My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3231: distrust?

As soon as this point came out, it seemed that the whole world would be suppressed!

The evil heart phoenix began to suffocate, looking up at the sky in disbelief. In the vortex that the entire sky turned into, the remnant fingers were so striking, she knew what it meant--

Not long ago, the incarnation of Wu Shi handed down its origins to Su Jin. In addition to another piece of "Wu Shi Bell", there is also a method of heavenly arms. Obviously, this is what Ye Emperor is currently using!

"This arm--" The young Huangdi's face changed drastically, and his heartbeat accelerated as he looked at the slowly exposed part of the finger.

"It is the Heaven Arm that Wu Shi passed to the Ye Emperor." Xie Xin Phoenix said with difficulty breathing.

Sky arm!

Evil Heart Phoenix was very puzzled.

It didn't take long for Su Jin to realize this method at the time, and he seemed to say that this method is difficult to cultivate!

"It was passed on by the Emperor Wu Shi to Ye Di!" Princess Wuyou was surprised.

"I understand. Although the Ye Emperor used this method, it hasn't reached the point where the Holy Emperor Without Beginning, and even only has its form, but he has mastered this method to the point of being small, and he is still in such a short time. The evil heart Phoenix really began to admire Su Jin. This kind of talent is no wonder the Saint Emperor Wu Shi has taken a fancy to him, and he does not hesitate to personally communicate with Su Jin face to face.

"The **** of Taihang really does not live or die, his face now is as ugly as it is." Ji Tianao said with a smile.

"You are in the Tomb of Wu Shi, I am afraid that you have also got a great chance--" The Bing Profound Palace Master asked with envy, looking at the Evil Phoenix.

"I have obtained the true source of Feng Ancestor." Evil Heart Phoenix did not hide it.


Now, the pressure of the battle is on the side of the Taixing Godzi, his confidence just now is being worn away! The hand above the sky, like a blue-red porcelain arm, had a perfect opening on the surface, but some parts of the five fingers were even broken, but it could still cause him very strong pressure.

"Although you want to obliterate me! But you can't do it at all. I have now obtained "The Great Way of Yin and Yang". I can become Yin and Yang, and I am invincible at the same level!"

The **** of Taihang screamed at Su Jin as if he was crazy, with the yin and yang sky above his head, his feet on the yin and yang ground, and straight to the heavens, wanting to break through the shackles and break Su Jin's means!

Facing this kind of sight, Bai Fan's experience became more and more profound——

If Su Jin was just terrifying talent before, he would admit it without hesitation, but the arm that protruded from the sky was not Su Jin condensed. This is a supreme magic technique with infinite Dao marks. It is necessary to realize that people who can do this are very few in Bai Fan's impression of God!

At this moment, the **** son of Taihang was already under great pressure, and was in frontal contact with the arm that fell from the sky!

"How come!" The **** son of Taihang wanted to use the Yin-Yang map he had transformed to break this arm, but as he approached the tip of one of his fingers, he realized something was wrong!

The body of the **** son of Taihang instinctively wanted to avoid the crisis. He immediately decided that if he confronted head-on, his divine body would instantly shatter!

Open yin and yang!

The Taihang **** son did not hesitate, and the whole person made a Peng Ran, turning into a black and white, two divine powers jumping up and down, contending with that arm——

Su Jin was a little sorry.

Although the method of the sky arm is tyrannical, but now it only has the power of fur, far can not compare with the holy emperor without beginning, he can even maintain the form of the sky arm, changing to the beginning, and directly obliterate the **** of Taihang.

"Ye Di, you are nothing more than this--" the voice of the **** son Taixing came out.

Many testers were amazed that in the previous test, the Taihang Godzi once united with Jun Wudao and competed against the emperor of the night. That time they lost terribly, but they did not expect that they would have such strength in the fifth level.

"In the form of yin and yang, the son of Taihang has done it! Yedi doesn't seem to be so terrible, is this arithmetic broken by the son of Taihang?" Some tester said in shock.

"Sure enough, the **** son of Taihang has the capital to clamor, he proved himself with confidence and proved that he is no worse than Ye Di!"

"Wonderful, too wonderful, if the **** child of Taihang maintains this state, who can kill him? Invincible of the same rank is really not a blow, I guess Yedi is having a headache now."

"Although he can't help that arm, Ye Di can't defeat him in this state. This person really has a great opportunity to find the most suitable road for him."

"Look, Ye Di seems to have a way to deal with it!"


Su Jin coldly looked at the yin and yang qi, the lightning mark on the center of his eyebrows, was emitting a dazzling light, that divine pupil, vaguely wanted to open his eyes!

"Brother Ye's pupils were all fine before, and now he wants to turn on the pupils, why does it make people feel so difficult?" The handsome screamed, his expression obviously surprised.

Evil-hearted Phoenix said anxiously: "Ye Emperor's divine pupil seems to have been sublimated in the Tomb of Wu Shi. He said that he can't open his eyes easily, and open his eyes to death—"

"So scary?" Ji Tianao was scared to take a step back.

"I'm not sure, no one has seen his sublimated divine pupil power. I feel that he is turned on now. Killing the Taixing **** child is one of them. More importantly, he wants to break the illusion and find the trace of Mo Hongyu." Evil Heart Phoenix Road.

"The **** child of Taihang is not so easy to kill." The young Huangdi doubted the evil heart Phoenix's words, because the **** child of Taihang was almost invincible in this state of yin and yang, similar to the night emperor's wordless Tian Mi, completely turned into Own avenue.

Even the young Huangdi has nothing to do with this Taixing **** in a short period of time——

Princess Wuyou, Yucha Moniang and other women all looked at them in a daze, not even daring to blink their eyes!

Su Jin stood proudly in the void, although he didn't move the first half of a minute, the divine light from his brows was enough to move people!

"You--" The yin and yang qi in the incarnation of the **** child of Taihang can still be agile and free under the suppression of the arm of the day, but he never expected that Su Jin wanted to sacrifice him with pupil skills!

"Your time is running out, let's tell the funeral now." Su Jin said indifferently.

"You can't kill me!" The Taihang Godzi didn't believe a word of Su Jin's nonsense.

Su Jin looked indifferent, and continued: "I opened this pupil and can sacrifice and kill a great evil god. How do you compare with a great evil **** in the borderland?"

Sacrifice and kill the evil god!

How can the Great Evil God compare with the Taixing God Son? At present, the God Child of Taihang is only the Little Perfection of the Supreme God, and it is unknown how many years it will take to reach the Great Perfection, and the Great Evil God is divided according to the realm of the human race, which is a higher level of existence than the Supreme God!

"I don't believe it--" the **** son Taihang said.

Su Jin didn't say much. He used his whole body strength to bless the eyebrows and the eyes, trying to open the eyes, but he had tried several times without realizing it, but he didn't succeed!

Fortunately, the next moment! Su Jin's body shook slightly, and a faint gray light appeared between his brows!

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