon, appeared in a tomb of sentient beings governed by the Great Moon God Kingdom not long ago! This demon girl is an existence in an endless border, why would she stand with Ye Di?" Eyes, dare not talk.

"Yeah! What's going on, this is the great demon **** in the endless wilderness, plus Ye Di and her are already incompatible with each other, why would they be with Ye Di!"

"Could it be that he is hiding by Ye Di? Ye Di's cultivation level, in such eyes, it is impossible not to notice it! What is the situation?"

Those who were tested around were all talking about it, if it weren't because Bai Fan said that after reaching the "land of no beginning, no way to eliminate", Bai Fan could only explore after he appeared, otherwise it would be difficult for others to discover this situation.

The Taihang **** son glanced at each other with Jun Wudao, his eyes were equally surprised——

"Everyone, this evil-hearted phoenix, as the great enemy of my god, appeared next to Ye Di. From the perspective of this **** child, it must be Ye Di colluding with the border and wasteland, and then using her state of being transformed into a human body, trying to hide the sky and cross the sea. Wait for my eyes and ears!" The voice of the **** son Taihang spread all around.

Jun Wudao nodded and said: "Yes! The original intention of the Kingdom of God to establish the Sky Bone Test is to resist the border famine. Now that the emperor is colluding with the endless border famine, he should betray my God and heaven, and he should be killed. , Or expelled!"

Princess Wuyou knows that her mouth is a disaster, but she has regretted it now, looking at Su Jin with apologetic eyes——

The surrounding atmosphere is developing in an uncontrollable direction! Every tester seems to be asking for an explanation!

Even in the Great Moon Kingdom, many monks who watched the battle in the imperial city, as well as the eliminated testers, were aggrieved.

"Emperor Ye colluded with the demon girl. Now there is no beginning to eliminate the land, and Bianhuang is almost within reach. What exactly does Yedi want to do?" There are imperial cultivators who hate the demon of Bianhuang very much, but they don’t understand Su Jin’s approach. .

"Don't panic everyone, Ye Di hasn't even opened an explanation yet, there must be a reason for this."

"What's the reason? Yedi won't get rid of, I'm not satisfied!"

"Now the gods are rumored that there are sages born in the endless wilderness, and Ye Di must have followed the sages. Where can I put the people in the gods and heavens in my eyes!"



The matter is very important. Bai Fan appeared in the Land of No Beginning and Elimination for the first time. The demon on the edge of this trip was ready to move. He and some other powerful men had long hidden nearby to keep this pass safe, but he did not expect Such a big incident happened.

Fortunately, Su Jin's face was very calm, calm to the point of strangeness——

Under everyone's gaze, Su Jin slowly turned around, clasped his hands together, and for a moment the sacred Buddha light shone all over the sky. At this time, his clothes seemed to be in an unreal state of Buddha clothes, flying like flying.

"If you ask for an explanation, I'll give an explanation." Su Jin calmly said: "This demon girl is indeed an evil-hearted Phoenix, but she has now changed her evil spirits to righteousness, and not long ago, she helped this king behead an endless horror. The super demon god, captured an extremely high status Frost Witch."


Can things be reversed like this?

Evil Phoenix glared at Su Jin. This person really had something, but as a demon, when she said that she changed her evil spirits, she felt like she was teasing her!

Without saying a word, the lord of Ice Profound Palace immediately waved his hand, and the'skull' belonging to Luohou not long ago was released immediately. This skull was steaming with terrible devil energy, shaking, and almost immediately giving birth to evil spirits , It is enough to show the strength of his life!

"I can testify! The Buddha used the monstrous Buddha power to influence the evil heart phoenix. This skull is the great demon of the border, Luohou, and was cut down by the Buddha himself." said the Bingxuan Palace Master.

The faces of the gods of Taihang and Jun Wudao changed slightly, they never expected that they would forget the other identity of Ye Di! This emperor of the night is, ‘the wheel of life and death, the ancient truth of the Buddha, the Buddha! ’

This Buddha King's current status in the Great Moon God Kingdom is detached!

When Bai Fan heard the words, his nervous expression relaxed. If this is the case, it is really nothing. He also recruited a super power for Shentian out of thin air.

Regardless of whether the evil-hearted phoenix is ​​being probated or not, if you want to come to this ‘land of no beginning, the devil’s will not be willing to be lonely, and you will be able to judge if this woman can’t make a move.

Almost the Bing Profound Palace Master had finished speaking, and everyone in Dayue Imperial City suddenly realized that he had misunderstood the Buddha, and directed towards the Tongtian Hall, begging the Buddha for forgiveness.

The six inheritors of Sea King Jiyou cast their eyes on——

Shi Yi politely nodded at Su Jin, feeling that those who questioned Yedi were quite stupid. It was normal for the Buddha to persuade others to be kind and to make people correct evil. I really didn't know what was wrong.

"I'm sorry." Princess Wuyou whispered to Su Jin, apologetically.

"It's nothing, I can't hide it." Su Jin knew that Princess Wuyou was simply surprised, and didn't have any bad thoughts, and didn't care at all.

"Brother Ye seems to have another big fortune." The young Huangdi glanced at the skull of'Luohou' and said with a smile.

"Slightly rewarded." Su Jin nodded.

"The place where there is no beginning, I have to use my full strength, brother Ye don't let me take your first place." The young Huangdi scratched his head and said haha.

Although this level is ranked first according to the Demon Head, there is still a special factor. If someone really gets the inheritance of the Emperor Without Beginning, then it will undoubtedly become the first!

Su Jin smiled and said nothing.

"Back then, this was a place where no beginning holy emperor disappeared. Similarly, this is also a place where you fought fiercely against the demon and sage of the border. You need to pay attention to it. Maybe you can find Xianbao." Bai Fan glanced at the surrounding stars. Hongya pretended to speak in a relaxed voice.

"Mr. Bai! When will the demon in the borderland appear? We can't wait to kill it!" The tester said confidently.

"Yes, Mr. Bai, you can't intervene in the powerhouses of your level at this level, let me wait to kill the devil, and then see the ranking!"


Bai Fan smiled bitterly, motioned for everyone to be quiet, and said: "The devil in the border is impossible to appear. That is not what you can deal with, but the great demon gods and the like are very likely to appear. You are now starting to start looking for the sages. Bao’s opportunity is rare."

Xian Bao——

Many people's eyes lit up.

Su Jin and his party began to walk toward the depths unhurriedly. If it weren't for the borderlands, this land of God would definitely be a beautiful place, and the atmosphere of Canggu could be felt everywhere.

"Look at me finding the Unstarted Heavy Treasure and gaining the Unstarted Inheritance, and see if he dares to be so arrogant!" The Taihang **** son watched Su Jin and the others leave, and silently made up his mind.

Along the way, Evil Heart Phoenix was always a little uneasy. She stopped from time to time and looked at the **** starry sky, her expression constantly changing.

Su Jin opened the **** pupil and found a historic site. The historic site is a **** cliff with an endless abyss at the bottom of which there is no end in sight——

"Moya, bury the three sages." On the cliff, there were five faint giant writings.

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